January 5, 2022
Downtown OKC at Sunrise
Taken by Kelli Dyer
What's Inside...
  • Mayors Mentoring Initiative for Mentoring Awareness Month in January
  • Have You Discovered Municipal Health Solutions?
  • Budget Process Workshop
  • Certified Training for Newly Elected Officials
  • Employment Workshop
  • 2022 "If I Were Mayor..." Essay Contest
  • 2022 MCO Congress of Mayors
  • OML/OMUP Water and Environmental Summit
Mayors Mentoring Initiative for Mentoring Awareness Month in January
The Oklahoma Municipal League and the Mayors Council of Oklahoma are partnering with Mentor4OK to encourage mayors to support their local mentoring programs by honoring mentors throughout Mentoring Awareness Month held in January 2022. Please visit our website for press kit and proclamation template. 
Have You Discovered Municipal Health Solutions?
If you are interested in joining other fellow Oklahoma municipalities in combating rising healthcare costs, all the while offering a highly competitive plan and benefits, please contact Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator, at 405-528-7515 or email: Nancee Morris for a consultation and to receive complete plan information. We also invite you to visit our MHS Website.

The next two New Officials Institutes will be webinars and held on February 15, 2022 and March 24, 2022.

The NOI teaches the statutorily required topics such as Municipal Budget Requirements, the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Ethics, Procedures for Conducting Meetings, Conflict of Interest, and Purchasing Procedures.

State law requires each person elected or appointed for the first time as an officer of a municipality to attend an institute for municipal officials. The statute is codified at Title 11 O.S., Section 8-114.

Remember, you don't have to be new to attend. Everyone is welcome!
Employment Seminar Now February 18th
2022 "If I Were Mayor..." Essay Contest
The Mayors Council of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Municipal League invite 8th graders from home, public, and private schools throughout Oklahoma to participate in a statewide essay contest, “If I Were Mayor, I Would ...” to tell others what they would do as mayor to make their city or town a better place to live. More Information
More Information Coming Soon!
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support