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- For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at https://des.nc.gov/.
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North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported 1,336 new COVID-19 cases Monday, the lowest daily increase in cases since October 19 when the state added 1,144 new cases.
Though the number of new cases dropped, the state also reported 30,261 more completed tests, a decrease from the past four days. The percentage of positive tests has remained roughly level, with 6.2% of tests returning positive on Saturday.
Currently, 1,146 people are hospitalized with COVID-19 with 94% of hospitals reporting. In the past 24 hours, 226 suspected COVID-19 patients have been admitted to hospitals statewide.
1,336 New Cases
+ N.C. = 278,288 Cases (Deaths = 4,390)
+ 6.2 %Positive Rate + Wake County = 21,861 Cases (Deaths = 275)
+ US = 9.33 million Cases/231K deaths
+ Worldwide = 46.6 million/1.2 million deaths
+ Completed Tests: 4,116,019
+ 1,146 Hospitalizations.