iEXCEL Digital Pulse
October 2020 | Volume 6 Issue 8

Global leadership in improving human performance & effectiveness in healthcare
Dr. Pamela Boyers and Dr. Jeffrey Gold cut the ceremonial ribbon at the Davis Global Center
iEXCEL Update
The Davis Global Center remains active throughout the COVID–19 pandemic and is offering opportunities for interprofessional, experiential learning through access to advanced cutting-edge simulation and visualization technologies.

Our iEXCEL team stands-by to help you try out new ideas, and guide you through the process of creating realistic clinical simulation activities. Please reach out to the iEXCEL simulation professionals, who will collaborate with you to create training experiences tailored to your curriculum, special learning activities and/or educational research needs. With these resources right at your fingertips, the opportunities are endless. The best way to find one (or more) of us is through the iEXCEL Gateway App!

Davis Global Center Officially Dedicated!
October celebrated a week of dedication activities and official visits to the Davis Global Center. A compilation of these virtual ceremonies and events can be found online.

The Davis Global Center
iEXCEL in the News
On October 25, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan visited the Davis Global Center and the Training, Simulation and Quarantine Center (TSQC). Accompanied by Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts and UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey Gold, discussions involved recognition of the critical work being done at UNMC to support COVID-19 responses, including training and vaccine and therapeutic developments.

Deputy Secretary Hargan visits iEXCEL
Student Educational Highlights
This month, first-year Physical Therapy students practiced their skills in safely moving patients in hospital environments, using special lifting equipment.
Physical Therapy Students use a Hoyer Lift
Graduate Medical Education Highlights
Emergency Medicine residents experienced a “frightfully fun” team learning experience during an afternoon simulation that was full of tricks and treats! Emergency Medicine instructors and the iEXCEL team brought creative Halloween-themed simulations to life.

General Surgery residents engaged in a surgical lab to review thyroid, parathyroid and neck dissection skills.

Second year Orthopedic Surgery residents also visited the Davis Global Center to practice a shoulder arthroscopy and arthroplasty skills.
Emergency Medicine residents work with simulated patients while in costume
Orthopedic Surgery residents in the Davis Global Center
Professional Development Highlights
Nebraska Medicine Cardiac Care Nurses trained on the interactive iWalls spaced throughout the Davis Global Center. This allowed them to enhance their cardiovascular knowledge and skills related to coronary anatomy, ST elevation and EKG interpretation through interactive, digital exercises.
Nebraska Medicine nurses working at the iWall
Top Quality Production
During October, the iEXCEL visualization specialists worked with many UNMC and Nebraska Medicine collaborators, including Strategic Communications and the University of Nebraska Foundation to make the virtual dedication ceremonies possible. These teams produced several events joined by thousands of viewers around the nation and the world, including Japan, the United Kingdom and the Middle East.

Behind-the-scenes production in the Davis Global Center's Holographic Theater
UNeMed Innovation Awards
UneMed honored iEXCEL's Ben Stobbe, and the Department of Otolaryngology's Dr. Christie Barnes, Dr. Jayme Dowdall, and Dr. Samuel Pate, at their 2020 Innovation Awards for contributions to the fight against COVID-19 through their work on creating a Naso/Oropharyngeal Swab Specimen Trainer!

Nasopharyngeal swab training at the Davis Global Center
Thank you to our faculty, students, researchers, industry collaborators, the iEXCEL team, our community supporters – and to so many others who are contributing to creating the UNMC Interprofessional, Experiential Center for Enduring Learning.

Don’t forget to reach out to us directly or through our Gateway App with questions about how to access the Davis Global Center and/or receive support in creating your simulation or visualization scenario.

We are here to support you and enjoy growing iEXCEL with you!

Sincere Regards,

Pam Boyers, PhD
Associate Vice Chancellor, iEXCEL
4111 Emile Street
Omaha, NE 68105
402-559-2442 (phone)