Step into Grace 
Where strangers become friends 

We are an Open and Affirming church. Every one of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, or economic status is invited to join us as together we live out the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, service, and justice. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey- you are welcome here.

Easter Sunday
Holy Eucharist
April 4, 2021
10:00 AM

Officiant and Preacher: 
The Rev. Libby Wade

Lector...............Pennie Curry
Intercessor.......Tom Doyle
Responder....... John Ericson
Counter........... Sue Gore


Easter Sunday
Holy Eucharist
April 4, 2021
10:00 PM
For Zoom
or call 646 558 8656 US
(New York)
(Meeting ID): 177 160 858
(Password): 917937

Grace Sunday School
11:15 AM - 12:00 AM
This a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 859 9461 5863
(Password): 508436

Tuesday Bible Study
7:00 to 8:30 PM
March 9 to April 6
This is a recurring meeting.
or call 646-558-8656
(Meeting ID):
826 0996 0553               
(Password): 446609
See article in this edition of Tuesday's Child for more info.

Centering Prayer
Thursdays 5:00 PM
NOTE: No meeting April 1
This is a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 203 314 800
(Password): 578877
646 558 8656 US (New York)

Third Sunday Supper 
Every Third Sunday
April 18, 2021
at 6:00 PM to 7PM
This is a recurring meeting.
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 778 608 743
(Password): 729107
646 558 8656 US (New York)

Books and Bread,
at 7:00 PM
April 14, 2021
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 370 191 823
(Password): 385337
or call 646 558 8656 US (New York)


Mark 16:1-8

When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.” So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

Nouvel Album Chorale Sainte Famille
Diocesan Confirmation Class
Next Online Session
April 6, 6-7pm

Diocesan 10 Week Confirmation Class began March 16. If you haven't yet registered, the link is above and below. 
Break for Holy Week
  • April 6 – The History of the Church with the Reverend Dr. Valerie Bailey Fischer
  • April 13 – The Gift of the Episcopal Church with the Reverend Tanya Wallace

We will be meeting via Zoom from 6-7 pm on Tuesdays. Each class will last about an hour.

Celebrations with Bishop Fisher at a service on June 6 at 3pm (details to be determined later this spring).

A Message from Libby

Easter turns everything inside out and upside down.
Sad seriousness and happiness join together to make joy.”

These words from a Godly Play story, “The Mystery of Easter,” aptly describe the dramatic movement from Palm Sunday through Holy Week to Easter Day. The way we shape our liturgies (i.e., worship experiences) for the week reinforce this amazing shift from death to life, from extreme grief to exhilarating joy. When we participate in Palm Sunday, Stations of the Cross, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, we hear the stories of Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem and feel the emotions associated with the events of that week. We are in the crowd cheering “Hosanna” as Jesus enters Jerusalem on a young colt. We gather around the table with Jesus and his disciples to break bread and wine, and we hear him telling us to remember him always with this meal. We feel Jesus’ hands as a servant washing our weary feet and commanding us to love one another. Perhaps we fall asleep as Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane and are as puzzled as the other disciples when he is betrayed and arrested. We walk along the via dolorosa and ache for Jesus as he carries the cross to his execution, and we weep with Mary at the foot of that cross. With heavy hearts we ponder what all this means for us as we end our worship on Friday night. At the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, we join with brothers and sisters in Christ from throughout our diocese as the new fire is lit and hope, light, and joy begin to return as we hear the grand sweep of the stories of our faith. Then on Easter Sunday as the day unfolds in all its resurrection glory, we let ourselves go in exuberant praise, for we know in our hearts that Christ is alive, our Lord has risen indeed, and all the Alleluias in the world are not enough to adequately express that upside down reality!

Though our worship on Easter Sunday will still be virtual, we can be present with each other in spirit, joining in singing hymns of praise and speaking with exhilaration the Easter Greeting of “Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.” We can share our communion meal as bread is broken in the Grace Chapel and pre-consecrated wafers are eaten at home. This holy meal reminds us that we are the Body of Christ in this 21st Century world, called to share Christ’s love with the world. Maybe the Easter message is really that through Jesus Christ, the upside-down world can be turned right-side-up and tears of sorrow can be transformed into shouts of joy. May it be so even in the midst of the pain of racism, disease, and truth-telling that has been such a huge part of life for the past year.

Rejoice, for Christ is risen, he seeks us to rise with Him.
In him is our hope, in life, in death, and in all eternity.
Today the risen Lord comes to us with his gift of peace.
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Grace Church Holy Week

Grace Church Holy Week Palm Sunday, March 28, marked the beginning of our second Holy Week during the COVID Pandemic. As we continue to exercise caution for the sake of the health of all, our observance of these holy days will once again be virtual. All the Zoom links are in Tuesday’s Child and on the Grace Church website. (www.graceberkshires.org).

Stations of the Cross during Holy Week
The virtual Stations of the Cross created last year by Grace Church is available for use at any time during Holy Week. Art and guided meditation will enrich your experience of the journey to Easter: Prerecorded Good Friday Stations of the Cross

Maundy Thursday, April 1, 5:00 pm on Zoom
St. John’s Church, Williamstown, has created and recorded a beautiful service remembering Jesus’ last supper. The service premieres on YouTube at 5:00 p.m. and will be available to watch at any time thereafter.

Good Friday, April 2, 6:00 pm on Zoom
Worship with friends from throughout the county in a service originating from many of our beautiful worship spaces and including the Passion story from John’s gospel, veneration of the cross, music, and prayer. Join us on Zoom

Holy Saturday, April 3
A meditation to use at home anytime on this “empty” day will be on the Grace website.

The Easter Vigil, April 3, 8:00 pm on Facebook and YouTube
The clergy and people of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts will worship together in this pre-recorded service premiering on Saturday evening (also available afterward). This beautiful service of light and story includes the season’s first celebration of Easter.
Diocesan Facebook Watch: https://www.facebook.com/EpiscopalWMA

Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist, April 4, 10:00 am on Zoom
The Grace Church community will gather on Zoom for a festive service of Easter, including hymns, prayer, preaching, and a few special touches. Please have with you the pre-consecrated communion wafers received in your Holy Week packet from Grace. Wear your Easter best for the festive coffee hour following and be ready to greet each other with “Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!”
For Zoom:
or call 646 558 8656 US
(New York)
(Meeting ID): 177 160 858
(Password): 917937
Easter Flowers and Butterflies

Because we are worshipping on Easter Sunday via Zoom from the Grace Chapel, rather than at Crissy Farm, we will only use a few flowers to decorate the altar area. However, the Vestry Executive Committee decided to purchase blooming bulbs to deliver to both Fairview Hospital and Berkshire Medical Center, as well as two nursing homes in Lee and Great Barrington with the intent of brightening nurses’ stations or other areas in these facilities. If you would like to contribute toward this project in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone, please e-mail Gretchen ([email protected]) no later than Thursday, April 1 with the name of the person or persons you wish to honor. Then mail your check to the church office (P. O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230). Names we receive by Thursday will be listed in our worship slides on Easter Sunday. Names received after that will be listed on the following Sunday. It’s fine if the check comes after Easter.

In the Holy Week/Easter Packet you received in the mail, there were several colorful paper butterflies. Butterflies are one of many symbols for Easter, as their life cycle moves through a sort of death to new life. Those paper butterflies are embedded with a mix of seeds—another symbol of the process of moving from death to new life. Soak your paper butterflies in water overnight. Then tear them up, sprinkle in a pot or on the ground, and cover with a thin layer of soil. Water daily until seeds germinate in 1-3 weeks, transplant them as needed, and then enjoy a variety of colorful wildflowers. May these butterflies and flowers bring joy and hope this Easter Season.

For the most up to date information please visit the Berkshire Vaccine Collaborative
website, https://www.getvaccinatedberkshires.org/. They will post notice of appointment openings 6-12 hours in advance. You can find answers to your vaccination questions including information about the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine on their FAQ page.

Grace Clergy Transition
The Profile is live on our webpage now! Click here and look for the Rector Search button to see a description of how Grace members gather and grow in Love and how we go out into our daily lives and into the community with Love. There are photos and videos and stories about us and life in the Berkshires which you may not know if you are new to Grace and the area.

The Profile Committee thanks you for your steadfast prayers for us and asks your prayers for the Search Committee and the priest who is reading our profile.

Prayer for the Search Committee
O God, be with our Search Committee that they may faithfully complete their work, that your Kingdom may come into this time and place through this congregation.

Prayer for the Priest
O God, be with the priest who will recognize your call to walk with
this particular congregation in this particular year.

Pray with Us Daily:

God of abundance and wisdom, you have blessed Grace Church with love and respect for one another and with joy in our community. Help us to discern your will and to be open to your guidance as we seek a new rector for our parish. Grant us the ability to hear your voice as we listen to one another. Give us wisdom and patience, mutual respect,and clarity of vision, that we may choose and receive a priest who serves with warmth and humor, inspiration and faithfulness, and who will lead us where you are calling Grace Church to serve the mission of Jesus in this time and place. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
We supply this list so you may contact members of our congregation who are at home or in a nursing facility. Please hold in your prayers and reach out as you can.

Anne is recuperating at home. 
659 South Egremont Road 
P.O. Box 714 
Great Barrington, MA 01230 
(413) 528-2766

BLAKELY, Rosemarie           
21 Crossway, #108
Lee MA 01238

BOWENS, Marina             
c/o Maryella Satinover    
11908 Windward Ave.
Mar Vista, CA 90066
(310) 749-9424 (cell)
BREASTED, John        
Fairview Commons       
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington MA 01230
Cell (413) 854-3977

BROOKS, Jane        
165 George Street
Lee MA 01230

125 Woodland Road
Lee MA 01238

FRYE, Vonnie          
PineHill Assisted Living
at Kimball Farms
235 Walker St. Apt #32
Lenox, Ma. 01240

GORE, Barbara        
50 Stockbridge Road
Lee MA 01238

HAIDER, Meredith       
5 Fox Hollow Road
Lenox, MA 01240                                 

KEENE, Sara           
The Egremont Village Inn
17 Main Street
P. O. Box 275
South Egremont, MA 01258

McCURDY, Deborah
Lees Landing Nursing Center
9807 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA 01109

TURNER, Barbara     
Fairview Commons
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230 
In this time of quarantine and physical separation you are still being prayed for. If you would like to receive specific healing prayers please contact:
The Rev. Ted Cobden 413-528-2247
Pennie Curry        413-429-7093
Sue Gore           413-243-2273
Praying for each other and for the needs of the world is a vital part of the mission of any faith community, and Grace Church is particularly skilled at this aspect of our communal life. With this week’s Tuesday’s Child, we are beginning a new prayer list. We don’t want anyone to fall through the cracks and always want to be generous in our prayers for others. If you or your loved one is in need of prayers and doesn’t appear on this new list, please contact Libby ([email protected] or 270-519-6934).

Please include
in your daily prayers this week:
Members of the Parish Family:
The Rev. Libby Wade, Anne Andrews, Linda White, Pennie Curry, Mark Anderson, Stacey, Claire and Mark Thomas, Meredith Haider, Linda White, Rosemarie Blakely, Marina Bowens, John Breasted, Jane Brooks, Ruth Crawford, Vonnie Frye, Barbara Gore, Sara Keene, Barbara Turner.

Others we Love:
Deborah McCurdy

Those who have died: Emily Trespas, friend of Jainee McCarroll and John Ericson; John Grammer, husband of Mary Anne; Rollie Tillman, father of the Rev. Jane Tillman; Bill Alford, brother of Dick Alford; Elinor Hamill; Neil Brandt, brother of Linda White; John Turner, husband of Barbara Turner; Leslie Albert, friend of Margaret Layton and Sarah Sieber; Andrew S. Artz, brother-in-law of the Rev. Janet Zimmerman; Kathy Happ, sister of Doug and Gary Happ; Fred Bunce, father of Mary Booton; Marion Chapin Andrews; Chuck De Melker, husband of Evie Cobden De Melker; Locke Larkin, brother-in-law of Maureen Terry; Charles Olegar; Marianne Felch, friend of Janet Zimmerman; Pat Edelstein; Anthony Aiuvalasit, friend of Janet Zimmerman. 

Our world: For all victims of violence; for those who suffer from the COVID-19 virus; for those who have died from this virus and those who mourn; for those who provide care and comfort in this pandemic; for all who suffer from the loss of jobs and income in this time; for all who are anxious about their future and our world; for all who offer time and treasure to support those who need to know love; for all who are alone and all who reach out to care.
The many ministries of our local community and the Diocese of Western Massachusetts:
especially for our partners at St. Paul's, Stockbridge and the Rev. Sam Smith and the Rev. Jane Tillman; Christ Trinity, Sheffield and the Rev. Erik Karas; our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher; and the Mampong Babies' Home in Ghana; St. Francis’, Holden; Laundry Love, Pittfield, Worcester, Milford; Clergy in “Fresh Start”;Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations; Church Scholarship Society

The Church's wider mission:
Easter Day
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

And we offer thanks: for all those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this week:

Join us for
Centering Prayer ONLINE
every Thursday
5:00 - 6:00


Encouraging a practice of silence and stillness we focus on practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina using scripture, art and music. All are welcome.
To join this Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 203 314 800
Password: 578877
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
To find your local number: Click here  
The Rev. Peter Feltman-Mahan Ordained to the Transitional Diaconate March 19, 2021
The transitional diaconate is a period of not less than six months in preparation for ordination to the priesthood (CANON III.8.7)

A Thank You Letter from Peter:
Dear Friends at Grace Church,

Thank you for the beautiful gift. The stole, my first one, is absolutely beautiful and I will wear it with reverence and joy. I appreciate that you chose a green stole, as it will give me the most opportunity to think of you all, and how God has changed me through your collective and individual witness. Thank you! (Green also happens to be my favorite color!) 

The ordination process is a strange thing, and (for me) it is difficult to “wrap your head around it” until it is surrounding you… now, the realness of this blessing is beginning to sink into my heart and mind. 

I have so much gratitude for you all. As I have watched you care for each other and for the strangers around you, you have taught me to notice God’s movement among us. You model, not only, the comfort of God’s presence, but how God’s spirit prompts ordinary and extraordinary responses from us all. And I am grateful.

Finally, I have appreciated your cards, notes, and well wishes. I know many were present at the service either in prayer or via the web. Thank you. I also want to thank Kathy, Lee, and John for representing you all by participating in-person. It meant the world to me! 

Thank you for being my family AT Grace, and my family IN Grace!
In Love,

Note: Peter is modeling the stole as he will wear it as a priest so that you may view
it better. (Deacons wear their stole diagonally across across the left shoulder and pinned at the waist under the right arm.) Peter's adoring, photo-bombing canine is named "Bodhi." Here is the link to watch the service 

Diocesan Compline
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday @ 8:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 5008 6637
Dial by phone
+1 929 205 6099 

In this time of fear and anxiety, it can be easy to miss the daily blessings that are right in front of us. Being grateful is not just for good times. Being grateful is even more important when fear sets a place at your table and heartbreak seems to be in your every breath. Because by being grateful we become aware of all the ways God is working in us. Being grateful is a part of our healing and our deliverance. Being grateful is where our best selves reside.
In this unpredictable time, your church continues to give thanks for and need your support. If you are capable of sending in your pledge, thank you. If you are unable to give at this time, we understand. If you are capable of giving a bit more so we can respond to the needs of our community, we are very grateful. If you are in need, please contact a member of the Vestry listed at the top of the newsletter. Since we are not gathering in person in community, we ask that you send your gifts via mail to Grace Church, P.O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230. We are truly all in this life together. We pray, trusting that God will see us through this season and beyond.

Thank you for giving generously to support the ministry of Grace. 

It costs about $1500 a year to support a baby. The Diocese's goal is for one congregation 
to support one child for a year.  
To donate to support babies at the Mampong Babies Home in Ghana please send a check to Grace Church, PO Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230.

Becoming Beloved Community
A 4 hour series about one of America's most important institutions, produced by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., for PBS. Watch both 2-hour segments for free on YouTube. Part 1 is linked here. Both episodes and special interviews can be found here.

Want to talk about it? SAVE THE DATES
Online Conversations About PBS Series with Beloved Community Commission
Wednesday, April 14th 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST: The Black Church, PART I

Wednesday, April 21st 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST: The Black Church, PART II
Weekly Reflection from the South Berkshire EFM Group

Last week, the South Berkshire Education for Ministry Group discussed Torah, the entirety of the first five books of the Bible, as providing a law for living that is inscribed on your heart. Our reflection this week centered on Deuteronomy 6:1-5, the centerpiece of which is the Shema: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” When asked by a scribe in Mark 12: 28-31 which is the greatest commandment of all, Jesus answers with these very same words. Here's the Collect we wrote: Blessed are you, O Lord God giver of life and Law, for you have engraved your love in our hearts that we may in peace and understanding act for others' good through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Children and Teens Please Join Us!
Sundays, at 11:15 AM to 12:00 AM
The Beatitudes
Please contact Andrea White at [email protected] or 413-884-4836 for assistance.

Grace Sunday School
This is a recurring meeting
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 859 9461 5863 (Passcode): 508436

To read Nobody Goes Alone, A Silly Story written by our Sunday School students
Bible Study
Tuesday Bible Study for Lent
in Collaboration with
St. Paul’s, Christ Trinity, and Hevreh
Six Week Series at 7 PM
Using the books “Sabbath as Resistance” by Walter Brueggemann as our primary study guide and “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel as a supplement, we hope to explore Sabbath beyond the ideas of simple legal prohibitions and discover together Sabbath’s potential to change the culture in which we live. How do we break our culture’s addiction with consumption and busyness? The Sabbath may just be the answer we’ve been looking for! How will this work? First purchase the book “Sabbath as Resistance” from your favorite independent book seller and read the first chapter. Then join us beginning March 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. for six weeks on Zoom. Rev. Erik Karas along with Rabbi Jodie Gordon will facilitate the discussion with congregants from Hevreh, Christ Trinity, Grace, and St. Paul’s. We are excited to have the chance to be with one another before Passover and Easter!
or call in: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 826 0996 0553               
Passcode: 446609
Questions? E-mail Libby at [email protected].
Join us once a month on Zoom for a discussion of a movie nominated by a participant and watched at your leisure. The day and the time of our gathering will be announced in Tuesday's Child.

To join, or to find out more Click Here.
   Wednesday, on Zoom
April 14, 2021
at 7 PM 

Monique Kirchoff will lead our discussion.  
Meeting will end at about
8:00 PM  
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 370 191 823
(Password): 385337
or call 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Rev. Libby Wade,
Interim Rector
270-519-6934 [email protected] 
An Episcopal Community in the Southern Berkshires
P.O. Box 114  
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Gretchen Fairfield
Office Assistant 
Ms. Annalise Clausen, Director of Farming for Gideon's Garden
In an effort to care for each other, our church office will be closed until further notice. You can reach the church office by email: 
[email protected] and by phone 413-644-0022.
Kathy Clausen 413-329-1724
Rick Gore, Jr. 413-441-7036
Sue Gore 413-243-2273
Mary Anne Grammer 413-258-4212
John Cheek 413-446-8863
Dindy Anderson 413-274-3854
Anne Andrews 413-528-2766
Dutch Pinkston 413-274-6566
Cathy Haywood 413-464-6664
Holly Murray 860-977-9198

The Rev. Libby Wade is available for pastoral emergencies at 270-519-6934 or [email protected].

Tuesday's Child Editor Monique Kirchoff 
Associate Editor Kathy Clausen
Please send comments by emailing [email protected]