Worship with us Sunday Mornings!
New Sermon Series: The Letter to the Ephesians
Who are we? We all ask this question in different ways at different times. Perhaps we are trying to understand how to be a good husband or wife, how to do our job well, or how to be a good student. We are often trying to find our identity in varied ways, and sometimes, we even wonder what it means to be a person—what our purpose is on this earth, and why we have life.

We've all been there, or possibly are there right now. This Sunday, we are excited to start a new series on the book of Ephesians, which answers this one big question (and many smaller ones along the way), “Who are we?” 
This Sunday is also Confirmation Sunday. Our 6th graders will confirm their faith in a special service at 9:30 in the Sanctuary. It will be live-streamed.

REMINDER: Childcare is available for children 6 weeks to 5 years during the 10:45 service.
100 Easter Meals ... Stuffed, Sealed and Delivered!
This past Friday, Good Friday, we bagged 100 special Easter meals, and delivered all to families in need (or those who simply needed a little extra love this Easter). The church handed roughly 30 out to single moms in need of support. The remaining meals were delivered to local fire departments, police officers and nurses. All were met with the sincerest thanks. To all of our volunteers who helped bag the meals - THANK YOU! To everyone who has continued to so generously give this past year - THANK YOU. Your gifts matter and are having a huge impact on our local community.
Ways to Engage
If you've been absent this past year due to the pandemic, we are so happy to say that there are many ways to get engaged and get involved at HFUMC. Here are a few:

Sunday School Classes: Sunday School is back, and attendance has been overwhelming! Many classes are now meeting on campus, Sunday mornings at 9:30am; some are also offering virtual attendance. Our Kids program, which serves kids up to 6th grade, meets in the children's wing on the second floor (over the daycare center on the Kroger parking lot side). Youth (grades 7-12) meets on the 3rd floor, above the office side of the church. Youth also meets Sunday and Wednesday nights; click here for more information. And several adult classes are meeting throughout the first and second floors. For a complete list of adult class offerings, reach out to Joshua Strader.

Prayer Requests: Each week, a prayer request email is distributed to many in our congregation. You can sign up to receive those and pray for our members and their families, or if you need prayer support from our church, you can send us your prayer request for inclusion. To sign up or submit a prayer request, click here.

Volunteering Your Time: If you would like to volunteer your service at church or in the community, either as a Sunday morning greeter or usher or by helping in the community, reach out to Jesse Fleck to learn where you can plug in.
Upcoming Events at HFUMC
April 11 Services
8:15 - Traditional Service, Sanctuary (and online)
9:30 - Sunday School (class rooms)
9:30 - Confirmation Service, Sanctuary (and online)
10:45 - Contemporary Service, Gym (and online)

Sunday, April 11 Youth Group
5 - 6:30, Youth Lounge

Wednesday, April 14 Youth Discipleship Groups
5:30 - 7pm, Youth Lounge
HFUMC.ORG | 615-824-8725