Participate Wherever God Invites You
[3 minute read]

Hello friend,

Come and pray with our Global Workers today. Together, we want to bring blessing and encouragement to one another. There is a beautiful spirit of encouragement in our team, to engage you, as part of our EMCC family, in however and wherever God has invited you to participate in Jesus' mission. And you will have an opportunity to extend that same encouragement, partnership, and prayer.

We've heard this week from some of our global workers, who've passionately shared things like:

"Lord Jesus, I yield myself for service today".

"Show yourself strong through my weakness, not merely my ability".

"Allow me to be a blessing by getting behind, or beside others, that they can shine, and share their gifts".

This posture of availability is infused with an adaptive mindset, and a sense of joining others on their journey with Jesus. Believing, leaning, and trusting in God’s all-sufficient nature has helped our Global Workers be constantly ready for the new realities, opportunities, and transitions that are presented before them. 

We, at World Partners, believe this attitude of availability and adaptability is a prayer for ALL of us. We hope this week has left you inspired and willing to ask the question: What is Jesus saying to you? What might be your next step? 

How might Jesus be inspiring you to participate in His mission? Maybe it is….

  • To see that right where you are is where God has sent you? 

  • To explore how your Business or Profession is part of your witness? 

  • To explore internship or cross-cultural learning near you? 

  • To encourage a global mission heartbeat in your church? 

  • To simply live and follow Jesus through your everyday life? 

  • To disciple or mentor someone today?

As those prayers, thoughts, and next steps stir within you and those around you, we’d love to hear about them. 

World Partners is here to serve the EMCC, and to assist you in inspiring you and your people, from any generation, to be engaged and involved wherever God invites you.


Review and share any of these stories, and thank you for standing with our Global Workers, supporting and partnering with them as part of our family. We hope their stories encourage you, as fellow participants in Jesus’ mission. May we all discover what it means to live and follow Jesus on mission in our contexts.
TODAY, pray and engage with Global Workers.

Register before 9AM MT | 11AM ET
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