September 2019 Newsletter for YMCA Members and Friends
Programs focus on teaching the players the basic skills, teamwork & sportsmanship. All participants will play equal time.

Flag football is fun for everyone and a safer alternative for parents who might hesitate letting their child start tackle football.
The YMCA Youth Flag Football League is a great way to learn basic skills in a fun and energetic environment. With games played every Saturday, the Youth Flag Football League is a TOUCHDOWN!

Ages 3-4/5-6/7-9/ 10–12
Saturdays 9/14- 10/26
FEE: Members: $35 Program Participant: $60 

Motions, movements, and stunting in a safe environment along with basic tumbling skills. Participants will cheer at YMCA Flag Football games, weather permitting.
Ages 3-4/5-6 / 7-9
Saturdays 9/14 – 10/26
Price includes Poms and T-shirt.
FEE: Members: $35
Program Participant: $60 

Youth Soccer League is an exciting opportunity to learn the skills of the game while working on teamwork. With games
played every Saturday, you’ll get a KICK out of our Youth Soccer League!
Ages 3-4/5-6/7-9/10-13
Saturdays 9/14- 10/26
FEE: Members: $35
Program Participant: $60
Sunday, September 15 9:00AM
T-shirt & Medal to all
$20.00 prior to August 1,2019
$30.00 August 2 or later
Everyone will receive a medal and a shirt
School Age Child Care at the Y
Helping elementary school age children reach their potential through fun, achievement and belonging during before and after school hours.
Program Age:
State licensed before and after school child care for boys & girls in grades K through 5.
Program Dates & Times: 
·  August 19 through May 29 when Marion City Schools and Pleasant Local Schools are in session.
·  Before school care: 6:45 am until school bus picks up at the Y. MCS will pick up for George Washington & Benjamin Harrison. Pleasant also picks up.
·    After school care: Arrival at Y by MCS bus from George Washington & Benjamin Harrison or from Pleasant by Pleasant bus until 6:00 pm.
·   The Y provides separate programs on most school vacation days and snow days.

For more information click here
Ages 11-14
Calling all young people: join our staff members Jacob & Dani for fun, adventure, a little competition, creativity and more every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 5:00 -7:00 pm starting September 4, 2019

Youth Activities are free for Y members ages 11 - 14 on a drop in basis. No need to register in advance, just show up and have fun. Young people should check in a the Service Center as usual and look for a sign that tells you were Youth Activities are located that afternoon. Guests may participate with a guest pass ($5 per day) and adhering to our regular guest policies.
Youth who attend will help decide the activities and may include ping pong, board games, basketball, 9 square, volleyball, basketball, pickleball swimming and more.
The Y has an ODJFS licensed preschool education program that will help your child prepare for kindergarten, gain social skills, be active and of course have fun.
Sept. 9, 2019 - May 15, 2020
One-Time Registration Fee: $30 per child, per school year
Register at the Y Service Center for the 2019– 2020 by simply paying the $30 registration fee. Preschool tuition is paid monthly and you may wait until the end of August to begin paying these monthly fees. Monthly fees are the total cost of the school-year spread over 9 months, so the fees are the same each month regardless of holidays or days off. Fees may be paid through an automatic bank draft or are due prior to the start of each month.
The Marion Family YMCA Dolphin Swim Team is for kids ages 5 to 18 who enjoy the spirit of competition, as well as the camaraderie of being on a team. We center our program around the values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. Our athletes are of all ability levels, working to improve their skills, build self confidence, and develop their potential as a swimmer and individual.
Our swim team has a rich history of helping athletes realize their potential as young persons and as swimmers. In recent years, athletes have met personal bests, set Marion Family YMCA records, set high school team records, and competed at the Zone and National level. 
All team members must be a member of the Marion Family YMCA.
New Parent Meeting: August 29, 6:00pm 
Trial week : September 9–12, 5:15pm-7:15pm
We are excited to announce the new and improved Aerobic Studio 2 (AS2) is now open and scheduled with fitness classes. This room was previously used for our kickboxing classes and did not have a ceiling so we were very limited to the classes we could offer and the times and days classes could be scheduled. The room now has a ceiling, mirrors and a fresh coat of paint and is the new location for classes such as hatha yoga, gentle yoga, vinyasa yoga, Total strength, kettlebell and other toning classes. We hope to continue with improvements and eventually upgrade the flooring and add some balance barres to increase the flexibility of the space. It is a very multi-functional space and is a great addition to our land group exercise locations. Kickboxing classes are now located in Aerobic Studio 3 (AS3).
Lifeguards two
Serving the community through water safety

Member: $60.00
Program Participant: $80.00
When :
Friday, September 20 5:00pm -9:00pm or
Friday, October 25 5:00pm - 9:00pm or                                                                             
Friday, November 8 5:00pm -9:00pm or
Friday, December 21 5:00pm - 9:00pm                                                                                   
Additional Info:
This is an American Safety Health Institute Certification. Certifications are valid for two years. Participants must attend ALL class dates and times to be certified. Class is open to a limited number of 6 participants.
Member: $160.00
Program Participant: $200.00
When :
Friday, September 20 5:00pm -9:00pm
Saturday, September 21 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday, September 22 12:00pm - 8:00pm  
Friday, November 8 5:00pm -9:00pm
Saturday, November 9 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday, November 10 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Another summer is ending. Thank you to all the families who sent their children to Summer Day Camp. They had a great summer achieving new experiences, connecting with old & new friends, and having fun. You can see pictures from the summer here on our Y’s page on Facebook .

Thank you to WMRN and iHeartRadio for inviting me to record a podcast about the Y. If you prefer to listen rather than read, click here to hear all that is happening over the next month at the Y.

As we head into September, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with the young lady whom I mentor at Grant Middle School. As part of Marion Mentors, I spend about 45 minutes with her each week. Now that the school year is in full swing, I will start those weekly meetings again. I’m looking forward to it. We’re recruiting adult volunteers as mentors. Mentors spend 30 to 60 minutes each week (when school is in session) with their mentee during the school day or after school at the Boys & Girls Club, the Y or in the school building. We provide training and a framework for your time together. You can apply to be a mentor at

Have a great Labor Day Weekend! Thank you for being a member of the Marion Family YMCA.

  -Theresa Lubke, Executive Director
Monday, September 2: Entire facility closed for Labor Day
The gyms are back open!
Locker Rooms and Pools closed now through August 30
8 Lane pool closed through September 8