We hope you are all enjoying these blissful last few weeks of Summer! We are taking a well-earned vacation next week so we will be taking a break from Bits and Pieces too!

We'll be back on August 23rd! Have a great week!

SRPC staff doing outreach at Somersworth National Night Out, August 6th.
SRPC Provides Assistance to Farmington
SRPC recently signed a contract to partner with ADG consulting to provide professional planning and outreach assistance, GIS mapping, and graphic design support to the ongoing Farmington Master Plan update.
On Tuesday, Aug. 6, principal planner Kyle Pimental, in his role as interim town planner, met with the Planning Board to review and offer feedback on the final draft survey being prepared by ADG. The survey is intended to gather input from residents on several topic areas to determine the Town’s long-term vision and values, Results will be used to help inform the development of specific policies and actions within the master plan aimed at providing guidance on how the Town should move forward over the course of the next ten years.
Throughout the remainder of the week, communication and outreach planner Shayna Sylvia created a series of posters that highlight specific topics of interest including natural resources, recreation, economic development, streetscapes, and housing. The posters will be used to engage the public and will be on display during Farmington’s Annual Hay Day on August 17, 2019.
For more information on Farmington’s 38th Annual “Holiday” Hay Day visit the Farmington Historical Society website or the Parks and Recreation Facebook page .

Salmon Falls Watershed Collaborative Holds Annual Success Safari
The Salmon Falls Watershed Collaborative will hold its annual success safari event on Tuesday, Aug. 20, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. This event allows attendees to explore local conserved lands, discover local drinking water sources, and learn how communities, local businesses, and partners are protecting the Salmon Falls River. A bus will be available to bring participants from site to site, parking information to be available shortly.
The event is free and all are welcome! View the agenda and register online .

Bicyclists Celebrate Opening of Designated Lane over Little Bay Bridge
A recent Foster's Daily Democrat article highlighted the opening of the designated bike and pedestrian lane crossing the Little Bay Bridge. This was an exciting moment for bicyclists who celebrated with a ceremonial ride over the bridge. The General Sullivan Bridge, the prior method for pedestrians and bicyclists to cross Little Bay, was closed in September.
As explained in the article "Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders (SABR) is planning its own ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new lane on Aug. 15 at 6 p.m. at Hilton Park in Dover. After the ribbon cutting, riders will take a 15-mile ride that ends at Stoneface Brewing Company in Newington, which is across the street from the Newington access point to the new path."
Learn more about the Newington-Dover project, and the bike lane online .

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 | srpc@strafford.org | www.strafford.org
August 9, 2019