The Green Digest
A Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Initiative

The Green Digest gratefully acknowledges project
support from ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

August 12, 2019
ENERGY STAR ® Hard at Work in Health Care Kitchens
Just Released
Since 1992, ENERGY STAR® has been working hard to ensure that products receiving ENERGY STAR certification meet the highest possible energy efficiency standards; making your job managing energy as easy as possible while saving your organisation utility dollars and protecting the climate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nowhere is this more evident than in health care kitchens. You may be familiar with many of these including appliances and office equipment, heating/cooling and ventilation equipment, lighting, water heaters, and more recently electrical vehicle (EV) chargers, lab fridges and freezers, and water coolers. Click HERE to for more details on appliances often found in health care food service kitchens.
Sunnybrook Hospital Embraces Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly popular mode of transportation among Canadian Drivers. While government incentives are helping buy down the purchase prices of EVs in some provinces, many facilities are dealing with both the opportunities and the challenges of installing the required charging stations to keep Canada's EV users on the road. Learn how Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital is embracing electric vehicles and charging stations by checking out a great story HERE commencing on page 28
Co-operation on Health and Biodiversity (COHAB)
COHAB is a community of individuals and organisations working together to address the gaps in awareness, policy and action on the links between biodiversity and human health and well-being. The Initiative supports efforts to enhance human security through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the goods and services it provides. COHAB provides a platform for dialogue, promoting understanding and experience sharing, and working to build partnerships across sectors and cultural divides. Visit their website to learn more. Download their report " Connecting Global Priorities - Biodiversity and Human Health" HERE.
Recycled Blue Wrap Gives New Life as Inpatient Products
The University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMC) in Burlington has been recycling its sterile blue wrap used to package surgical instruments for nearly a decade. However, up until this spring, the hospital had very little knowledge as to what happened with the seven tons of No. 5 polypropylene plastic it diverted from landfills each year. In 2016, that all changed when Monique Citro, communications specialist and sustainability coordinator for UVMC’s operating room department, began working with health care solutions company to help pioneer the company’s Blue Renew Wrap Recycling Program. Read ASHE's Health Facilities Management online story HERE.
New Software Tool Calculates Overall Costs of Green Products
Leading health care sustainability steward Practice Greenhealth, Reston Va., recently rolled out a new tool to help hospitals simplify purchasing of green products and evaluate their life-time costs compared with other market choices. The Greenhealth Cost of Ownership (GCO) Calculator is a first-of-its-kind program for the health care sector that allows hospitals and health systems to analyze costs of products, equipment and devices beyond the purchase price. The calculator also can analyze, if applicable, the cost of maintenance, water usage, energy and disposal. The free tool is available to all hospitals and health care systems. Click HERE to see if GCO is right for you.
Climate Action Incentive Program Supports Canadian Projects
As part of the  Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change , the Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF) is a new Environment and Climate Change Canada program, delivering up to $218M in its first year (2019-2020), funded from the proceeds of the federal carbon pollution pricing system. Programming would be available in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick, where provinces have not committed to their own carbon pollution pricing systems. Eligible recipients would benefit from funding for projects to decrease energy usage, save money, and reduce carbon pollution. The CAIF consists of three funding streams to support projects and measures undertaken by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals (“ MUSH sector ”), and not-for-profit organizations. More HERE .
Draft CSA standard for Cleaning and Disinfection of Health Care Facilities now available for public review
Public review closes August 21, 2019
CSA Group has been working on an all NEW standard for cleaning and disinfection of health care facilities. In recognition that cleaning and disinfection forms the front line of defence against the spread of infections, the need for such a standard was identified over a year ago, and a new technical subcommittee was formed under the direction of the technical committee for health care facilities. This group of experts has worked for the past nine months in the preparation of the draft standard - which is now available for public review.

The Coalition encourages you to review the document and provide comment through this process as this feedback is invaluable to creating a quality, usable standard. Please also
share this message with your organisation's Environmental Services team so they too can have input into the final document. Draft standard CSA Z317.12 is now posted for public review at:
Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program
The Government of Canada is steadfast in its belief that electrification is key to decarbonizing our transportation sector and transitioning to a low-carbon future. That is why the Government of Canada has set ambitious federal targets for zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) reaching 10% of light-duty vehicles (LDV) sales per year by 2025, 30% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. According to experts, access to localized and visible charging infrastructure is key to alleviate consumer concerns about where to charge their vehicle. To that end, the Government of Canada announced, through Budget 2019, $130 million over five years (2019-2024) to deploy a network of zero-emission vehicle charging (level 2 and higher) and refuelling stations in more localized areas where Canadians live, work and play. Support is also available for strategic projects for electric vehicle and/or hydrogen infrastructure for corporate fleets, last-mile delivery fleets, and mass transit. Details HERE.
ENERGY STAR ® Most Efficient 2020: Proposed Product Categories and Recognition Criteria
The ENERGY STAR program continues to recognize the highest performers in energy efficiency for recognized products by extending and expanding the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation for 2020. 
Energy efficiency advocates throughout North America can continue to raise the bar on energy efficiency by leveraging ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 product information that helps consumers find and purchase the “best of the best” among recognized product categories. Find details on the proposal and individual product criteria on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Criteria Development web page.
How Kaiser Permanente Keeps 70M square feet of flooring free of toxic chemicals
Build good relationships with vendors, and there is nothing you can’t accomplish.
Kaiser Permanente is one of America's largest nonprofit health systems. With 39 hospitals and 697 medical facilities across eight states and the District of Columbia, its large portfolio includes more than 70,000,000 square feet of flooring. And according to Jennifer MacDaniel, Kaiser Permanente principal interior designer, all approved flooring has been vetted for chemicals of concern and exemplifies the system’s environmental standards. Details HERE.
Climate Change Resources at your Fingertips
Thanks to funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Coalition is able to offer a growing list of climate change resiliency resources to help you and your organisation prepare for the impacts of climate change. Visit our Mentoring Project home page HERE to access hundreds of case studies, presentations, infographics, and government and non-government publications.
Join the Coalition's Q&A ListServ
For years, the Coalition has offered an online Question and Answer ListServ giving you access to some of the most engaged green health care stewards in Canada. Have a question about greening your health care organisation? Email to be added or to share a question.
Do you tweet? We do.
Please join us in the wonderful world of Twitter as we share the latest in Coalition news and initiatives. Find us at @CCGHC
100 non-partisan all-candidate debates on the environment
Do you know where your politicians stand on environmental issues? Do they reflect your values? Organizers of "100 Debates on the Environment" hope to host 100 non-partisan all-candidate debates across Canada on October 7th.
Will you be part of the Canada-wide conversation between candidates and constituents about the environment? Learn more HERE.
39th Annual CHES National Conference
Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society
"The "HUB" that enables resiliency in healthcare"
September 22 - 24, 2019
Saskatoon Arts & Convention Centre
TCU Place, Saskatoon SK
Visit the conference website for more information on programs, pricing and accommodations. Vendors welcome.
RENDEZ-VOUS Sustainable Healthcare Focus on Climate Change
Save the Date - October 15, 2019
Join guest speakers from Sweden, France, Canada and the USA as they share ideas and expertise on climate change and sustainable healthcare.
Panels, conferences, discussions, networking...
Please complete the preregistration form HERE to show your support.

The Green Digest was brought to you by ENERGY STAR ® Canada.

If you have inspirational greening stories or photos to share with Green Digest readers, please send them to Kent at
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change.  
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.