President’s Message
It’s almost May and it feels like we’re ready for June. Flowers, trees, flowering trees, bulbs, garlic, all kinds of things that typically don’t show up until May have been with us for weeks. What a beautiful spring.
It isn’t a big election year but for some reason our League Board has been incredibly busy. There are lots of things happening and I want to be sure you are aware and hope that you will participate in as many events as you can.
First on the list is April 29, the People Powered Day of Action. This is a national initiative to bring focus to the incredible mess gerrymandering has created in our country and to motivate voters to contact their state legislators and let them know – ENOUGH. It is time to demand Fair Districts.
Our League, in collaboration with the Northern Portage League and Portage County NAACP, is coordinating activities to bring this effort to the forefront on April 29. This will continue throughout the summer until the General Assembly addresses the situation. Watch for letters to the editor and help get the word out to contact legislators about this important issue. We also plan to have buttons to wear, illustrated above and art compliments of member Bill Peck. See details below about helping us distribute these along with a card explaining the campaign.
Our May All Member Meeting on Monday, May 3, will follow up with an in-depth presentation about Fair Districts in Ohio, including where we are as a state and all that needs to happen by September in order to respond to the voters’ overwhelming mandate to end gerrymandering. We have invited the NAACP and Northern Portage League to join us.
Don’t forget the LWV Ohio Virtual Convention is May 11 – 22. Check out the website, for specific schedules and details. We will have 5 voting delegates, but all members are invited to participate in the workshops. More information is found in this publication.
Finally, stay informed about what is happening around the country regarding changes in voting laws, particularly in Georgia and Michigan right now. Remember, our mantra: “Make Democracy Work.” We need to continually measure this against any decisions to limit access to voting in this country. And that includes gerrymandering in Ohio. In 1981 Governor James Rhodes wrote, “Gerrymandering is not a Republican or Democrat problem. It is a fundamental problem of government that must be corrected.” We haven’t made much progress, have we?
In League and Unity,
Help Ohio Create Fair Districts and
End Gerrymandering
Get your button and participate in the Kent LWV People Powered Day of Action, April 29
- Ohio ranks in the top 10 states for unfairly drawing districts
- Ohioans overwhelmingly voted to end gerrymandering in 2015 and in 2018.
- The current redistricting process is unfair, artificially favoring one political party and disenfranchising other voters. This impacts both Democrats and Republicans.
- The redistricting process must be fair, transparent, compact, respect county and municipal boundaries and promote competitiveness within districts.
Across the country, Leagues in coalitions with community partners are demanding change. As a Kent League member, here are things you can participate in:
Kick-off Rally for the People Powered Fair Maps Day of Action. Sign up for email reminders here. Rally hosted by LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase, 10 a.m., on Thursday, April 29.
Download our local information card here to learn more.
Contact your state legislators here and demand Fair Districts.
Wear your button with pride! Gift family and friends with the original design by local artist and League member Bill Peck. Don't forget to provide them with a card! See below for button pick-up locations.
Learn more about the free online event here.
Invite family and friends, colleagues and others to attend; download and share the flyer here.
Where to find the button that Voter Services Co-Chair Jill Hazelton is wearing...
- Gail Pytel, 613 N. Willow, Kent, 330-673-3282
- Jane Preston Rose, 1768 Elm Dr., Twin Lakes, 330-678-9127
- Jill Hazelton, 6230 Washington S.t, Ravenna (Brady Lake), 330-687-7119
- Debbie Barber, 7531 Diagonal Rd., Twin Lakes, 330-221-1205
Call and arrange pick up. If anyone can take extras and distribute them with this handy info card, even better!
Thanks to the Day of Action Committee: Debbie Barber, Jill Hazelton, Bill Peck, Joanne Dowdy, April Secura and Carla Wycoff!
Send us your photos from Day of Action!
Out showing off your Day of Action button? Talking to family, friends and citizens about redistricting? Snap a quick photo and send to or share with us on Facebook at
Welcoming the community to our May 3 All Member Meeting, Redistricting 101; invite family, friends
By far, the push for political advocacy this year in Ohio is fair redistricting to correct the state’s gerrymandered voting districts that benefit political parties rather than voters.
Learn more about our speaker and the event by clicking here.
LWVK Observer Corps needs YOU;
trainings set for May 6 & 8
Looking for an easy way to become more involved in the Kent League? Interested in our local governing bodies and what they are doing? If you said “Yes” or “Maybe” to these questions, then perhaps you would like to become an observer for the League of Women Voters of Kent’s Observer Corps.
What does an observer do?
An observer routinely attends local governmental boards or committees (e.g., Portage County Commissioners, local city council) just to watch and report on the proceedings.
Why do we do this?
To encourage good government by monitoring compliance with open meeting laws by listening to discussions, observing decision-making, and reporting to the League for action, if appropriate. Action on issues is a separate LWV activity.
How will you know what to do?
Observer training will be provided virtually before your first meeting as an Observer Corps member.
What do you actually have to do?
You will . . .
- Attend LWVK Observer Corps training.
- Attend the governmental public meetings either virtually or in person.
- Observe compliance with Ohio sunshine laws (e.g., meeting notice given, minutes from previous meetings available, agenda available).
- Watch and listen. Do not speak or ask questions during the meeting. You are the eyes and ears of the League, not the voice. Authorization to speak for the League is limited to the board president or designee.
- Submit a report to the board through an online LWVK Meeting Observer form. This makes it easy to submit your report for publication on the LWVK website.
TRAINING: May 6 & May 8
Training 1 - Thursday, May 6th from 7:00pm - 8:15
Training 2 - Saturday, May 8th from 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Topic: LWVK Observer Corps Training
Time: May 6 & May 8, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 3083 6607
Passcode: 863263
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 824 3083 6607
Passcode: 863263
Anyone can attend the training and you only have to attend 1 training. We are offering 2 training sessions at the moment. Join us for an hour of learning the purpose of the Observer Corps, the expectation, FAQs of attending meetings and submitting reports, Ohio Sunshine Laws and other resources for observers.
Sound interesting? Sound like you might want to become an observer? Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Jill Hazelton and Jen Kinney here. Shout out to the Observer organizers: Jen Kinney, Jill Hazelton, Jane Preston Rose, Barb Hipsman Springer, Anne Reid, Ann Ward, Carla Wycoff and Debbie Barber.
WELCOME to the newest member of the League of Women Voters of Kent:
Debbie Schinker.
League Book Club could be the challenge
you're looking for
The League of Women Voters of Kent Book Club meets via Zoom the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to join. Email Jane Preston Rose to receive the Zoom link or for answers to your questions.
Coming up...
May 5 - The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
June 2 and July 7 - A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Vote for Issue 1 for kids on May 4
ballot in Portage County!
On May 4, voters in Portage County will have an opportunity to say YES to its children. Issue 1, a proposed tax levy for Portage County Children Services, will provide for care, placement, and treatment of abused, neglected, and dependent children.
The Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of Kent has endorsed Issue 1. This 0.5 mill levy will generate $1.98 million annually for Children’s Services. These monies are critically needed because Protect Ohio Funds were terminated February, 2021.
The League supports policies and programs at all levels of the community and government that promote the well-being, encourage the full development, and ensure the safety of all children. We encourage all Portage County voters to join us in supporting this very important levy for our children. This investment in community services can help a child become a successful and productive adult.
Content was included in letters to the editor in the Record-Courier and The Portager.
On Facebook? You can share the posts from the Portage County Job and Family Services Levy here to help support Issue 1.
Voting calendar for May 4 primary election ready
to share
Here is a voting calendar to share far and wide with Portage County voters.
Click on the image to download a pdf of the calendar with active links. Then send it to your family and friends through email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram as a reminder of the upcoming primary election.
Click here to download a jpg/photo file so you can post on your social media.
VOTERS' GUIDE for Portage County elections is available for download or viewing here and online at
Looking ahead: Dates to put on your calendar now!
Here's a heads-up on League events for May through June:
May 11-20 - League of Women Voters of Ohio Virtual State Convention. Caucuses are May 11-20. All members are welcome to attend caucuses, keynotes and workshops. Links: Overview of Convention Schedule and click here to register today. Have something big or little to donate to the State Convention Silent Auction? Contact LWV Kent board member and LWVO Development Director Sherry Rose.
June 5 - Virtual LWV Kent Annual Meeting. Details to come. You'll see the Annual Meeting packet in your email by May 6. Thanks to Audrey Kessler and Jane Preston Rose.
Voter Services Committee is looking for members. Click here.
Catch up with the virtual REAL TALK sessions on health care equity, voter access and education equity. Click here.
Connect with us by email . . . and