Canadian Hand - Made Gifts & Souvenirs
From Coast to Coast

Hello friends & family of Cornerstone! Sunny September is HERE! Where one minute we are shutting down the store because of Covid-19 in March and the next minute we are saying welcome to fall....,"Who'd a thunk it!!"
September is proving to be a busy month here at the store and in Kingston as well. At this time we would like to give a warm welcome to new & returning students to Queens University, Royal Military College and Saint Lawrence College. Your year may be looking a little different with more emphasis on the "on-line" lectures taking the spotlight over the lecture hall. Socially, this may not be as fun but we know that you will rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done to keep everyone safe. We wish you all a great year!
Our featured artist this month is local artist, Jan Fitch. Jan works in a variety of mediums from carving to cast paper pieces but one thing remains constant... her subject matter. Jan loves birds and it shows in her work.

We are pleased that the DBIA has announced that Art After Dark will return this month on Friday September 25, from 7-10 PM. I am really looking forward to this event. While we have not quite figured out how we are going to make it work at the store to adhere to physical distancing, we are sure that it will be a fun night. It's nice to have a little "normal" back in our lives!

We'd like to give you another heads up..... Cornerstone is organizing our first search/scavenger hunt for 2020! We were all sad in the spring, that the Golden Egg Hunt had to be cancelled. It is generally well attended and a great way to kick off spring. Sooooo.... that brings us to... The Great Pumpkin Search... yeahhh! More details to come so stay tuned on FB & next month's newsletter!

This will be your last opportunity to sign up for Marissa Sweet's painting class on Saturday October 4. It's a fun class where she shares her painting techniques and we all get to come home with a beautiful piece of art that we can proudly hang on our own walls. Marissa and I will be doing our first FB live on Wednesday September 1st. (I've never participated in one before but Marissa will guide me through it!) Marissa has her own You Tube Channel so you can check her out before hand!

Please continue to follow us on Instagram, FB & Pinterest to keep up on the latest news from us. Share our newsletters so others can sign up, and share our social media posts too. Hang in there with us and let's be there for each other and most of all, let's BE KIND.

From our heart to yours,
Penny & the staff at Cornerstone

P.S. We are continuing with enforcing the mandatory mask /facial covering requests. If you cannot wear either of those items we will accept the wearing of a face shield too. Without any of these, we can offer a "by appointment" shopping experience. We will also ask you to sanitize your hands upon entry. If you are allergic to hand sanitizer then we ask that you bring the kind you are not allergic to with you. We have staffers who have very compromised family members and we need to keep everyone safe. If anyone swears at a staff member that person will be asked to leave the premises. We thank you in advance for your compliance. Only a couple of people have been inappropriate and it's very distressing to everyone when it occurs. Pass it on....
Cornerstone Canadian Art & Craft...
Friday September 25, 2020 from 7 PM-10 PM
Featured Local Artist - Jan Fitch - Art In Wood
Jan Fitch is a local artist (Wolf Island) and has been a fixture here at Cornerstone. Her creations include wall art cast paper pieces, carved pieces and jewellery. We invite you to see her incredibly detailed work on the feature wall.
Gary Kennell - GKE Boards.... LAST CHANCE!
Zentangle Classes
Zentangle is a meditative art form that uses a series of repetitive patterns to create unique pieces of art that may be completed within 20 -30 minutes. Zentangle can be taught to children (7 & up), adults and the elderly to help create focus, relaxation and the sheer joy of creating even if you "can't draw!"

I am a certified Zentangle teacher and I will be happy to teach you this art form. While we won't be scheduling classes at the moment, we will most certainly be doing that again in the future!

(BTW... Those coloring books that you see? A lot of those are based on Zentangle! Wouldn't it be great to create your own pages to colour?)

If you want to join our FB group please click the link below. We welcome beginners too!
Every Tuesday is Tangle Tuesday where I post a new tangle I have done or new ideas for tangling. Group members are encouraged to post their tangles too but this is not required. This month we are doing a tangle a day challenge. The list is posted in the group so join up and try it out!!!

We have just started the group so that we can get together. People who like Zentangle here in Kingston please Join, Post & Share. We are posting weekly patterns to try and posting our Tangling results. We are open to ideas and just looking for a fun, relaxing way to hang out and do some Zentangle. It's a great stress reliever for times like this and time passes by quickly! Zentangle can be whimsical too and you can leave it in B&W or get your markers or pencil crayons out and colour it too!
A Moment of Inspiration & Positivity.....
I have decided that we needed a new "newsletter feature" to help inject positivity into the world. If you have seen something or done something that you want to share just pop us an email! it could be an inspiring quote, a photo, poem, a recipe, song etc. (Please attach applicable credits to acknowledge if the work does not belong to you).

When Covid-19 hit us back in March, we saw an outpouring of love, caring and consideration happen. We saw evidence that without human intervention, the planet could actually begin doing some healing. Animals roamed more freely as we were forced to remain inside. Covid-19 was an opportunity to hit the re-set button, and create an new world where we as humans could change our behaviour for the better. But human beings are forgetful creatures and in our bid to get back to “normal” we have demonstrated some rather bizarre behaviour. We are rioting, treating each other with disrespect and disregard and in general just being selfish. So here is a little reminder of what we learned and that we still can create a new, better normal than the one we had.

On-line shopping & The New Website
Calendars Are Here!!!
Want to get a jump on your plans for 2021? We have, hot off the press, the 2021 Cape Dorset Calendars and the First Nations Calendars from CAP for you to plan your life with! Beautiful imagery that you can keep forever while supporting our Indigenous peoples.
Sky, Land & Water - Class with Marissa Sweet

Marissa has graciously offered a new date!!!!
(We love you Marissa!)
Sunday October 4, from 10 AM - 5 PM.

Here is the very talented, award-winning and lovely, Marissa Sweet. Now we can add television star to her growing list of accolades! We are excited that she is coming to our "Little Shop On The Corner" to teach another class with a new piece. This step-by-step class will have Marissa revealing some of her amazing painting techniques. I love the new piece (see below). It reminds me of spending time with my BFF Laurie at her parents home on Lake McKellar in Parry Sound...... ahhhhh those were the days! Spaces are limited to just 8 and 2 are already taken... Yes - one of them is me! Join us for this fun day. Call the store at 613-546-7967 to reserve. Registration fee is $155.00 and includes lunch from a local restaurant. (Soon you will be able to register on line too)

Materials List

Sky, land and Water
By: Marissa Sweet SCA
Description: Learn to portray sky, land and water by using bold colours and loose impressionist strokes. Students will learn by following step-by-step on how to create a captivating landscape. Instructions will be based on Marissa’s techniques of painting, but with freedom to move and develop your own style.
Supply list:
1 - canvas or gesso’d wooden board 16” x 20” or 16” x 16”
Paint Supplies :
Colours: Acrylic paint in heavy body
- Red : Alizarin Crimson
- Ultramarine Blue
- Yellow: Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue, Naples Yellow
- Titanium White
- Burnt Sienna
1 – jar Golden Regular Gel, small bottle - retarder
1- Palette Knife – Medium and small sizes
Brushes, ½” 1” in flat or filbert,
Important supplies: Palette paper, paper towel, Water container
Notebook for notes
• Option: easel
Option: Students can use (below) for a small charge of $35 to be paid directly to the instructor:
1) paint colours
2) brushes
3) acrylic Gel and Retarder 
A Taste of What's In Store.....
To stay up to date check out our website for more details about Cornerstone Canadian Art & Craft and follow us on FB, Twitter Instagram and Pinterest!

Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Cornerstone Canadian Art & Craft. Don't forget to add [email protected] to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!