Volume 5 | October 15, 2021
Flying with the Eagles
Welcome back to Flying with the Eagles, our way of opening up the communication line between school and community. We use this newsletter to update you on North Bullitt specific information, as well as the the successes of our students and the creative teaching methods our teachers are coming up with. This newsletter is bi-weekly, rotating with the district’s. 

If you are a family that does not yet have children at North Bullitt, you may wonder why you're receiving this. Since your students will someday be part of the NB community, we wanted to be sure you know about all the great things happening here. In addition, we will be sharing stories periodically from the elementary and middle schools – so be sure to stay on our list.

We urge you to forward this newsletter to any friends you think might be interested in receiving it — our success is your success, and we want to share it with everyone. 

Thank you for your support of our school. Enjoy Flying with the Eagles!

Students strive toward inclusivity
SOAR Student Ambassadors implement popular + inclusive event for students
This year, the Soar Student Ambassadors’ (SSA) mission statement is The NBHS Experience: If you don’t like it, change it. After a year of unpredictable changes and unrest, the SSA wants to help students come together and create a more inclusive environment for all NBHS students.

Allied Health students help at elementary vision + hearing screenings
Before Fall Break, Allied Health teachers Mrs. Keehn and Mrs. Woods took some selected Allied Health students to Brooks and Overdale Elementary schools to assist them with their schoolwide vision and hearing screenings.

JROTC visits UK ROTC program
On Tuesday, October 12, several cadets from the NBHS JROTC program visited the University of Kentucky to learn more about UK ROTC and what the school and program had to offer.

Keep up with us!