FRWA eNews
July 17, 2020
Contact Us
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Upcoming Training
FlaWARN Virtual Regional Meetings 2020/US Water
Water and Wastewater Training/Daytona
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Lake City
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Punta Gorda
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Pensacola
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Bradenton
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Tavares
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
Online Training
In an effort to find a venue large enough to allow us to practice social distancing, FRWA reached out to the Hilton Daytona Beach. This class offers the attendee the opportunity to earn 0.6 DW, WW, and DS CEUs while getting an update on what is happening in the water and wastewater industry.

For the safety of our attendees this class is limited to the first fifty attendees. It will be held in the Grand Ballroom in the South Tower, which is large enough to allow us to practice social distancing. We hope to find similar venues to enable us to provide onsite training in the future.

Please join us at the beach for the opportunity to earn CEUs at the Daytona Beach Hilton. You can take advantage of the FRWA discounted room rate starting at $112.00 (this rate does not include $8.00 self parking rate) plus tax. For reservations, please call 386.254.8200.

Registration will be $50.00 for members and nonmembers. For more information and to register, click here.
FRWA Annual Business Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the members of the Florida Rural Water Association will be held at the Hilton Daytona Beach, 100 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach FL 32118 in the Grand Ballroom (located at the top of the ramp on the left in the South Tower) on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
Registration of Delegates will begin at 3:45 pm and continue until 4:00 pm, delegates will pick up their ballots during this period. The Business Meeting will begin at 4:00 pm.
If you are the point of contact for your system, you should receive the Official Notice in the mail next week.  In order to be able to vote at the meeting you must have the Official Notice with you.  If you would like to send another person to vote in your place, the alternate delegate's name and signature must be completed and the name of the Alternate Delegate printed in the space provided on the notice.

The following have been nominated by the Nominating Committee for consideration for election to the Florida Rural Water Association Board of Directors:
St. John's River Water Management District
Robert Munro
Northwest Florida Water Management District
Bruce Morrison

We hope that you will plan to attend the Water and Wastewater Training that will be held at the Hilton and stay for the Membership Meeting.

For more information, please contact FRWA at
National News
Florida delegation celebrates as House committee approves Water Resources Development Act | Florida Politics Florida delegation celebrates as House committee approves Water Resources Development Act. more

EPA Approves Two Disinfectant Sprays to Kill COVID-19 on Surfaces  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved two disinfectant sprays that can kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.  more

EPA Releases Data on Facilities Utilizing Temporary Clean Water Act Monitoring Relief During the Pandemic Comments regarding Administrator Andrew Wheeler regarding the temporary policy entitled "COVID-19 Implication for EPA's Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program"  more

EPA Releases Financial Impact Tool to Help Water Utilities  the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new tool to help water utilities assess the financial impact of COVID-19 on operations.  more
State News
Treasure Coast municipalities looking for share of state's $40 million for water projects | TCPalm Several municipalities along the Treasure Coast are seeking shares of $40 million in state grants for alternative water supply and conservation projects through the South Florida and St. Johns River water management districts.  more

County Commission votes to turn utilities over to Florida Governmental Utility Authority | Palm Coast Observer The FGUA was able to quickly make substantial improvements at the Plantation Bay utility, according to the county administration.  more

Columbia County, White Springs receive state funds to help with rural projects | News4Jax   Two rural communities in the area will receive nearly a million dollars in funding for infrastructure projects through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, the state announced on Thursday. more

Gov. Ron DeSantis sued by Rights of Nature group over Clean Waterways Act | TCPalm  A Rights of Nature group called Speak Up Wekiva has filed a federal lawsuit claiming the Clean Waterways Act prevents local governments from enacting laws to protect the environment.  more

In an effort to replace polluting septic tanks, sewer lines now extend throughout Stuart | TCPalm As municipalities throughout Florida see years of projects to switch residences from polluting septic tanks to environmentally friend sewer systems ahead of them, Stuart will soon be looking at septic tanks its rear-view mirror.  more

U.S. House committee OKs bill with provision telling Corps to Lake Okeechobee discharges | TCPalm  A U.S. House committee Wednesday approved legislation listing upcoming federal water projects and calling for the Army Corps of Engineers to reduce harmful Lake Okeechobee discharges.  more 

Hurricane season forecast worsens, active season still likely A hurricane season that began with a flurry of storms will continue to be unusually active, with a greater than average chance the United States will experience a direct hit, according to a forecast issued Tuesday. more
Florida Sewage Spill and COVID-19 State environmental and health officials say they don't test for COVID despite studies showing high levels in Florida sewage.  more

Saharan dust can fuel conditions for red tide | Okeechobee News  Is there a Saharan dust - Trichodesmium - red tide connection?  more

Chamber hosts virtual Power Hour meeting on water quality | Sanibel-Captiva Islander  Florida Congressman Brian Mast has been instrumental in moderating Lake Okeechobee levels and discharges by showing up uninvited and asking questions.  more
This Week in Water History
Filtered Water for Springfield, MA
July 11, 1908  Engineering Record article. The Little River Water Supply for Springfield, Mass. "The present water supply of Springfield, Mass., is derived from the Ludlow Reservoir, and has for many years been the source of much trouble on account of the growth of anabaena during warm weather. Repeated investigations and reports had been made on the causes of the growth and the best means of rendering the water, as delivered in the city, free from objection, with the result that a decision was reached to abandon the Ludlow supply altogether and develop the Little River watershed, an entirely new source. While the construction of the new work is under way, the Ludlow Reservoir water is being rendered usable during the anabaena season by a temporary intermittent filter plant.   more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309