Episcopal Church
of the Resurrection
1433 NW R.D. Mize Road
Blue Springs, Missouri  64015
(816) 228-4220
Saturday, August 24, 2019 Pentecost
Prayer Request                                                      
A Wonderful Celebration

A big thank you to everyone who participated in preparing the church for the Organ Dedication and  Blessing service last Sunday. The Hospitality Team provided an incredible spread after  the service that accommodated over 90 people. The Altar Guild prepared the sanctuary with  beauty that helped to reflect the mood for listening and enjoying the concert presented by the  organists and Phil Clark on the trumpet. 

I know that our music director Vaughn Scarcliff was  overjoyed with the turnout of people and the music created by all the performers. For those  who had the opportunity to attend and listen, our new organ shined in its premier concert for  the community. This is just the beginning of our music opportunities. There were many greater  KC organ music lovers who attended that had very nice things to say about our new instrument  and how well it sounded in our beautiful church. Many, many thanks to Vaughn in his  leadership and the support from many others for making all of this possible. We are truly  blessed to be able to enjoy this organ that will help to glorify God in our liturgies and worship  where it is used.
Time _ Talents
Please share your Time and Talents

We are not a church without the ministry of the laity. The work of the church is the Body of  Christ.  
Those who lead ministries, with those who work in ministries, provide the work of God  in community and for the parish.

Our mission to serve others is all about personal commitment  to make a difference in other people's lives through spreading the gospel not only in worship  but more importantly in action and fellowship. The church budget is comprised of tithes and  offerings given by the parishioners to make fulfilling our mission possible. Even though words  and prayers will be said to recognize all who serve God through our parish ministries, it  is  recognizing the will of people to be involved in the programs that allow them to be a part of the  Body of Christ.

Our ministries depend on people willing to work and give of their time and  talents to accomplish the goals set for the work that must be done. If you are not a member of  a working group, please take the opportunity to seek out one that fits your desires and abilities.  A listing of working groups and ministry leaders is available in the narthex and undercroft.
Monday, September 2 at 7:00 pm
Sweet Pies and Soldiers

The Finding Faith Through Fiction Book Club will meet next on Monday, September 2 at 7:00 pm to review the book Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers by Sara Ackerman.

Set in Hawaii, 1944. The Pacific battles of World War II continue to threaten American soil, and on the home front, the bonds of friendship and the strength of love are tested.

Violet Iverson and her young daughter, Ella, are piecing their lives together one year after the disappearance of her husband. As rumors swirl and questions about his loyalties surface, Violet believes Ella knows something. But Ella is stubbornly silent. Something-or someone-has scared her. And with the island overrun by troops training for a secret mission, tension and suspicion between neighbors is rising.

Violet bands together with her close friends to get through the difficult days. To support themselves, they open a pie stand near the military base, offering the soldiers a little homemade comfort. Try as she might, Violet can't ignore her attraction to the brash marine who comes to her aid when the women are accused of spying. Desperate to discover the truth behind what happened to her husband, while keeping her friends and daughter safe, Violet is torn by guilt, fear and longing as she faces losing everything. Again.
FROM FR. DAVID + Fr. David
All is Grace

An intriguing irony of the gospels: the best teachers are not the really religious people of the  day. Lessons come from a good Samaritan, an ostracized woman delivered from demons, a  hated Roman centurion, a Canaanite mother referred to as a dog, a foreign leper, children
regarded as worthless in that society. They know and show what it means to have a relationship  with God while the clergy  du jour  stumble along clueless as blind guides. Jesus himself, born a  homeless refugee, incarnates God's presence with us.   So maybe I shouldn't be surprised these days if we're taking moral lessons not from the most
popular Christian preachers, but from sports and entertainment figures, including late night TV  comedians.

Such lessons came to me last week as I watched Anderson Cooper interview Stephen Colbert. I
commend it to you. Many of you have probably seen it already. One clergy friend pondered
showing the interview in lieu of Sunday sermon. These two guys talked a lot about the political
situation, subject of another column. But what captured my interest was Colbert's rich
theological insights into the human experience of suffering, something I suspect we each know
something about. As one of my mentors used to tell his congregation: "Suffering is the promise
life always keeps." A bit bleak, perhaps. But tell me it isn't true?

Colbert knew loss from an early age, his father and brother killed in a plane crash. He recently
wrote a condolence letter to Anderson Cooper, who had experienced his own loss. I think that's
what triggered the interview, in which Colbert said: "The bravest thing you can do is to accept
with gratitude the world as it is, to love the thing that I most wish had not happened," Colbert
had asked: "What punishments of God are not gifts?" When pressed to explain, he said: "It's a
gift  to exist. It's a gift to  exist ," Colbert, slightly changing emphasis in the retelling. "And with 
existence comes suffering. There is no escaping that. I guess I'm either a Catholic or a Buddhist
when I say those things."

There's more: "If you are grateful for your life...then you have to be grateful for all of it. You
can't pick and choose what you're grateful for. And then, so what do you get from loss? You get
awareness of other people's loss, which allows you to connect with that other person, which
allows you to love more deeply and to understand what it is like to be a human being if it is true
that all humans suffer." Colbert went on to say that this is partly why he is a Christian, because
in Jesus, God comes to suffer among us. In several places in the gospels, it says that Jesus
regarded the people with compassion, a word which literally means "suffering with." Karen
Armstrong says that word is at the heart of all great religious traditions. That's something for
which we can give thanks.

Scripture calls us to give thanks in all things. That doesn't mean we don't wish bad things hadn't
happened. But the difficult things, which we all know something about, can become a bridge,
creating deeper connection with God and neighbor. Going back to the gospels, I imagine that
the best teachers were those who knew suffering.

Give thanks in all things? It reminds me of a college friend, who ended his religion papers with
the acronym SOKOP: Sounds okay on paper. Easier said than done. That is certainly true when it
comes to gratitude in the face of suffering. All of this, it seems to me, must be our own interior
work. A person of privilege like myself can only tell myself to be grateful in the limited suffering
I've experienced. Mostly rich people problems. I can't tell that to people who become deathly ill
with no warning, to toddlers put in cages, to parents separated from children, to spouses
widowed after gun violence, the list is unending.

I can only enter into the counter-intuitive dynamic by which greater human community is
gained through loss. It's a message of resurrection. It's Easter after Good Friday. May we each
be given grace to act on the challenging scripture from I Thessalonians (5:18):  In every thing  give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.   -Jay Sidebotham

This small piece of writing from Henri Nouwen is particularly relative to this discussion.
Blessings and peace...    Fr. David +

Gratitude as the gospel speaks about it embraces all of life: the good and the bad, the joyful and
the painful, the holy and the not so holy. Is this possible in a society where gladness and
sadness, joy and sorrow, peace and conflict remain radically separated? Can we counter the
many advertisements that tells us, "You cannot be glad when you are sad, so be happy: buy this,
do that, go here, go there, and you will have a moment of happiness during which you can
forget your sorrow? Is it truly possible to embrace with gratitude all of our life and not just the
good things that we like to remember?

Jesus calls us to recognize that gladness and sadness are never separate, that joy and sorrow really belong together, and that mourning and dancing are part of the same movement.  That is why Jesus call us  to be grateful for every movement that we have lived and to claim our unique
journey as God's way to mold our hearts to greater conformity with God's own. The cross is the
main symbol of our faith, and it invites us to find hope where we see pain and to reaffirm the
resurrection where we see death. The call to be grateful is a call to trust that every moment of
our life can be claimed as the way of the cross that leads us to new life.   -Henri Nouwen

from an article called "All is Grace", Weavings, Vol. 7,  No. 2, 1992
Sunday School

Please contact Fr. David if you are interested in assisting in the nursery or teaching Sunday school in the fall.
Sunday, September 12 at 11:30 am

Please attend an informational meeting on Sunday, September 8 after both services.  This is also an opportunity to inquire about becoming a member of our parish.  The Bishop will be confirming and receiving individuals on Saturday, November 2 at St. Matthews Episcopal Church in Raytown beginning at 4 pm.

September 14 at 9:00 am

This class will provide certification from the American Heart Association and will teach life saving skills for infants, children and adults and how to use our Automated External Defibrillator (AED).  The class size is limited to 16 people.  The sign-up sheet is in the narthex.

A Spiritual Retreat for Lay and Clergy September 20-22
Episcopal Cursillo Ministry

The Episcopal Cursillo Weekend includes a time to experience living in a supportive Christian community that includes fifteen talks, five meditations and a Eucharist every day.  Cursillo Weekend is not a retreat. It is an opportunity to meet clergy and laity seeking to strengthen our faith. It provides an environment to experience the reality of the gift of God's love through shared prayer, individual meditation, worship, study, fellowship, laughter, tears, and unconditional love.   
Please contact Fr. David if you have questions or would like to participate.

Please Note

Lunch Bunch will meet Thursday, September 12 at 11:30 am at Salvatore's, 12801 E US Hwy 40 in Independence.

Garden Angels needed to help maintain our flower garden and grounds. The heat of summer takes its toll on flowers. Volunteers are needed to help weed and water. Please contact Gabe Conn to assist.
Necessity Pantry: Needed items include disposable razors, toothpaste and brushes, men's and Put This on Your Calendar women's deodorant, canned soup, cereals, feminine depends and pads S-M-L sizes and seasonal clothing.  Monetary gifts are also gratefully accepted.   The pantry is also looking for volunteers on the 2nd Tuesday (4-6 pm) and the 3rd Saturday (10 am - noon) of each month.  Call Pat Carle to help.

Save Best Choice labels and Boxtops for Education
Please clip and save Best Choice brand UPC labels and the Boxtops for Education for Resurrection.  Collection containers are located in the Narthex.

Bible Study every Wednesday afternoon at 1 pm in the Undercroft. No Wednesday evening Bible Study during the summer.