Stay up to date!
From Sunday:

Have you ever had one of those days where your spouse, your mom, your co-workers, or your friends would say you "got up on the wrong side of the bed"? Nothing went right for you, your attitude was a little poor, and a black cloud followed you around?
This morning, I want to show you from the Psalms how to guarantee you never have a day like this again. King David shows us how to rise above our circumstances and have a great day in Psalm 103.

En Agape',  
Rev. Michael Weeks

Next Sunday:

Fall Schedule resumes 9/1/19

Labor Day Schedule
sanctuary flowers
Sanctuary Flowers

If you would like to purchase flowers in memory of or in honor of a loved one for this Sunday, September 1, please notify the office by Tuesday afternoon.

September 8, and 29 are also available.

The price is $27.00 with checks made payable to Slash Christian Church. Orders do not have to be prepaid.


Monday: Ruritan Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday: Kathleen is out of the office
Meals on Wheels - Lois Haines
Nominating Committee Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: Stewardship & Finance Meeting - 7:00 p.m. 
Sunday: Fall schedule resumes
Genesis - 8:45 a.m.
Fellowship Cafe - 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.
Wo rship - 11:00 a.m.
Youth Group - 5:00 p.m.

Message from our New Regional Minister, Bill Spangler-Dunning

Dear Disciples throughout Virginia,

There is a part of me that wishes that there was a simple way of telling you who I am and who I will be as your new Regional Minister.  I further wish that I could just as quickly get to know who you are so that we could have the needed trust and friendship to go about the world changing ministry that is needed in our world.  Yet, I know that all of these things come only through intentional time and experience with one another.

As I begin to serve as your Regional Minister, I look forward to visiting every congregation along with the clergy and faithful members who already go about amazing ministry in those places.  I want to know what your struggles are and lift up to others the successes you have had in your part of the Region.  I hope, along the way, you will learn about my own passion for ministry and gifts I bring to this servant role.

As we begin this journey with each other, let me start by telling you two things about who I am and how I go about my role as Regional Minister.  1.  I am never too busy to talk to anyone.  So call me, text, message me or just arrange to meet with me.  I may be on the road somewhere or in between my meetings with other people in the Region, but I want to hear from you.  2.  I love to dream impossible dreams and I hope you will be willing to consider dreaming with me in time.


Slash Church 290 Anniversary

Patrick Henry will greet you as you enter church 
and then introduce our special guests.

9:00 a.m. Sunday School
10 :00 a.m. ONE Worship  
11:30 a.m. Potluck Picnic.
Take home a flyer to share with family, friends and co-workers.

290th Anniversary Workday
Thanks to all who came out to help us get the grounds and our buildings ready for our September 15th Celebration! 

We have scheduled another workday.   Can you come and help? 
Saturday, September 7th, 8am-Noon
We will work outside and inside (general cleaning and especially on the windows). Bring your shop vac, weed eaters, push mowers, and yard tools.

Nominating Committee
Say YES to the Nominating Committee!

The nominating committee will be contacting people to serve in 2020.  
Committee members are Leslie West, Rebecca Highfield, Ed Hellermann, Jean Smith and Wendy Benson.
These wonderful folks will be putting together a new slate of officers, trustees, diaconate, and elders for congregational approval at our December meeting. Please find your ministry for 2020 by saying yes when they ask.

~ Sandra and Bob Boclair (friends of Dalton and Judy Pierce)
~The Hellermann family
~Vicki Cairns (mother of Jessica Colbert; hospital with unknown fever/infection )
~Christy Loving (Alan Goodman's cousin's wife; back surgery)
~Barbara Jellison (recovering at home)
~The Spence family (relatives of Gail Hellermann)
~Christopher Keenan (father of Kelly Benson)
~Bob Maphis (former minister; back home)
~Allen Loving (son of Brooken and Sandra; home)
~Bob Henderson (chemo started)
~Bill Ridenour (brother of Catherine Young; home)
~Edward Cockes (cousin of Ted Jones)
~Marge Lenihan (mother of Kathleen Prettyman)
~Jerry Kersey (brother of Don Kersey; in Autumn Care; suffered a setback)
~Chris Carroll (friend of Nancy Farrell; stroke)
~Tootie Blake (friend of Lois Haines)
~Dave Lamamma (friend of Christine Harrison; stage 4 esophogeal cancer)
~Jerry Hatton (friend of Steve Harrison; car accident)
~Brenna Canning (granddaughter of Frank Burkett; back in the hospital; difficulty with anti-rejection drugs)
~Steve Bunce (brother of Gail Hellermann; bipolar, having lots of issues)
~Keith Boyer and family (home; continues rehab)
~Beth Bareford and family (neighbor of Becky Baugher; cancer)
~Jessica Thompson (niece of Jessica Colbert)
~The Scott family (cousin of Gail Hellermann; stage 4 colon cancer)
~Pam Brown (friend of Gail Hellermann)
~Doris Talley (mother of Cathy Tillman; staying with Cathy)
~John Cox (mentor of Buddy Fowler; hospice care)
~Shelby Slaughter (friend of Elana Gant)
~Betty Pierce (home)
~ Nick Harrison (father of Steve Harrison)
~ Charlie League (friend of Patsy Fowler)
~Dianne Jones 
~Iris Epps (friend of Gail Hellermann)
All military personnel, first responders and their families
Unspoken prayer concerns

Saturday's workday was fun and productive
Great weather

We will see you Sunday!
Slash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
11353 Mt. Hermon Rd. | Ashland, VA  23005 | 804.798.4520 

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