New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling |
The 2019 NYSAR³
Fall Recycling Conference (marking its 30th Anniversary!) will be Nov. 4-6 at the Otesaga in Cooperstown. Read More about
the only conference dedicated to recycling and waste diversion in the State!
Vendors: the conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with 200 materials management professionals - public and private sector decision-makers from across New York State to market your products and services. Click for the Vendor Application.
Note: November 5 is Election Day. You will need to get an absentee ballot (it's really easy!)
Nominations are now open for NYSAR3's 2019 Recycling Leadership Awards, which recognize outstanding accomplishments in recycling, composting, reuse and waste reduction in New York State. Categories for the Awards include: Lifetime Achievement, Citizen, Public Sector, Private Sector, and Team.The deadline to submit is Sept. 27, 2019. Awards will be presented at the 30th Annual Recycling Conference & Trade Show on Nov. 6 in Cooperstown. Visit our website for the application. |
Six New York state schools received awards in the spring round of Green Schools Grants. Read more about these "start-up" awards, which were presented on Earth Day. Over 100 schools have received money to fund small projects since the program began in 2015.
Wells College, recipient of a NYSAR3 College Council Grant, used their award to purchase outdoor recycling containers for both garbage and recycling. Read More about how the new double split-stream containers allow students and faculty to recycle inside, as well as outside, at the Aurora, NY college. |
NYSDEC is holding a series of webinars and meetings on proposed amendments. Read More about the
Upcoming Public Webinars and Meetings on Amendments Under Consideration to 6 NYCRR Parts 370-374, 376 of the Hazardous Waste Management Regulations.
2019 has been a banner year for environmental issues in New York State. The Plastic Bag Ban goes Into effect March 1, 2020 and the Food Recovery and Recycling bill was passed. A number of other important bills passed in the State Senate and House and await the governor's signature. Read the update on some key legislative issues.
Have you heard about the #RecycleRightNY campaign? It is a 12-month public outreach campaign launched in January 2019
to reduce contamination in household recycling across New York State. The Recycle Right NY campaign provides free downloadable social media materials that organizations and individuals can use to promote good recycling habits.
Learn more and access free downloadable resources at
In June, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the Stevens-led amendment to develop a national recycling strategy.
Read More about t
he amendment, which instructs the Environmental Protection Agency to prioritize funding to develop a national recycling strategy to ensure the long-term economic and environmental viability of local recycling programs.
The Residential Recycling Committee of the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board has produced two free recycling guides with "practical strategies, tools, and inspiration for building owners, property managers, and interested superintendents and residents." These comprehensive guides are a valuable resource for organizing recycling with or without organics in large multifamily buildings. Download at
A 30-hour Master Composter/Recycler Course will begin in August at the Sustainable Living Center in Schenectady's Central Park. Lesley Cutting, Recycling & Composting Educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension, and professionals in the environmental field, will cover topics including local recycling, materials management and climate change, zero waste living, reducing wasted food, backyard and composting methods.
Course participants will volunteer 30 hours annually in Schenectady County communities - sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm at local events, schools, and community meetings.
Triad Recycling & Energy is tackling the issue of mattress recycling head-on. The Tonawanda company has seen a steady increase since they started recycling mattresses in 2013. Read More about this specialized disposal option.
An ongoing series of webinars, hosted by Walmart, and presented by The Association of Plastic Recyclers, will discuss design for plastics recyclability and communicating the common messages within the Walmart Recyclability Playbook and the APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability. Each session begins at 2:30 p.m. Webinars include:
Are you interested in receiving recycling and sustainability news, updates, and related events in NYS?
Or maybe you're interested in receiving solid waste regulatory updates, funding opportunities, and solid waste related events?
Sign up for the DEC Delivers
Solid Waste and Recycling listserv.
If there is a public event or workshop related to recycling (organics, textiles, electronics, traditional recyclables, etc.) you'd like the greater community to know about, please email Kristine Ellsworth at kristine.ellsworth@dec.ny.gov and she can include it in upcoming DEC Delivers publications.