August 2019 vol. 1
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
Opportunities to learn
Livestock Siting Hearings
August 15, 19, 20, 22 & September 4, 5, 2019
Hearings Set on Livestock Facility Siting Rule. A total of six public hearings scheduled around the state August 15 to September 5 will explain proposed changes to Wisconsin’s livestock facility siting rule and gather public comment on the proposal. Formally referred to as ATCP 51, the administrative rule sets standards and procedures local governments must follow if they require permits for new or expanding livestock operations.

In each of the six locations, there will be two sessions to accommodate citizens’ schedules, from 1-4 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. Information about the proposed changes will be presented; most of the allotted time will be reserved for public comments. Attendees may also submit written comments.

The dates and locations of the hearings are:
Thursday, Aug. 15
James P. Coughlin Center
Conference Rm A&B
625 E County Road Y
Oshkoshh, Wis.
Monday, Aug. 19
Eau Claire
Chippewa Valley Tech
Business Education Ctr.
Room 103 A
620 Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, Wis.
Tuesday, Aug. 20
Entrepreneurial and Education Center
100 N. 72nd Ave
Wausau, Wis.
Thursday, Aug. 22
Wis. Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Boardroom 106
2811 Agriculture Drive
Madison, Wis.
Wednesdy, Sept 4
Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center
Thomas G Rowe Room
3060 S. Kinney Coulee Road
Onalaska, Wis.
Thursday Sept. 5
DNR Service Center
Community Room 112
810 W. Maple St.
Spooner, Wis.
Written comments will also be accepted through Sept. 13; comments and ideas should be submitted now for consideration in the final draft that will go to the Board of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for approval before sending it to the Legislature. To post a comment online, click here or email . Comments can also be mailed to DATCP-ARM, attention Chris Clayton, P.O. Box 8911, Madison, 53708-8911.

For more information about livestock facility siting and the rule revision, visit and search for “livestock siting”. To read the full press release about the upcoming siting meetings, click here .
ACE On-Farm Twilight Meetings
August 26, 27, 28, 29, 2019
DON’T MISS 2019 ACE ON-FARM TWILIGHT MEETINGS to be held on August 26, 27, 28 and 29. Each Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) On-Farm Twilight Meeting will begin with a one-hour tour of the host dairy farm from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., followed by ice cream, facilitated discussion and open dialogue. These events bring together local educators, community leaders, elected officials and dairy producers to discuss subject matters that affect all of us including issues impacting our roads, land use, the right to farm and the shared future of rural and non-rural communities.

Here’s a list of dates and locations of hosting dairies:
Monday, Aug. 26
Manitowoc County
Soaring Eagle Dairy
10219 Cty Rd. F
Newton, Wis.
Wednesday, Aug. 28
Pierce County
Son-Bow Farms
W2686 390th Ave.
Maiden Rock, Wis.
Tuesday, Aug. 27
Marathon County
Night Hawk Dairy
118899 Eau Pleine Rd.
Stratford, Wis.
Thursday, Aug. 29
Grant County
Stone-Front Farm
5027 Hwy 81 East
Lancaster, Wis.
Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) On-Farm Twilight Meetings are hosted in partnership with Wisconsin Towns Association and Wisconsin Counties Association. Click here for more details.
2019-2020 PDPW Program Calendar
INTRODUCING THE 2019-2020 PDPW PROGRAM CALENDAR ! As Dairy’s Professional Development Organization®, we are excited to share the educational programming and events planned for the next year. Take a look at the schedule and make plans for yourself and key members of your team to attend events throughout the year. A hearty thank you to the dairy farmers who provided input to plan this key programming to meet the needs of today’s dairy producers, and to all the sponsors who make these programs and events possible. 
CHECK OUT DAIRY ADVANCE. Find, track and report your Continuing Education (CEs). Take credit for the trainings you attend! Get more details at .
For your dairy
HOW FEED ENZYMES IMPACT MILK PRODUCTION AND HEALTH in dairy cows was the focus of research published in the Journal of Dairy Science. More than 7,500 cows at three dairy farms in the U.S. were part of the study. Cows were divided into 16 pens, with eight pens receiving enzyme treatment at 750 milliliters per ton of dry matter feed and the remaining eight pens receiving no treatment. Milk production and energy-corrected-milk yield increased with the enzyme treatment by 0.70 and 0.80 kilograms a day, respectively, across a 5-month period. The study also looked at milk fat yield, milk protein and a number of other factors. Researchers noted it is likely the increase in production reflected increased digestibility of feed; however further work is needed to confirm findings and understand functionality. Read more here .
LOW SOMATIC CELL COUNT DEPENDS ON PROVEN PROCEDURES , but even more important is effective and consistent communication to ensure protocols are followed. According to an article from the University of Kentucky extension, milking practices that lead to lower SCC include providing a comfortable, dry environment where cows stay clean, using an effective pre-dip to help in the control of environmental mastitis, attaching the milking unit within two minutes from the start of cow prep, and fore-stripping cows. Reviewing these procedures on a regular basis with employees and family members will help ensure they are followed. Learn more about each procedure here .
PLANNING AND BUDGETING LEADS TO BETTER DECISIONS for hay, silage and other forages for your dairy farm. The Wisconsin Forage Team from the UW-Extension maintains a web site with a range of resources for pricing and quality evaluation for forages. The site also features calculators for production costs as well as for determining prices of standing hay, corn silage and forage. Visit the web site for more details and to access all resources.
Dairy currents
DRY YOUR GRAIN MORE ENERGY EFFICIENTLY. As of August 1, 2019, FOCUS ON ENERGY® will provide $150 per grain dryer tuned up to help you dry your grain in a more energy-efficient manner. Tuning up your grain dryer can lead to improved control, less down time and a return on your investment less than halfway through the drying season. Maintenance activities in a tune-up can include:

•      Cleaning fans and lubricating bearings associated with ventilation
•      Cleaning screens (drying floor and columns)
•      Cleaning burner, checking pressure regulator and inlet air adjustment
•      Cleaning and calibrating temperature sensors
•      Cleaning and calibrating moisture sensors
•      Optimizing control settings including plenum temperature set points

Customers must be served by a Focus on Energy participating utility provider to qualify. For more information, call 888.947.7828 or click here to get started!
IMPROVING COVERAGE MAPS, ADDING FUNDS FOR RURAL AREAS are part of the Federal Communications Commission’s plans to help improve rural broadband service in the U.S. According to a Farm Bureau study, widespread broadband service could boost the agricultural economy by an estimated $64.5 billion. FCC announced plans for Digital Opportunity Data Collection—a new data collection that will collect geospatial broadband coverage maps from fixed broadband Internet service providers of areas where they make fixed service available. This data will combine with other sources to help the FCC identify areas lacking service, and allow funds to be made available in those areas. Learn more in this article from Feedstuffs.
PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL FOOD PROGRAMS CAN BOOST MENTAL, PHYSICAL HEALTH according to new research conducted in England. Researchers compared people who participated in local food initiatives such as community gardens, community supported agriculture, farmers' markets, and food-buying cooperatives with non-participants and found that the participants scored higher on several aspects of wellbeing. Researchers looked at connection to nature, better diets and physical activity in determining wellbeing. Read more in this article.  
For your business mind
TAKING TIME TO CREATE AND SHARE standard operating procedures for key recurring tasks on the farm will pay dividends in animal care, milk quality and employee success. The Cornell Ag Workforce Development team shares that successful SOPs must accomplish two things: be easily understood and be placed in an accessible location.

Because SOPs must be translated in many cases, writing should be clear and to the point; including photos of each step in the process can be very helpful. Read more in this article .
FACING A DIFFICULT CHOICE OR DECISION? As a farm owner or business manager, it can be tough to sort through information to make a decision and sometimes adding more data makes it even more challenging. Four questions executive business coaches often ask to help their clients work through the decision making process are:

•      Why am I putting off this decision?
•      What opportunities might I unlock by making this decision?
•      Who will this decision affect?
•      What are the consequences if I don’t make a decision?

Click here to read more.
MAKING THE EXTRA EFFORT WITH A HANDWRITTEN NOTE can leave a lasting impression on customers, partners and clients. An article from Inc magazine shares tips for making handwritten notes an effective and thoughtful part of your business routine, including:

-       Make it a habit
-       Be personal
-       Be authentic
-       Be brief

The article also states that including a business card can take away from the personal nature of the card; resist the temptation to include your business card in notes. Read more tips here
Words to live by
"Appreciation can change a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” -- Margaret Cousins
Meet fellow PDPW members
Tom and Lorene Mueller

Owned by Tom and Lorene Mueller and Tom’s sister Kathy Trimner, Miltrim Farms has seen its share of growth since Tom and Kathy’s grandfather, Martin Mueller, started the farm in 1931 with 8 cows and 80 acres of land. Tom, Lorene, Kathy and her husband Scott Trimner incorporated the dairy in 1988, and today 40 full-time employees milk and care for 2000 cows, 2000 heifers, and more than 4800 acres of land.

This Marathon County farm team is dedicated to growing strong partnerships to care for the water, soil and environment on which they farm and growing relationships with their team members and their community. For decades, residents of the county have faced water quality issues; Miltrim Farm plays an active role in the area’s goal to turn things around. The dairy is situated in the Eau Pleine watershed in the Central Wisconsin Basin which features several recreational bodies of water, including Eau Pleine Lake, Eau Pleine River and the state’s longest river - the Wisconsin. “We are environmentalists and we live here, so we take water quality issues very seriously,” Tom said.

The dairy serves as a pilot farm working with Marathon County on phosphorus trading. Given the staggering levels of phosphorus reduction needed to meet Department of Natural Resources requirements and the associated costs, the Muellers recognize the alliance is a win for all involved. In addition to the resulting improvements to soil and water, “The partnership will save both parties a lot of money,” Tom said.

Their efforts have made an impact, attracting even the attention of the governor’s office. In April, Governor Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes visited the farm to see for themselves how sustainable practices such as using cover crops, no till, and other management protocols is a practical way to help keep Wisconsin's water clean.

Not only is the team fully vested in conservation efforts, they place a high value on continuing education for themselves and all their team members. “We see tremendous value in education,” Tom said. “The success of this operation is due to the employees.”

In addition to national-level educational programs such as PDPW Business Conference and Managers Academy, several Miltrim coworkers have attended such trainings as Financial Literacy for Dairy, PDPW Herdsperson Workshop, PDPW Dairy Wellbeing, Dairy Robotics Tours and various PDPW webinars.
According to Lorene, “When it comes to signing up employees for educational programs it’s not ‘Should we send someone?’, it’s ‘Who should we send?’ And when they come back, they’re expected to share what they learned.”

Not only do they value ongoing education for themselves, they believe in educating others. The dairy’s Facebook page commonly features posts sharing new technologies they’re implementing and upcoming events they’re hosting for the public. Videos and pictures give their audience a virtual experience and a forum for dialogue with their team members and their Facebook followers. 

Miltrim Farms engages with the public beyond social media, too. Opening their doors for Agricultural Community Engagement On-the-Farm Twilight Meetings and “Books in the Barn” events, their aim is to educate and collaborate with community leaders, local elected officials, dairy producers and community members. Tours of the dairy and open dialogue are key to the influence they have locally and beyond.
PDPW Educational Calendar
August 26, 27, 28, 29
Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) Twilight, Meetings :  Newton, Stratford, Maiden Rock, Lancaster, Wis.

September 14-27
Germany & Holland

October 30, 31
PDPW Herdsperson Workshop:
Arlington, Marshfield, Wis.

November 19, 20, 21
Chilton, Eau Claire, Fennimore

December 4 & 5
PDPW Dairy Insights Forum (formerly Food & Policy Summit): Madison, Wis.
December 10
Madison, Wis

January 14-16
Corpus Christi, Texas

March 17-18, 2020
Cornerstone Dairy Academy:
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 18-19, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.
Thank you
Thank you to these agribusiness leaders that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers supporting your professional development organization. Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for outreach initiatives. See the full list of generous sponsors here.