June 9, 2020


Greetings Friends,

Welcome to another edition of Beloved Spaces.

Today's message comes to you from inside the Main Church, next to the stained glass window depicting the Wedding at Cana, right in next to the pulpit.

Jesus was always eating with people, often in festive ways, but always in ways that sustain. Eating together builds fellowship, community, and trust. In our times, we need more of these than ever.

Please click below to join me with my thoughts about how we can eat together, and how we can feed others, in Jesus' name.

Beloved Spaces: The Wedding at Cana, Christ Episcopal Church (Needham, MA)
Beloved Spaces: The Wedding at Cana, Christ Episcopal Church 

Faithfully yours,

(781) 444-1469 ext. 113
Health Links: Gun Safety, Domestic Violence and Food Support


Sign up to shop at the Food Pantry  here

If you or someone in your family is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please call the church office so that our clergy or the Pastoral Response Ministry team may be notified and tend to the need. The office number is 781-444-1469, and you can reach Nick at ext. 113.