February Zone 12 Update
Thank you for being a Zone 12 member! Apply for the Emerging Athletes Program, test your horsemanship knowledge, learn about grants and scholarships and more.
Applications are Open for Emerging Athletes Program Regional Training Sessions
Interested in participating in the Lindsay Maxwell Charitable Fund/USHJA Emerging Athletes Program this year? It's time to apply!

The session closest to Zone 12 is:
  • July 8-12, Los Angeles Equestrian Center, Burbank, Calif., led by Joe Fargis and stable manager Colleen Reed

Zone 12 also offers EAP Grants to assist members with attending Regional Training Sessions. Apply by April 1.
Congratulations to Horse of the Year and Stirrup Cup Year-End Award Winners
Congratulations to our members who received 2019 Horse of the Year and Stirrup Cup year-end honors!

Check 2019 Zone 12 standings to see who received awards here:

Check 2020 Zone 12 standings here:
The Horsemanship Quiz Challenge is Open
Registration to the USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge is open!

Exciting changes being implemented for 2020:
  • Updated free online HQC study guide with new sections added covering saddle fitting, teeth and more.
  • The program will open to adult amateurs ages 21 and above later in 2020. More information to be announced.
USHJA Webinar Coming Up March 31
Join the USHJA Recognized Riding Academy Committee Chair, Jill McGrady, as she explains the step-by-step process for offering a USHJA Outreach competition. From the application process to hosting the competition, Jill will explain the benefits of hosting an Outreach Show for you and your community.

The webinar will be March 31 at 8 p.m. ET (4 p.m. Alaska time) and is free via this link:
Grant and Scholarship Opportunities
Applications are now open for the USHJA Foundation  $25,000 Hamel Family Scholarship for Further Educationand the Gochman Grant, which helps riders attend USEF Pony Finals each year.
USHJA Affiliate Member Organization News
American National Riding Commission

The ANRC National Equitation Championships are coming up April 9-11 at Swan Lake Stables in Littlestown, Pennsylvania.

The championships will now include adult amateur and ANRC alumni divisions, in addition to the traditional junior and college divisions.

Entries for the Championships are due March 1!

The Championships will be livestreamed on USEF Network
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
The Caprilli Revolution

American hunter/jumper equitation developed from new ideas introduced by Italian Cavalry officer Federico Caprilli in the early 1900s. His “forward seat” changed forever ideas about the safety and comfort of the horse and rider over fences.

When foxhunters and military riders began jumping fences cross-country in the 1800s, they rode in a “chair” seat with legs pushed forward because sitting vertical in the classical (dressage) seat was tiring, and they leaned back over fences in case the horse stumbled. Horses instead were struggling to keep their own balance, let alone that of the rider. Caprill’s method of sitting forward with shorter stirrups to rise out of saddle created angles in the rider’s hips, knees, and ankles that act as springs and allow the rider’s arms to follow the motion of a horse’s head and neck over jumps.

A hundred years later, Caprilli’s principles to help riders perform “with safety and dispatch” and horses to “respond to what is required of them quietly and smoothly with the minimum possible wear and tear” still hold.

Pictured above: Left: Caprilli's Forward Seat. Right: Hunting Chair Seat
Other Recent Headlines
Know Your Zone 12 Committee Members
  • Dana Eaton, Chair
  • Kerri Geppert, Vice Chair
  • Shannon Bodolay
  • Jill Cornforth
  • Katherine Haghighi
  • Lauren Williams, Treasurer
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information, click here.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines


Official USHJA Sponsors
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: Marketing 4 Equestrians, Tricia Booker and Rachel Sowinski
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |