July 2019                         DONATE 

The United Way of Charlotte County 
Mission:  Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.  

What's happening and how our #gamechangers are leading the way
Celebrating Our 40 Year Partnership!

Publix Associates and Campaign Cabinet members visited several non-profit agencies to learn how they are working together.  This is the third year that UWCC is funding the collaborative work of partner agencies. It's important for people to see where donations are being used and the good work being done. Carrie Aissaoui, Publix Store #755 said, "We all need to be reminded that 99% stays in our community. We can't stress this enough that donations stay right here." The three UWCC funded programs are Ending Chronic Homelessness, Kids Thrive and Charlotte County Reads! It's truly emotional to hear how people in our community are struggling from drug addiction, chronic homelessness and childhood trauma. Kristy Sandrock, Court Admin. 20th Circuit and Campaign Cabinet member said, "It's good to be reminded that it's not always bad decisions, life just happens." This is going to be a very memorable year as we begin our 2019-2020 Publix campaign season with their 40th Reunion Impact Tour! Thank you to Publix and Associates for your decades long generosity and support.
Publix Associates and Campaign Cabinet members listening to UWCC funded collaborations
L to R: Angie Matthiessen, Jennifer Johnston, C.J. Bannister, Suzanne Roberts, Tina Figliuolo, Angela Hogan

Pop Up Neighbor Through Laundry Event!

One early Saturday morning in July the Suncoast Campaign for Grade-Level Reading took over a local laundromat for several hours. Free laundry services were offered to everyone who walked through the door. UWCC was there to volunteer and be part of this wonderful experience. Volunteers read and gave away free books to all children.  There was one woman in particular that noticed United Way's involvement in the Pop Up Neighbor event. Her name was Tasha and she said that United Way had changed her life. Tasha didn't finish high school. An early pregnancy and other circumstances she called "bad decisions" had caused her to drop-out. Over the years, she raised four children while working as a waitress and bartender. When she was fifty, she began to ponder what her eventual retirement years would look like. She knew she wouldn't qualify for much in the way of Social Security because her waitressing and bartender jobs hadn't provided a steady or strong income. That's when she decided she needed to do something that would allow her to pay more into the system. So, at age 50, through a free program funded by the United Way of Charlotte County, Tasha went back to school to study for her GED. 

National Pacesetter Recognition
The Suncoast Campaign for Grade-Level Reading has been recognized as a national pacesetter!! We are proud to work with this incredible organization and to be the lead agency for Charlotte County. Thank you to all the community partners who make this possible. Together, we are moving the needle in our community!  
Save the date! 
Kickoff and Day of Caring is Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at Charlotte Sports Park.  
Join us at Charlotte Sports Park from 8-9AM for a light breakfast and Kick-off Our Campaign Celebration. Then head out into the community and serve one of our amazing non-profits.  Look for a sign-up link in next months newsletter to volunteer as a group or an individual.
Do you have an hour to give?
United Way