Double Champion win for Waterloo Olives
First time entrants Kathy and Mark Norris of Waterloo Olives scooped the pool at this year’s Royal Hobart Fine Food Award Olive Oil classes, taking both the Champion and Reserve Champion Olive Oils for separate entries under their Ten Steps brand.
You can read more about the awards – and discover whether they took out the coveted Best Product of Show award – in the September edition of
Olivegrower & Processor. Not a subscriber? You can do so
LOCAL PRODUCE: Amy Drabsch (left), Lorna Wiseman and June Spencer tasting some locally made olive oil.
Tatiara local are getting an opportunity to tantalise their taste buds with Keith's The Purple Paddock offering olive oil tasting throughout this week. Member Sheryl Hunt said lucky customers have the chance to taste a range of olive oil produced by Pendleton Olive Estate. Sheryl said Pendleton Olive Estate was a "local success story", winning awards with its locally produced olives.
The emphasis is on LOCAL olive oil – great stuff!
Still time to have your say: help remove cooking oils from unfair Health Star Rating System
Cooking oils need to be removed from the Health Star Rating System and
time is running out to have your say.
The survey linked below clearly states why Extra Virgin Olive Oil is healthier than refined oils like canola oil and sunflower oil, even though these oils rank healthier than Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the current system.
If you agree, help make this happen by signing the petition and leaving a comment that you think cooking oils should be removed from the Health Star Rating System and why.
To post a comment while signing, follow these steps:
Once you have clicked on the survey link above, log into or create a account.
You can leave your comment in the box 'I'm signing because...'
Once you have added your comment, just press the "Sign this petition" button.
Let’s make this happen – have your say now!
Plastic is one of the most versatile tools on farms, with uses ranging from storing chemicals and transporting water to controlling weeds and protecting crops. But getting rid of it when it is no longer needed has become a major environmental problem, after China stopped taking most of Australia's plastic waste and other countries followed suit.
Got olive equipment you no longer use? Why not offer it for sale directly to your target market – OLIVE GROWERS AND PRODUCERS
Your production level has changed and you’ve outgrown that small processor but there’s undoubtedly another producer out there for whom it would be an ideal size. Why not get together and do a deal through Olivebiz Classifieds – THE intra-industry way to sell, buy and source.
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Life has knitted together beautifully for Ceilidh and Charles Meo. The husband and wife olive growers were ‘weekenders’ for almost a decade, before making the tree-change leap from Melbourne to Toolleen in 2017.
A realistic look at life as boutique growers, with some great messages about olive oil quality included.
Olive grower agri-chemical use survey - Part A: Insecticide/Miticides
Several agri-chemicals available to olive growers are currently under review both in Australia and overseas. Depending on the outcome of the reviews, these chemicals may be withdrawn from use.
To assist in meeting future industry needs AOA is seeking feedback from all olive growers on their use of the following agri-chemicals:
CHLORPYRIFOS (LORSBAN) - PER14575-Version 2: Group 1B Insecticide/Olives for control of Ants, African black beetle, Light brown apple moth (LBAM).
DICOFOL (FARMOZ MITI-FOL EC MITICIDE) - Registered Product: Group 2B Insecticide/Olives for control of Spotted Mite (Red spider mite).
click here to undertake this survey, which takes only 5-10 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance. Your feedback is important in ensuring we can maintain and improve the pest and disease control options available to olive producers.
Western Sydney University’s expertise in water management is providing an efficient tool for monitoring scarce groundwater reserves as large parts of India bake in extreme drought and heat. The MyWell smartphone app is enabling Indian farmers to monitor and manage scarce groundwater in a distributed and localised way to monitor water levels in wells that supply drinking and irrigation water.
Not directly related to olive growing but a really interesting read about great Australian agricultural R&D.
PHA Non-Executive Directors
Plant Health Australia Limited (PHA) is inviting applications from persons wishing to be considered for appointment as non-executive Directors of the company.
PHA is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee and is the lead national coordinating body for plant biosecurity. The Company was formed in 2000 to facilitate and manage improvements in biosecurity policy and practice and to build capacity to respond to plant pest emergencies.
More information is available on the
PHA website or contact Michael Milne, Company Secretary on (02) 6215 7707 or with enquiries.
Applications close 6 September 2019.
The JETRO program offers a wide range of free support services to Australian companies interested in setting up in Japan. As part of the ''Invest Japan'' program, JETRO services and incentive programs can be invaluable when approaching Japan as an investment location.
Major services include expert consultation in Australia, support in Japan through Invest Japan Business Support (IBSC) centres and up to 50 days free IBSC office space in major Japanese cities.
Eligible applicants include Australian companies that have existing business relationships with Japan or are wanting to promote new businesses with Japan. Learn more here.
Coles Nurture Fund
Applications are open for round seven of the Coles Nurture Fund, which provides grants of up to $500,000 to small-to-medium businesses to help fund the development of new market-leading products, technologies and processes.
More information and
apply here. Applications close at 5pm AEST on Friday 30 August 2019.
It’s time to get your entries
in for the Australian International Olive Awards – don’t miss your chance to be named 2019 BEST EVOO or TABLE OLIVES OF SHOW
We hope you’ve got your oil ready and lab testing organized, because there are only three weeks left to enter the 2019 Australian International Olive Awards – Australia’s premier EVOO and table olive competition.
Providing an unmatched opportunity for peer review and brand promotion, the 2019 competition features
new elements including:
- Reserved Champion of Class awards - increased chances of winning
- Bigger and better trophies
- Online decal ordering
- Medal results emailed post-judging
- Earlier entry and earlier results = early promotion and increased marketing opportunities
Key dates:
Entries now open
30 August – entries close
18 October – Awards Presentation Dinner, Albury, NSW
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshops –
last days to book for WA and VIC events
Registrations are now open for the next two in the series of national sensory training workshops:
- WA: Sunday, 18 August - Castellorizian Club, Mt Hawthorn, WA
- Vic: Saturday, 31 August - Quality Hotel Wangaratta Gateway, Wangaratta
Feedback from the first three
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory training workshops has been outstandingly positive, with attendees gaining invaluable insight into the evaluation process, varietal nuances and the quality parameters which make award winning EVOO and table olives stand out from the rest.
The series of national sensory training workshops are being run by NSW DPI Sensory and Consumer Science Researcher Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay and
OliveCare® administrator Peter McFarlane, with regional guest presenters adding their expertise to each event. The program includes sensory training, olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs) and more, providing an interactive learning experience which will benefit olive growers and processors, olive oil judges and anyone wishing to gain a better appreciation for EVOO and table olives.
The cost is just $40 for levy payers, $50 non-levy payers, including catering and comprehensive course notes.
Don’t miss your opportunity to learn - register now for the Mt Hawthorn and Wangaratta events in August.
More information and register
here, where you’ll also find the full national schedule.
“It took my basic knowledge to the next level with respect to sensory analysis.”
“World class presenters. Friendly collaborative environment. Outstanding venue and catering.”
“Finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil”, like “season with salt and pepper”, is one of those throwaway lines we see at the end of a recipe so often that we barely take it in. And while the instruction is a clear one, it also horrifically undersells this vital action: good extra virgin olive oil is not an optional seasoning; it’s a crucial ingredient that can have a disproportionately positive effect on a dish. Oh, and more often than not you need a ‘glug’, not a ‘drizzle’.
“Use it with abandon” is our favourite phrase!
A bacterial disease known as “olive tree leprosy” has infected 40 per cent of Puglia’s groves.Charles Onians/AFP/Getty Images
Farmers in Puglia are selling their olive oil presses after a deadly bacterial disease infected 20 million olive trees, devastating a vital sector of Italian agriculture and causing more than £1 billion of damage.
It's the perfect drizzle on your favourite salad and can even be used
to achieve silky smooth legs whilst shaving, but did you know that olive oil could also give you glossy, silky hair to rival Kate Middleton's? In fact, olive oil has been used for its beauty-boosting abilities for centuries (Cleopatra used to bathe in it) and can be used to cure both a multitude of skin issues and hair woes.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway
Friday Olive Extracts
(FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,
you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
During a meeting with the American Ambassador to Athens, Geoffrey Pyatt, the Greek Minister of Agricultural Development and Food, Makis Voridis, requested that Greece be excluded from potential tariffs imposed on agricultural products imported in the US from the European Union as retaliation to EU subsidies to Airbus.
The shelf of the cooking-oil section of supermarkets has recently become a crowded spot, with an abundance of options to choose from. But this means it can be tricky to know which is the healthiest one, starting from the healthful olive oil to the more controversial palm and grapeseed oils.
First on the list is olive oil – and they specify EVOO!
Bronx resident Louise Signore credits the Med diet, dancing and staying single with her longevity.
Auburn University study principal investigator Amal Kaddoumi from the department of drug discovery and development in the Harrison School of Pharmacy has researched the benefits of olive oil consumption for 12 years.
Auburn University’s drug and development researchers from the Harrison School of Pharmacy have found olive oil could be used as a preventive for Alzheimer’s disease, the school reports.
California olive growers, who last year won anti-dumping and countervailing duties against Spanish olives averaging about 35 percent, now see an opening for even more tariffs on the Mediterranean fruit, our Pro Trade pals tell MA.
Australian Women's Leadership Symposiums – all states, Australia
15 August
Entries close, West Australian Olive Awards 2019 - WA
18 August
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop - Mt Hawthorn, WA
20 August
Royal Adelaide Olive Awards Presentation Dinner – Lockleys, SA
26 August
Entries close, 2019 Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Competition – Auckland, NZ
30 August
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW
31 August
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Wangaratta, NSW
20 September
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop - Roseworthy, SA
22-27 September
Sol d’Oro Southern Hemisphere – Tacna, Peru
24 September
2019 Taste of Excellence Awards, Sydney Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW
4 October
Entries close, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
12 October
ONZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ
12 October
Awards dinner- West Australian Olive Awards 2019 - WA
18 October
Presentation dinner, Australian International Olive Awards – Albury, NSW
16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW
12-14 November
Food & Hotel China 2019 – Shanghai, China
14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
26-28 November
SITEVI – Montpellier, France
7-8 February
Sensory Masterclass – Geelong, Vic
9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia
23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor
March Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory