TRUSD school board met for a regular board meeting at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read highlights from the meeting.

News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District

Oct. 29, 2019

Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
Student Board Member, Michael Wingo (CCAA), Reads Anti-Bullying Resolution No. 795

1. Present & Adopt - Anti-Bullying Resolution No. 795 for Approval

Twin Rivers Unified School District supports the right of students and staff to attend schools that are safe and free from violence, harassment, bullying and discrimination. Twin Rivers also supports creative, evidence-based anti-bullying initiatives that will help eliminate bullying, educate students on the consequences of bullying and teach victims as well as perpetrators through positive anti-bullying intervention programs. The Superintendent recommends approval by Board adoption of the Anti-Bullying Resolution No. 795. 

Twin Rivers Nutrition Services Staff (left to right): Robyn McKenzie, Leslie Pring & Crystal O'Rear

2. Recognition - Twin Rivers Nutrition Services Department

The Board of Trustees recognized the Nutrition Services Department staff members for their dedication and hard work in ensuring that no Twin Rivers student goes without breakfast or lunch. Last year during their first year of Community Eligibility, Nutrition Services served half a million more meals than the prior year. They served a total of 6.1 million meals, the most ever for the Nutrition Services Department.
3. Approve - Grant Union High School Main Campus Restroom Modernization (Wing A)

The District is in need of modernization of the Grant Union High School main campus  staff and boys ( A-Wing) restrooms. The Superintendent recommends approval as requested. The staff & boys restroom modernization projected cost is $1,084,000.

4. Present & Approve - Reclassification of English Learners to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Criteria Revised

This presentation provided background on the new reclassification criteria using current English Learner data, informed Trustees of updated laws and criteria, and discussed the reclassification steps and their timeline.  The information was given in order to recommend the Board's approval of the new criteria in determining the reclassification of students to fluent English proficiency (RFEP).

5. Present - Twin Rivers Unified School District College & Career Indicators

The purpose of this presentation was to update the Board of Trustees on College & Career Readiness, the College & Career Indicators as part of the California School Dashboard, and to revisit the levers that will improve College & Career Readiness in Twin Rivers Unified School District.

6. Present - Twin Rivers Unified School District's Surplus Property Update

On May 2, 2017, the District's 7-11 Committee on Surplus Property provided a report to the Board of Trustees regarding recommendations and priorities for use of the District's unused sites.   At a Board meeting on May 27, 2017, the District Board of Trustees voted to declare 14 District sites as surplus in accordance with the recommendations of the 7-11 Committee.  The District's Administration provided an update relative to the Surplus Property Sale Process and Properties. 

7. Approved - Personnel Recommendations

The Board of Trustees approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations and leaves.

Click the button to view the complete agenda from this Board Meeting.

Board of Trustees to meet again, unless otherwise announced:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
6 p.m. Closed Session/6:30 p.m. Open Session
5115 Dudley Blvd., Building A, McClellan, CA 95652
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