A Word from Our Pastors

We wanted to let everyone know the important news that starting this Sunday (September 20) the radio broadcast of our worship service is moving to station 99.9FM.

Earlier this week Tiger communications rearranged the programming of their radio stations, and moved our Sunday morning 11:00am worship service to 99.9FM the Kate. We know many people have been participating in worship through the radio. So please help us out and share this change in radio stations with all your FPC friends, especially those you know who have been listening to our service on the radio. You can also download the Tiger Communications App called "Tiger Communications" on your phone or tablet and listen to the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship on 99.9FM through the app. Once you download the app called Tiger Communications, you select "all stations." Then select 99.9FM and it will livestream the station. 

We are so grateful for Brooke Myers for getting our worship services on the radio. 

For this next week we will remain in phase 1 of our reopening plan. Our session is meeting this coming Monday, and they will continue to keep everyone posted of any new information.
Nick and Kathy
2020 Flu Vaccine Clinic

​The annual Flu Vaccine Clinic will be offered on Sunday, September 27, in the driveway/parking lot in the rear of the church building. The clinic will be available from 11 am until 2 pm. The clinic will be a drive-through event instead of being inside a building. You will enter the driveway from Thach Avenue alongside Baird Hall. If there is a line blocking the street, you can park in the lot behind the University Chapel.

At the turn in the driveway you will obtain a clipboard with the insurance/permission form. You will sign the form and clip your insurance card with it. Then proceed to the covered area by the rear of the sanctuary. Stay in your car but roll down the window to give access to your arm. Everyone should wear short-sleeved garments such as T-shirts or casual tops for ease of access. When everyone in your car has received their vaccine, you will exit onto Gay St.

The vaccine is offered with the assistance of The Drug Store staff and especially their pharmacist, Janie Fisher. If you have questions you can contact Jan Widell, Parish Nurse at 334-663-6668. If you are unable to attend this clinic, there will be other organizations and churches providing vaccine clinics in October.
The Annual Meeting for Alabama Arise will be a ZOOM meeting on Saturday, October 3 from 10:00-12:00. At that meeting participants will vote on issues they want the Arise staff to work on for the upcoming legislative session. The issues to be considered will be discussed before the vote. Our church is a group member of the state organization and can have 6 persons designated to participate in the meeting. If you would like to be one of the six, please let Marilyn Garrett know by September 15 so she can submit your name. You may email her or call at 334-246-3115. If you are unfamiliar with Alabama Arise you can check out their web site.
Christian Education Opportunities for Adults

Study at Home:
If you or someone in your family would like to receive hard copy Sunday School materials that can be utilized at home (without a virtual component), please contact Rev. Kathy Reed. We will be doing another delivery of copies of The Present Word (winter quarter) and These Days (Oct-Dec) when we have both of these materials available.

Virtual Classes for Adults:
If you'd like to receive a zoom invitation to one of the following classes, please email the class contact person:
Old Testament Walkabout Class
Day/Time: Sundays at 8:45am
Contact: Gayle Andress, dongayle17@gmail.com
This class will combine the historical setting material
in 2 Kings with the prophetic material in First Isaiah.

The Library Class
Day/Time: Sundays at 9:30am
Contact: Harriette Huggins, harriette.huggins@gmail.com
Sue Bradley is currently leading a study of 
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief by Francis S. Collins.

Office Hours Bible Study
***NEW Day/Time***: Tuesdays at 12:00pm (beginning September 22)
Contact: Kathy Reed, kreed@fpcauburn.org
This class will begin a NEW series on the book of Ruth September 22.

Bible Journaling Class
Day/Time: Thursdays at 12:00pm
Contact: Susan Fillippeli, fillise@att.net
This class explores the practice of bible journaling while reflecting on Scripture passages recently used in our church's worship services.
UKirk is excited to welcome back college students for the new school year! Though this year’s format may look different than past ones, UKirk is still providing opportunities for fellowship with a faith community and would love to get new students involved. If you know any students attending Auburn, or another college in the area, you can refer them to UKirk with this form or email Caroline Barnett.
Opportunities to Worship 

It is our hope to worship together via our church’s YouTube Channel.  To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app (https://tinyurl.com/t7dl8vh) or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page. Knowing we are at the mercy of technology, we appreciate your patience and grace if all does not go according to plan. Attached you will find a bulletin for this Sunday’s service.

Sunday Worship now on 99.9FM
We wanted to let everyone know that we found out that the radio station for our Sunday worship service is being moved to station 99.9 FM. If you all know of anyone who listens to our worship service on the radio please reach out to them and let them know of this change.
Lay Readers Needed in October

If you (and/or someone in your family) would be willing to serve as a lay reader for one of our virtual worship services, we still have several spots available in October. The commitment involves recording your part and sending it in by Friday, 12pm. Instructions and a "script" are provided. Sign up here!
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

   The words of the psalmist inspired our 2020 stewardship campaign, and we can find comfort in those words today. In these extraordinary times, it is important for us to reflect on the abundance of God’s grace and the gifts we have received. When we began the stewardship campaign in September 2019, we could not imagine what this year would bring; however, through all, God’s love endures, and the work of the church continues. In this time of online worship, we are reminded that giving is part of the church’s liturgy. Whether you share your financial gifts weekly, monthly, or annually, your offering continues to support our missions of worship, fellowship, Christian education, outreach, and UKirk, to name the broad categories.
   The church staff remains available to receive your pledge payments during this time, whether you elect to mail a check to the church office, process a payment directly from your bank, or use online giving. We do need to inform you that a flat rate of two percent is deducted from each contribution made through online giving. If you choose to provide your pledge payment online, please prayerfully consider whether you are able to add an amount to help off-set the processing fee.
 For members with children, remember it is important to talk to your children about giving, especially during this time when they may not see you put anything in the offering plate.
Generosity Committee

Sep. 20 - Jenny Shaffer
Sep. 21 - Trey Fisher, Jay Gogue
Sep. 22 - Larry Keller (90th!)
Sep. 23 - Wyatt Yost
Sep. 26 - Peter Rouillard

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

Prayer Concerns:
• We are saddened to share the news that longtime church member Marian Harrison has died. Marian was a long time member at FPC Auburn and blessed this church and the Auburn community with her presence and gifts for over 40 years. A few years ago she moved to Oregon to be closer to her daughter. Prayers of comfort and strength for her family and her many friends here in Auburn. 
• Continued prayers for those who are being affected by natural disasters and fire. Especially we pray for the Booth and Schmidt families. Laura and Doug’s daughter Martha Anne and her family have had to evacuate their home, and Kimberly Schmidt and her family live near the fires in Oregon. Also prayers for Rebecca Schmidt and her family as they had to ride out a typhoon in Japan. We rejoice that everyone is safe. 
• Prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Sally, especially for our friends and family who live in South Alabama and Florida.
• Prayers for Darren Chamlee’s father who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and pneumonia. He is at EAMC and may need to go on a ventilator soon.
• Prayers for John and Kathy Tamblyn’s family. Kathy’s uncle and Nancy Calcott’s brother in law, Bill, unexpectedly passed away last week. John’s mother was moved into an isolation ward at her nursing home after a false diagnosis of Covid-19, and now has to stay in the isolation for a few more days. Prayers for her health, and for the Tamblyn’s as they care for her from a far. Prayers of rejoicing for Merrijo who no longer has to monitor the reoccurrence of a congenital tumor that was removed in China. She has been officially released from Children’s Hospital’s care! To quote Kathy Tamblyn, “Woo hoo!”
• Prayers for Kristina and Mitchell Lane. Kristina and Mitchell are expecting their second child around the end of October, and Kristina is on bedrest until then. Prayers of rest and comfort for all the Lanes, especially for Kristina as she navigates bedrest and spending time with their toddler Voncile. If you want to send them a note their address is:
Kristina, Mitchell, and Voncile Lane
4275 Wimberly Road
Auburn, AL 36830 
CE News

Children Pre-K through 5th grade
Two Sundays a month we will have Zoom Sunday school classes taught by our fabulous Sunday school teachers.

Pre-K through 1st grade will be from 9:45 – 10 am
2nd through 5th grade will be from 10:15 – 10:30 am
September 13 and 27
October 11 and 25
November 8 and 22
December 6 and 20

Also, once a month all Pre-K through 5th graders will gather for a Zoom Fellowship time.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
Each Sunday morning our youth will gather on Zoom at 10:30 for a quick check-in before worship. Then each Sunday evening our Jr Highs will meet at 3 pm on Zoom and our Sr. Highs will meet at 6 pm on Zoom for regular Youth Group meetings. Zoom invites will be sent via the Remind app. If you have any questions or have not been receiving the emails, please contact Chris Sarkowski.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth and Parents, follow us on Instagram @fpc_auyouth
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org