Volume VII | June 2020
Summer 2020 Newsletter
Getting Back to Basics Series:
What is A Trust?
At Heritage Trust, we want all of our clients to have the ability to gain a level of knowledge about financial services that are impacting their daily lives and their future plans. We are introducing a series called "Getting Back to Basics" to do just that.

The first installment of the series deals with Trust Basics - the very core service of what our company provides.

Coping With Market Volatility
Conventional wisdom says that what goes up, must come down. But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when it's your money at stake.

So, what's an investor to do in these uncertain days? A few helpful tips and advice from the experts in the following video may offer some guidance.

Stretch IRA's - A Tutorial

If you have been planning for retirement, you may have heard about Stretch IRA's. These are plans that allow IRA beneficiaries to stretch distributions from an inherited IRA over their lifetimes. Too good to be true, you say? You might be right. The new Secure Act signed by President Trump has changed this, and the new program structure may not be so appealing.

Heritage Trust Company of New Mexico |Phone (575) 758-7700 | Fax (575) 758-7736  | www.htrust.com