Dear Friends and Colleagues:
I am honored to serve as the new chair of the Guardian ad Litem Foundation of Florida’s First Coast, Inc. I am so grateful for the staff and volunteers who work directly with our children in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. My fellow board members and I support Guardian ad Litem by raising awareness about its programs. We raise funds so children can have items and opportunities that bring normalcy to their lives. The little things can mean so much.
The board is working with GAL staff and volunteers on a strategic plan that will help us set important priorities, focus energy and resources, and strengthen operations so we are all working toward common goals as we assess and adjust the direction in response to a changing environment.
I invite you to learn more about Guardian ad Litem. After reading our newsletter, I hope you will volunteer with our organization or donate to make a difference in a child’s life.
Working together, we will continue to grow stronger and fulfill critical needs of children in the Fourth Judicial Circuit.