As Sisters Kathy Kudlac, Frances Marie Duncan, Marian Sgriccia, Gracy Kundkulam and Mary Lou Metro look on, Father Donald Buchleitner prepares to deliver final blessings over the urns of Sister Connie, Rose Ann and Margaret Elaine in St. Francis Cemetery.
Farewell Blessing
As many daily activities and spiritual rituals have been sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic, our community has indefinitely postponed funeral Masses for Sisters Constance Frank, Rose Ann Rovnak and Margaret Elaine Rovnak. Before the weather turns colder, however, we hosted a unique visitation and committal service for the three Sisters on September 12 at Mt. Assisi Place.
Urns containing the Sisters’ cremated remains were arranged in the Mt. Assisi Place foyer for a short visitation that could be attended both by visitors who stayed outside and by the Sisters in personal care there, who stayed inside. Several members of the Rovnak Family and Sister Connie's niece attended to hear blessings by Father Donald Buchleitner.
The group then processed to St. Francis Cemetery, where the urns were buried. Afterwards, guests attended a socially-distanced outdoor luncheon at San Damiano Convent. Formal Masses for all three Sisters will be held when the pandemic wanes, likely in the new year.
Inscribed urns containing the cremated remains of Sisters Connie, Rose Ann and Margaret Elaine were placed under the portrait of St. Francis in the foyer at Mt. Assisi Place in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Click the white arrow above to view the official Star Struck Gala event video, featuring some very familiar faces.
A Gala Like No Other
The pandemic has presented many uncertainties this year, but our St. Francis Center for Renewal has been working hard to respond to the times by rolling out virtual programming and hosting its 10th annual Star Struck Gala & Silent Auction entirely online this year.

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” says Gena Tallarico, SFCR executive director, of those who supported the virtual gala on August 29. “Your support is a blessing to the Sisters and Staff and especially helps to sustain us both spiritually and financially during the COVID disruption.”

More than 100 items were auctioned during the week-long event, which culminated in the live Gala show on Saturday evening with celebrity host Daniel Roebuck (see video above). Many sponsors and donors also stepped up to support the program.

SFCR has shared a survey with retreatants to gauge what programs to offer going forward as the retreat team continues to navigate the pandemic. To see what’s being offered and register for upcoming online programs, click here.
Sister Roselyn shows off her beautiful birthday plant.
Sister JoAnn stepped into her seventh decade this week.
Birthday blessings are in store for Sister Carolyn.
Sister Roseann becomes a septuagenarian next month.

Special Birthdays Abound
The Sisters at Mt. Assisi Place gathered on August 11 to share ice cream cake in honor of Sister Roselyn Kuzma's 80th birthday. Our community celebrated two more special birthdays this week, as Sister JoAnn Knaebel turned 70 on September 15, and Sister Carolyn Mitrichka celebrated her milestone 90th on September 17. Sister Roseann Velas gets in on the special birthday fun when she celebrates her 70th on October 22.
Socially-Distant Summer Sendoff
The Catholic Community of St. Matthias in Somerset, N.J., hosted an outdoor Mass and parish picnic in the school parking lot on September 13. Parishioners were asked to wear masks, bring folding chairs and practice social distancing. They were treated to hotdogs, funnel cakes and ice cream. There were games for the children and musical entertainment by a DJ. Sister Marie Therese Sherwood is pictured above with members of her caregivers support group, who met in person for the first time since the pandemic began. The members were happy to be together and share what was happening in their lives. “It warmed my heart to be with them and others who had gathered for this special parish event,” Sister says.
September 24
Sister Pacifika Jusková

September 25
Barbara Miller

September 26
Sister Eve Blostic

September 27
Sister Dorothy Bucko
Sister Marie Bernadette Kelleher
Helen McComb

October 1
Rosalie Adducie

October 5
Sister M. Virginelle Makos

October 11
Ann Tabone

October 16
Diane Rice

October 19
Terry Hero

October 22
Sister Roseann Velas
September 27
Sister Dorothy Bucko

October 1
Sister Marie Therese Sherwood

October 4
Sister Frances Marie Duncan
Sister Francine Garganta

October 7
Sister Rosaria Shina

October 9
Sister Denise Olshausky

October 11
Sister Donna Pusch

October 15
Sister Teresa Misyak

October 16
Sister Marguerite Stewart
Sisters Bid Farewell to Fond Friends
The Sisters at Mt. Assisi Place shared bittersweet blessings with Laura Brandt (in black above), Samantha Steenbeke and other members of the Metz Culinary Management team when the company's contract ended on August 1. Although the Sisters are enjoying the food prepared by the new catering company, they miss the friendships developed with Laura and Samantha over their many years at The Mount. Samantha's husband, Tom, remains head of maintenance with the personal care home.
Margaret Ruiz Torres (SFA-Texas 1965) died of kidney disease on September 10 in Austin, Texas. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to our Retirement Fund. “I truly believe this is exactly what Mom would have wanted,” says her daughter, Roxanne Gutierrez. “Her deep bonds with her alumnae, fond memories of her school days and her love of all the Sisters that guided her education and spiritually through the word of God were instilled with her forever.Read obituary
Anne Parrendo Sciullo (MAA 1949) died on August 15 in Gibsonia, Pa. Read obituary
Fundraising Never Tasted So Good!
Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster and the Monocacy Farm Project (MFP) team collaborated with nearby Black River Farms Vineyard & Winery (BRF) to host Pairings for a Cause on September 11. The outdoor event matched delicious candies by Laurie’s Chocolates with BRF wines, then added in hors d’oeuvres from Pat’s Pizza & Bistro in Bethlehem, live music from Island Times, and the charming atmosphere of a late summer evening to create a successful fundraiser. Proceeds benefit MFP’s programs. Above, our own Sisters Regina Ann Rokosny, Roseann Velas and M. Virginelle Makos masked up to enjoy the festivities. 
Paying It Forward
This summer, St. Francis Academy Alumnae Association in San Antonio, Texas, presented charitable donations to eight local organizations and provided scholarships to four Catholic high school students who are grandchildren of SFA grads.

“We are proud Skylarks giving our support back to the community, since the community supports our annual summer dances,” says Belinda Jesus Garcia, president. Donations were made despite cancellation of this summer’s dance due to the pandemic.

At left, Sylvia Hernandez Sanchez, secretary, presents a check to Cathy Hamilton of San Antonio Threads, which provides new and nearly-new clothing to deserving teens in need. The scholarship recipients and their SFA grad grandmothers are shown below.
Emma Segura, sophomore at Antonian High School, is the granddaughter of Mary Helen Cadena Segura (1966).
Iliana Medina, freshman at St. Anthony Catholic High School, is the granddaughter of Marie Vigil Medina (1969).
Mia Jimenez, sophomore at Incarnate Word High School, is the granddaughter of Beatrice Zepeda (1965).
Nathanial Trinidad, senior at Holy Cross High School, is the grandson of Evelyn Garza Trinidad (1969).
Thank you so much for including me in your emails! I look forward to reading about the Sisters who I came to know, love and hold in high esteem while my friend, Clare, resided in Antonia Hall. The last five years of her life were filled with love, care, peace and comfort due to the staff and Sisters.
Peggy Bookser
Pittsburgh, Pa.

The four greatest loves of my life flow out of the example and charism of our wonderful School Sisters religious life, music, the liturgy and teaching! The Sisters offered me an example and an inspiration that has shaped every facet of my life: Being a Dominican Priest; I have taught every grade from Pre-K through post grad; and I have a terminal degree in music. Thank you, Sisters, for everything!
Father Jordan Kelly
Providence, R.I.

Congratulations Sister Anita on your 70th Jubilee. You are my inspiration! Thank you for your years of service. You have left an indelible mark on my heart and so many others.
Barbara Martin Fiedler
In response to Sister Patricia Ann Mahoney’s reflection A Walk Around the Block:

Walking is something I need but am not so consistent in doing. Thanks for your giving me the idea to walk around the block at least as long as it takes to say the Rosary. I am sure your experience, so beautifully presented, will inspire all who read it in many ways. I put it at the top of my favorites list and am happy to share it with some of my close friends. You are, I am sure, a favorite of our Lord. Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. Greetings to my friends at Mt. Assisi. Take care during this difficult period for the world.
Sally Yagi
Former Member

I loved Sister Patricia’s reflections during her retreat time. I live in North Carolina now and find that my neighborhood walks and time spent saying prayers out in my garden draw me nearer to my creator. There is more silence now with fewer cars and planes and people staying in. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Marilyn Hogan Leap
Mount Assisi Academy 1968
An enjoyable back-and-forth recently ensued on the St. Francis Academy Alumnae Association Facebook page when a grad posted this vintage yearbook photo of Sisters Denise Olshausky, Patricia Anne Makowsky and Elaine Hromulak from their SFA teaching days. Here are a few of the entertaining and endearing comments:

“They were so young, and yet I thought they were ancient!”

“Sister Pat Anne taught biology. I remember she was always scolding us
for looking out the window at the firemen trainers.”

“Sister Elaine with pretty blue eyes was our second-floor biology teacher.
She was so pretty.”

“Sister Denise helped me through the most horrific part of my life.
I only have love and respect for her.”

“What awesome teachers we had.”
Welcoming New Prayer Partners
Four members of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth recently moved from their soon-to-close motherhouse in nearby McCandless to Mt. Assisi Place, becoming fast friends and prayer partners with our 12 Sisters in residence there. Sisters Barbara Makar, Anna Horvat, Barbara Ann Lengvarsky and Annamarie Pavlik join our Sisters for evening prayer and have attended birthday and feastday gatherings in our Community Room. The personal care home is growing in popularity among retired religious, as a diocesan priest, Father Edward Litavec, recently moved in, and a second priest is expected to arrive soon.
Celebrity Among Us
Our own Linda Hyde and her friends in the Forest Hills Late Bloomers Garden Club were recently featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for their efforts in planting a suffragette garden to honor the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. This is the same group that recently beautified the grounds of San Damiano Convent in Pittsburgh. Check out the story here.
Plenty of Peace to Go Around
The Catholic Sisters Leadership Council of Western Pennsylvania called upon local communities of women religious to take part in the Peace Dove Project leading up to the United Nations International Day of Peace on September 21. Our Sisters at Mt. Assisi Place and their new friends from the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth rose to the challenge by trimming and decorating more than 150 peace dove ornaments for distribution this weekend. The doves and the prayers they represent will be given to other residents of the personal care home and also will be delivered to nearby Assumption and St. John Neumann parishes by the Sisters of San Damiano Convent.