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Thursday, September 5, 2019
Bishop Road Closure

Bishop Road from Gene Field north to Cook Road is closed to local traffic only for asphalt replacement. The work will begin at Cook Road and move south to Gene Field. This project will be phased in sections, but will ultimately involve the length of the entire roadway and is estimated to take approximately 3 weeks for completion. Sections of the roadway will be opened as they are completed. Motorists should use Riverside Road as a detour.

Please exercise caution while in work zones to ensure your safety and that of crews working. Thank you for your patience during this maintenance project.
City Council Meeting Cancelled

The City Council meeting scheduled for September 9, has been canceled. The next City Council meeting is scheduled for September 23, at 7pm, in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Sign up to receive council agendas when they are posted through Notify Me on stjoemo.org.
Becoming a Red Cross Volunteer

When many of us think of volunteering for the Red Cross, we may think that means going overseas or being away from our friends and family for long periods of time in order to help others in need. However, that is not always the case. There are many ways to become a Red Cross volunteer in your own city and surrounding communities. Some examples of what you can do as a Red Cross volunteer include:

  • Take a Leadership Role: Be the face of the Red Cross in your community and work on recruiting volunteers.
  • Support the Red Cross Blood Team: Volunteer at blood drives by greeting people and helping others register. Pick up blood units and to take to the laboratory before being transferred to the hospital.
  • Help During a Crisis: Provide food, shelter, comfort and more for families who were affected during a crisis.
  • Educate Others: Teach community classes (water safety, preparedness, First Aid, and CPR).
  • Support Our Armed Forces
  • Assist with Fundraising Efforts
  • Offer Health Care: First Aid and CPR volunteers’ staff special events.
  • Use Your Communication Skills: Be a part of a fundraising or research team and provide presentations.
  • Provide Office and Warehouse Support: Assist as a clerical or a staff support.

There is much more information about each of these volunteer opportunities on the Red Cross official website. Consider becoming a Red Cross volunteer today. Signing up is easy as just going online . Those who sign up will receive free training and will assist others with as much or as little as they are able to.

 Content provided by Hanna Kennedy, city of St. Joseph Emergency Manager Intern
Time for Something New

Good record keeping, as anyone who works for a municipal or, for that matter, any government can tell you, is an essential part of a successful operation. Through the years, record keeping has gone from reams and reams of paper to... read more
Last Parties on the Parkway Concert this Season

Don't miss the last Parties on the Parkway concert of the year on Thursday, September 12, with Swift Kik from 5-8pm, at Remington Nature Center. This annual summer concert series is free and open to the public on the second Thursday from May through September. Parties on the Parkway is hosted by the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce and the city of St. Joseph. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this year's event!
(816) 271-5300