Aquatic weeds and a hazardous algae bloom turn water in the Tahoe Keys a murky green.
A Critical Decision on Invasive Species at Tahoe
2022 begins at an important crossroads for Lake Tahoe. On January 12 and 13, the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board will make a decision on one of the most important issues facing Lake Tahoe’s ecological future – controlling aquatic invasive weeds. You’re invited to attend this important virtual hearing for the Tahoe Keys Lagoons Aquatic Weed Control Methods Test, or CMT for short.
Join the League by speaking out in favor of the CMT. Please consider adding your name to this letter of support today.
As a believer in our mission to Keep Tahoe Blue, you know that aquatic invasive species are the greatest ecological threat to the Lake's health, as well as our enjoyment of its sparkling blue waters. The Tahoe Keys are ground zero for the infestation of aquatic invasive weeds at Tahoe, which is spreading further into the Lake.
Aquatic weeds creep out of the Tahoe Keys (bottom right) and into the Lake itself.
PC: Marine Taxonomic Services
To put this threat in check, a proposal to test a suite of control methods is moving toward a final decision, following a thorough environmental review process.
The League Strongly Supports the CMT
It all comes back to our missionprotecting Lake Tahoe's water quality and clarity today and for future generations. Here's why we support the test:

  • Science clearly shows that aquatic weeds pose a dire threat to the Lake.

  • Not taking immediate action, and continuing with the status quo, will not solve the problem – it will harm Lake Tahoe's water quality.

  • The fate of all of Lake Tahoe, not just the south shore, is at stake.

Watch the January 12 Hearing
Here’s how to join the virtual hearing that begins on Wednesday, January 12 at 10:00 am PST.

In case you missed it, recent news stories by the Associated Press and Reno Gazette Journal provide an overview of the issue.
Support a Healthy, Beautiful Lake Tahoe
Please remember to add your name to the letter supporting the CMT. This is your chance to help tackle Tahoe’s dire aquatic invasive species threat.
Share this eNewsletter.
League to Save Lake Tahoe | 530.541.5388 |