July 2020
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Dear Friends for Life,

A Word of Thanks

In June, our diocese was blessed with the ordination of two new priests, Fr. Rafal Borowiejski and Fr. John Crozier, as well as the Episcopal Consecration of Bishop Luis Miguel Romero Fernandez, M. Id.. We pray for them to be faithful servants of God!

We are particularly fortunate in the Diocese of Rockville Centre for the enthusiastic support of Bishop Barres and our faithful clergy in the mission of our Office—to build a civilization of love and life. We are especially grateful at this time for the vibrant, joy-filled priests of our diocese who have resourcefully and steadfastly persevered in the last few months of surreal existence in parish life. We must continue to pray for all of our dear priests, who shepherd us through the good and the difficult times: those newly ordained, those ordained some time ago, those retired, those deceased and those whose vocations have yet to be discerned.
Introducing PEWS
Next month, you will notice our newsletter is gradually transforming with the expanded mission of our Office. (An upgrade to our website is forthcoming, too!) A significant change, for example, is that the pillars of our mission, unchanged in their essence, have new titles which we hope underscore something very important: the partnership that the clergy and lay people have in advancing the mission not only of our Office but of the influence of the Church and its teaching in the world.

A Bit of Bioethics

As we noted last month, “For man has in his heart a law written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of man; according to it he will be judged.”  This is the natural law revealed to every conscience. So how do we apply this in everyday life? Why so much attention to human acts and morality? Because so many aspects of our daily lives present moral dilemmas—some of which have grave implications.

Eternal communion with God is the ultimate fullness of this life

Every human act, whether morally good or bad, is directed toward a rational purpose, or something worth pursuing because it brings about our fulfillment or flourishment; in other words, all deliberate acts are done with a reason in mind which is aimed at something we believe is good for us. Read more
Praying the Rosary and Celebrating
Religious Freedom Week
June 22-29, 2020
Beginning June 22, the Feasts of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) celebrated religious freedom and urged Catholics to pray, reflect and take action on religious liberty.

In response to the call from the USCCB, Catholics for Freedom of Religion (CFFOR) we prayed to Mary Immaculate, Patroness of America, for the healing of our Nation and full restoration of religious freedom. O God our Creator, from your provident had new have received our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In the Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Montfort states: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy.”

The Rosary for America, which dedicates each bead to one of our 50 states, was recited in public prayer outside Infant Jesus Church, Port Jefferson, St James, Setauket, and Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park during Religious Freedom Week and entrusted our Nation to Mary Immaculate.

Rosary for America:
Marriage is Like Climbing Mount Everest
by Max Crean
I’m happy to share with you that as of this past June 28th, 2020 my beautiful wife Dawn and I have been blessed to have recently celebrated one year of our marriage together! We decided to celebrate this occasion by going out camping together upstate. This was a great opportunity to be able to reflect on the past year and our relationship as a whole, comparing how we started out to where we are now. What we found is that from then until now there have of course been various challenges, but that God has blessed us with strong foundations in our early relationship, along with abundant graces, that have allowed us to enjoy a joyful start to our marriage.
Let This Cheer You Up!

Coronavirus lockdowns -- civil unrest -- a presidential election -- disastrous Supreme Court decisions.
2020 is using every temptation to make us weary but we must fight on by giving our frailty over to Christ. 40 Days for Life vigils bring hope where there is none—at abortion facilities.
On this video blog, 40 Days for Life Medical Director and former abortion provider Dr. Haywood Robinson and Shawn Carney, CEO share reasons you should be encouraged:
One reason to take heart is that the September 23rd - November 1st,  
40 Days for Life campaign will be the biggest ever. And it's still getting bigger. 

Visit to sign up to lead your community in 40 days of prayer and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigil. Applications close on July 31st.

We'll demonstrate the best of freedom of speech and Christian fortitude as we peacefully give a voice to those who have none but ours. It is an important time also right before the Election in November, we need to pray and witness to LIFE!
“Boots on the Ground”: Pro-Bikers Abroad
Interview with Thomas M Upshur OFS, President of the Pro-Bikers for Life
I had heard about Fr. Paulus becoming the new chaplain for your chapter in Germany prior to this interview. What exciting news! How did this come about? And what is the story behind the PBFL getting their “boots on the ground” so to speak in Europe?

Fr. Paulus and I have been friends for the last 14 years. We’re both artists, which has made for great bonding for us. We actually had an art exhibit together in Germany during the Summer of 2007 (preceding Fr. Paulus’s 1st Holy Mass in his hometown in East Germany). He really is an amazing artist and sculptor!

When he got his assignment to East Germany in 2013, Fr. Paulus had asked me to help him with logo designs, posters, banners, and even videos to help with his upcoming evangelization efforts. Then in 2014, Father Paulus created the God is Good (GIG) Festival which evolved around a young priest named Fr. Alois Andritzki who was killed in a Nazi concentration camp. In fact, Fr Alois was declared as a “Blessed” in the Church by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011!  Read complete interview
Bishop Barres endorses chartered Catholic Medical Association (CMA) Guild
Exciting news! Bishop Barres endorses the formation of a chartered guild of the Catholic Medical Association (CMA).

“Made in the Image and Likeness of God”
by: Deacon Vin Barreca
As of late, I have been spending a lot of time praying about the present dilemma in our nation, in which many young people have been protesting to seek attention for the respect of human life. They have done so by identifying their efforts by using a specific label and mantra to gain public support.
After much persistent prayer and reflection, the Lord answered my prayer and pointed me to the one place where the answer to this dilemma could be found; The Holy Bible. It is there that our God gives us the answers of how the respect for human life can be fully achieved. Read more
July Month of the
Most Precious Blood of our Lord
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to certain devotions. The month of July is devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus. In the past, the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Christ was celebrated on the first Sunday of July as confirmed by past Popes and recalled recently by Pope Benedict XVI in His speech after praying the Angelus on July 5, 2009. He made special mention of Pope John XXIII's apostolic letter "Inde a Primis" (dated June 30, 1960) which explained the devotion's significance and approved its litanies.

Catholic doctrine teaches the faithful that the blood of Jesus Christ is part of His Sacred Humanity and hypostatically united to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. And as such, it is worthy of adoration and veneration proper to latreutical worship (cultus latriae) which is rendered only to God. In other words, we adore the human nature of Christ because of its intimate and eternal union with the Person of the Divine Word. It is for this same reason that we honor the Most Sacred Heart or the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We encourage you to unite with us and pray the following Prayer and Litany to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord especially during the month of July.
Prayer and Litany to the Most Precious Blood
O precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price paid for the redemption of sinful mankind. O Divine Blood, drink and laver of our souls, standing between us and the Father pleading mercy.

Feast Day of St Joachim and St Anne July 26th
The married couple traditionally honored as the parents of Mary, which makes them the grandparents of Jesus.

Grandparents and the Incarnation

How wonderful that Jesus has grandparents! St. Joachim and St. Anne remind us of the mystery of the Incarnation:God truly became man and entered into a human family that included not only his mother Mary and father Joseph but their parents, and their parents, and their parents, all the way back to Adam (and Eve) at the dawn of creation, according to St. Luke’s chronology
(Luke 3:23-38).  Read more
“Vaccines: What you need to know”
by Lisa A. Honkanen, M.D.

Vaccines have played an important role in reducing the impact of devastating diseases on the health of people worldwide. However, some vaccines are produced using cell lines derived from aborted fetuses. Learn more about what you need to consider | View PDF
Take action on public policy matters in New York State through the New York State Catholic Conference's Catholic Action Network (CAN) .
Take action on legislative issues through the The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA)
Catholic Health Care: Ethics Seminar
Two-Day Bioethics Seminar: Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY
Friday, September 11, 2020 at 8:00 AM 
Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 5:00 PM

The Gianna Center of Long Island and New York City. Providing care for women's and families via Telehealth during coronavirus outbreak.
For more information:
Fertility Awarness For Women's Health
+ Is my cycle normal?
+ Do I have biomarkers of fertility?
+ Learn how the cycle works

Wednesday July 29th 8:00- 9:00 pm

Open to Everyone
Email to receive
link for the webinar

National NFP Awareness Week – Live the truth and beauty of God’s plan for married love!
The dates of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. The dates also mark the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed Mother.
Project Rachel Hope After Abortion
Do you know someone who is suffering abortion loss? Project Rachel is a ministry about finding hope and healing after abortion.

For more information, visit the Project Rachel Hope
After Abortion   website , call the Respect Life Office's confidential phoneline: 1-888-456-HOPE(se habla espanol) 1-516-766 2538, email  to begin healing after abortion loss. 
En Español:
Next Opportunity for Prayer and Healing
Day of Prayer and Healing for Women

Saturday, November 7, 2020
All reservations and information will remain confidential.
If you need help please call our help line and someone will be happy to give some counsel over the phone to calm any fears or anxieties.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Contact Us
Lisa A. Honkanen , M.D. – Director , 516-678-5800 Ext. 381
Donna Crean – Assistant Director/Project Rachel Coordinator , 516 678 5800 Ext. 626

Jamey Hutchinson BSN CFCP CFCE Educational Liaison to
Gianna Center for Women's Health & Fertility
50 North Park Ave. Rockville Ctr., NY 11570
Additional Informational Websites