IPUL's E-News: August 9, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
We Want Your News!
If you have news, information or upcoming events in your hometown that are relevant to families who have children with disabilities or special health care needs and would like us to share that information, please email the details to
for review.
Our program coordinator will then share this via IPUL's social media networks.
Wings for Autism Boarding with Delta / SkyWest
The Arc Idaho, in partnership with Delta Airlines and SkyWest Airlines, is proud to bring to the Boise Airport, Wings for Autism on Saturday, August 24th!
Wings for Autism® and Wings for All®, one of The Arc’s newest national initiatives, are airport “rehearsals” specially designed for individuals, including adults, with autism spectrum disorders and people with other intellectual or developmental disabilities, their families and aviation professionals.
It is designed to alleviate some of the stress that families experience when traveling by air. The program provides individuals and families, and their support person if needed, the opportunity to practice entering the airport, obtaining boarding passes, going through security and boarding a plane.
Once again this year we are fortunate enough to be working with TWO different airlines. Both Delta and SkyWest have agreed to host us this year. We will have two different options for boarding times.
Participants that want to sign up for Delta Airlines will be boarding the aircraft at 6:00 PM, but we ask that you arrive at the airport no later than 5:00PM to allow ample time to check-in and pass through security.
Registration is free and on a first-come, first-served basis. Participation is limited to 76 people. Registration closes August 9th.
Register Here
Idaho Elks Children's Pavilion Grand Opening
From the St. Luke's Children's Hospital -
St. Luke's Children's is pleased to announce the September 2019 opening of our new Idaho Elks Children's Pavilion!
Celebrate With Us!
St. Luke's Idaho Elk's Children's Pavilion Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday, August 24, 2019
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
305 E. Jefferson Street, Downtown Boise
St. Luke's is dedicated to caring for children of all ages, in an environment designed just for them. Children are not just small adults; they are growing, developing individuals whose needs are unique and constantly changing. The new Children's Pavilion is designed to address these specific needs, as well as the effects that population growth has had on access to children's health services. The Pavilion will more than double our clinical space and allow us to continue to grow vital services that keep care close to home.
The Children's Pavilion is located just across the street from St. Luke's Boise campus and is connected to our Children's Hospital via skybridge. The five-story building will unite most of our pediatric specialties and our downtown Boise general pediatric services under one roof. The new facility will allow us to better coordinate services between providers and deliver care that meets the physical and emotional needs of our patients and families. The Pavilion will also provide exciting new amenities such as a teaching kitchen, a sibling center, and several interactive, hands-on features for children to explore.
If your child is a patient of one of our general pediatricians or specialists and was previously seen in one of our downtown clinics, beginning in September you will be seen in the new Children's Pavilion. There is parking below the building and check-in on the first floor. Please feel free to contact us at 208-706-KIDS to schedule an appointment or for further information and directions.
Thank you for trusting us with the care of your family. We look forward to serving you in our new facility!
The Best, Most Creative Leaders in Any Field Have a Background in the Arts
As Andy Warhol once said, "Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art." For those of us whose experience lies in economic theory vs. paint theory, there's a very strong case for why arts education in Texas schools curricula deserves our support. It's good business to hire creative thinkers.
Boise and Couer d'Alene
Pre-employment skills development for students with a disability, ages 16-21. Made possible by a contract through the Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Get paid to work with a professional artist while learning job readiness skills. Please plan to attend all sessions.
Work of Art for Boise
For Work Of Art taking place:
October 16 - November 9. 2019
Idaho Parents Unlimited
4619 Emerald, Ste. E Boise, ID
Work of Art for Coeur d'Alene
For Work Of Art taking place:
October 9 - October 26. 2019
Human Rights Education Institute
414 W Fort Grounds dr. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
August Statewide Training -
Special Education: 10 tips For Back To School Success