Dear Friends of Family Promise of Essex County,

I'm delighted to be back with Family Promise of Essex County! You may remember me from my time served on the Board of Trustees and then as Executive Director from 2001 to 2013. 

Since then, I've served as the Executive Director of Family Promise of Greater Orlando, where I led the effort to implement a “best practices” approach to ending family homelessness. Called “Housing First,” this approach has seen great success in both rural and urban areas across the country. My goals for FPE this year are to expand the programs and grow the amount of people in a crisis that were are able to help.

I look forward to continuing our critical work with the Essex County community again!

With gratitude,

Tia Aery
Executive Director
FPE Sets up Temporary
Covid-19 Vaccination Site
Family Promise of Essex County was grateful to be able to offer all shelter clients, staff and other eligible FPE associates the one dose Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. On-site staff and nurses set up private stations in the FPE office for administering the vaccine and monitoring clients. Thank you to the nurses and County Executive, Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. for visiting FPE and making this vaccine accessible to FPE and to our most vulnerable populations.
Alisha's New Home

Alisha is enjoying the convenience of accepting packages delivered to her door at her new home!

When Alisha came to FPE she was in need emergency shelter for her and her three children. Working with FPE case managers, Alisha moved into permanent housing in a couple months. FPE was able to provide rental assistance for stable housing that she could call home for her and her three children.

Like many families, COVID-19 made this year very difficult for her. But with the support of FPE, Alisha has moved into her new fully furnished house!

Thanks to the support of our donors, volunteers and concerned community members, Alisha and her children found a place to call home that she can sustain all on her own!
Family Promise Giving Day is April 21!
Are you ready to be a part of Family Promise Giving Day? It’s a day to celebrate all the good going on in our communities!

Family Promise of Essex County is participating together with Family Promise affiliates across the country with a online Giving Day to raise awareness and funds to support families experiencing homelessness or at-risk of losing their housing.

Those who wish to help us fight family homelessness by participating in Family Promise Giving Day can donate or spread the word on social media by sharing content from Family Promise of Essex County’s accounts. Look out for following emails and social media posts starting April 14th for interesting facts, stories and how you can help!
Help a Child with Virtual Learning
With so many kids still learning virtually this year, the challenges for low-income families to provide children with necessities to learn from home are difficult.

To be successful in a virtually learning experience children need equipt computers, working internet, desks, access to extra help or tutors and school supplies. All of these resources were previously provided by the school. Now parents with low income have an extra challenge to provide their children with these resources for a meaningful learning experience.

Your donation can help provide a child with a computer for virtual learning and access to our After School Program tutors.
Please consider a donation to Family Promise of Essex County.
Donation online or send a check to:
Family Promise of Essex County
46 Park Street
Montclair, NJ 07042
Welcome Our Newest FPE Additions!
Brianna Williams,
FPE Case Manager
Board Member Davianne Harris, Partner and Head of Strategy at OBERLAND
Board Member Abigail Carlton, Head of Social Impact for Indeed
We Are Grateful to All Donors and Volunteers!
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