April 2019 Newsletter
Organics Summit Focuses on Composting, Food Waste 

The 2019 Organics Summit, sponsored by NYSAR³, was held at Casa Larga Vineyards in Fairport on March 26 and 27. Read More about this successful event, which focused on composting, reducing food waste, donating excess food and similar topics.
College Council Grants Go to Pace and SUNY Canton
Awards will be going to Pace University and SUNY Canton through the NYSAR ³  College Council grant program, co-sponsored by the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) and NYSAR ³.  Read More about these  innovative research projects. 
4WR Committee:  Focus on Women In Materials Management
Women for Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, and Rethinking Strategies for Managing Materials (W4R) is a new NYSAR³  Committee that focuses on connecting women of all stages of their education and careers. Read More about what this group offers.
Plans Are Underway for Fall Recycling Conference
The 2019 NYSAR³  Fall Recycling Conference will be Nov. 4-6 at the Otesaga in Cooperstown. NYSAR³  offers a premier conference with a technical program that is timely and relevant to the recycling community; along with the networking time and vendor show.  Vendors, the conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with 200 materials management professionals - public and private sector decision-makers from across New York State to market your products and services. Click for the Vendor Application.
Food Waste Law Also Approved
NYSAR³  Legislative News - Plastic Bag Ban Passes into Law
With the passing of the 2019-20 budget, New York State gained two new environmental laws related to materials management! Read More about the new laws, one that targets large generators of food scraps and the other bans single-use plastic carryout bags.
Paper & Packaging EPR - New York Briefing Summary
PSI Logo
Extended Producer Responsibility programs provide dedicated, non-taxpayer funding to sustainably support recovery and recycling. In the case of PPP, (paper and packaged products) which makes up a substantial percentage of the municipal solid waste stream, there is an enormous opportunity for increased recycling.  Read More about how PPP can potentially provide much-needed relief to taxpayers.
Recycle Right NY Campaign Announces New Website
In April, the NYSDEC, in partnership with the statewide recycling education and outreach subcommittee, launched a new webpage for the Recycle Right NY Campaign. Read More about this statewide effort to educate New York residents about contamination in household recycling bins. 
Food Waste, Single Use Plastic Workshop Held in Buffalo
The Erie County Department of Environment and Planning along with the Alliance for the Great Lakes, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper and Citizens Campaign for the Environment held a workshop on reducing food waste and single use plastics at restaurants and special events in March.  Panelists included a local restaurant owner; reps from the Buffalo Zoo (where plastic bags and straws were recently eliminated); and the Borderland Festival, which focuses on waste reduction during their two-day music event. Feedback was positive, with attendees requesting additional events on these issues geared toward businesses. A senior from a local high school kicked off the event by sharing his thoughts on why this issue is important to his generation. Read More about events in Erie County, as well as a summary of event results.
Filmmaker Attends Chapter 2 Movie Screening
On April 1 Chapter 2 held a screening of the National Geographic documentary "Paris to Pittsburgh". The film was followed by a discussion with filmaker Alexandria Villasenor, who fielded questions and talked about her work with an international group of young climate activists. The film is available for free to anyone who can attract an audience of 10 or more people.
Career Connections: New Feature on NYSAR³ Website
NYSAR³ has added a new feature to the website: Career Connections. NYSAR ³  members and students of College Council member institutions entering the job market are welcome to post their resume and NYSAR³ member organizations are welcome to post opportunities for employment to this page.
NYC Textile Upcycling Firm Gets B Corp Status
HELPSY, formerly a sustainable fashion e-commerce website, recently became a clothing collection, recycling, and upcycling company. In March, it became the first clothing collection company to earn B Corp status in the United States. Read More about the innovative textile company.
Flower City Pickers Win Community Vote for Funding
Flower City Pickers Inc. a food-waste recovery and redistribution nonprofit agency, was awarded $30,000 from the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative's Participatory Budgeting Program in March. Read More about the group's efforts to divert safe and edible food that could have ended up in the landfill.
NYSDEC Updating State's Solid Waste Management Plan
In 2010, the State developed and implemented Beyond Waste its  current Solid Waste Management Plan,  to guide materials management through 2020. As 2020 approaches, DEC launched an ambitious agenda of statewide stakeholder meetings to seek input from all sectors on ideas on where to focus for the future. DEC hosted these meetings with facilitated discussions designed to identify key materials management issues and a framework for a new plan addressing those issues for the next decade. This is a collaborative effort in planning for maximum disposal diversion, addressing recycling challenges, optimizing organics potential, supporting our state's solid waste management facility infrastructure, and ultimately protecting New York's natural resources. There were 14 meetings held across the state concluding in March 2019. If you missed one near you, comments and questions are welcome: NYSSolidWastePlan or
Sign Up for DEC Notices
Are you interested in receiving recycling and sustainability news, updates, and related events in NYS?  Or maybe you're interested in receiving solid waste regulatory updates, funding opportunities, and solid waste related events?  Sign up for the DEC Delivers  Solid Waste and Recycling listserv.
If there is a public event or workshop related to recycling (organics, textiles, electronics, traditional recyclables, etc.) you'd like the greater community to know about, please email Kristine Ellsworth at and she can include it in upcoming DEC Delivers publications.
Pollution Prevention Grant Opportunities Now Available
The New York York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) is accepting applications for its Community Grants Program 2019-2020 for pollution prevention outreach and education projects. Eligible applicants can receive up to $20,000 to fund their project. Submission deadline is May 31, 2019.
Food Waste Forum Planned at RIT on June 4
"Managing Food Waste in New York: OPPORTUNITIES, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, AND BEST PRACTICES" is a one-day forum at the Rochester Institute of Technology on June 4.  It is sponsored by the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute.  Read More about the no-cost event geared for organizations and individuals concerned about food waste generation and its impacts. 
Upcoming Events - Conferences, Workshops and Webinars
May 7, 2019  |   Designing Sharps Stewardship for the Circular Economy , (free PSI webinar)
May 8, 2019  Western NY Sustainable Roundtable Summit,  Buffalo, NY
May 7-8, 2019 | Regional Recycling Impact Workshop, Amherst, MA
May  19-22, 2019  |  NY Federation Conference, Bolton Landing, NY
May 23, 2019  |  NYC Food Waste Fair, Brooklyn Navy Yard,  NYC
June 4, 2019   |   Food Waste Forum, RIT, Rochester, NY 
July 17-18, 2019  EREF Summit on Organics, San Francisco, CA
Aug. 5-9, 2019 CCREF 2029 Compost Operator Training, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2019  |   NYSASWM Fall Conference Lake Placid, NY
Nov. 4-6, 2019 |  NYSAR³ Recycling Conference, Cooperstown, NY
New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling
518-482-7395 | |