City of Cumming
February 2020
City Councilman Joey Cochran Sworn Into Office
The City's newest Council Member was sworn into office in January. Councilman Joey Cochran completed the oath of office, which was administered by Municipal Court Judge Richard Neville, during the Jan. 7th Work Session. Councilman Cochran's term will expire at the end of 2023. Welcome to Councilman Cochran from everyone at the City of Cumming!
Community Arbor Day Celebration: Feb. 21
Join the City of Cumming, Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, the UGA Extension Office, and Forsyth County for a free community-wide Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, Feb. 21. This family-friendly and educational event will be held at the mini park next door to the Cumming Aquatic Center (201 Aquatic Circle) from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The event will include tree planting demonstrations, speakers, educational take-away information, take-home tree saplings, music, and other family-friendly activities. The Los Rios Mexican Restaurant food truck will also be on site selling refreshments.
Bring the kids out for this fun and educational evening focused on the important role trees play in all our lives!
Check Out the Latest Mayor's Memo
Mayor Troy Brumbalow's latest edition of the Mayor's Memo is now available. Don't miss all the highlights from fourth quarter 2019 and a look ahead to some of the great things planned in the City of Cumming for 2020!
PD Presents Active Shooter Training
The Cumming Police Department will present training on citizen response to active shooter environments from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 27. There is no charge or signup required to take this course.
Created by Texas State University, this class is designed to help understand active shooter environments and teach techniques to help "avoid, deny, or defend" against an active threat.
Due to the serious nature of the material, instructors prefer that all attendees be at least 15 years old. The class will be held at the Cumming Police Department (301 Veterans Memorial Blvd.).
United Way of Forsyth, Mashburn Family Recognized
During the Regular Meeting on Jan. 21, Mayor and City Council recognized the United Way of Forsyth County with a proclamation noting the week of Jan. 26 through Feb. 1, 2020 as United Way of Forsyth Appreciation Week in honor of all the good work United Way does with local nonprofit organizations.
Additionally, Councilwoman Linda Ledbetter - founder of the Age Well Forsyth organization, which assists local senior residents - along with Joan Weldy of the organization, acknowledged members of the Dr. Marcus Mashburn Jr. family for their continued support of senior adults by keeping the Orchard Apartments open, providing an affordable living option for seniors.
Also during the January Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:
- Approved changes to the fees associated with the Cumming Country Fair & Festival. Beginning this year, patrons will no longer be charged a parking fee (previously $5), and admission to the fair will go from $7 to $10 for ages 11 and up (ages 10 and under are still admitted for free). Council will discuss pricing for early ticket sales during the Feb. 4th work session.
- Voted to re-bid out the Forsyth Central High School parking lot project at the City Center.
- Postponed any action on the annexation and rezoning of property known as Westshore, which consists of just over 151 acres along Market Place Boulevard, until the Feb. 18th meeting.
- Approved a resolution which would allow the City Council to present businesses with the option of creating Community Improvement Districts (CID) within the City Limits. CIDs are well-established economic development tools that empower non-residential property owners to essentially tax themselves to generate funds for infrastructure and beautification projects. The resolution requests that the Forsyth County Legislative Delegation amend the Forsyth County Community Improvement District Act to include language enabling the City of Cumming to consider future CID creation initiatives within the City Limits.
- Appointed City resident Pam Cape to serve on the Development Authority and Downtown Development Authority.
- Mayor Brumbalow recommended Councilman Christopher Light to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem for 2020. The motion passed 4-0 with Councilman Light recused.
- Re-appointed all Professional Services and Demand Service Providers for 2020.
- Voted to extend the current rental agreement with the University of North Georgia through June of 2025 to allow the university to continue to offer programs on the 4th floor of City Hall.
- Approved advertising for bids for the following Utilities projects: Mountain Road and Hwy 9 improvements; Bald Ridge Creek Pump Station; a vacuum trailer for the valve crew; and a new roof and exterior upgrades to the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Shop Building on Hwy. 9.
Utilities Rebate Still Available for Lead & Copper Testing
Cumming Utilities is still offering a $25 water/sewer bill rebate to the first 75 customers who sign up to take part in new lead and copper testing, recently implemented by the EPA.
Qualifying customers must own homes built between 1982 and 1988. Testing requires that home owners take samples of water that has stood in pipes for several hours.
When: Feb. 14, 6-10 p.m.
Where: Cumming Aquatic Center
Admission: $18/child
What: Need a mom and dad date night on Valentine's Day? Drop the kids off at the Aquatic Center and they'll enjoy four hours filled with swim time, games and dinner!
Click here to register.
When: Feb. 21, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Cumming Aquatic Center
Admission: 1/2 Off Daily Admission
What: Every third Friday of the month, the Cumming Aquatic Center offers 1/2 off daily admission costs for swimming in the indoor lap and instructional pools.
Click here for more information.
Community Arbor Day Celebration
When: Feb. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Mini Park Next Door to Cumming Aquatic Center
Admission: FREE
What: Join the City of Cumming, Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, the UGA Extension Office, and Forsyth County for a community-wide
Arbor Day Celebration! Lots of family-friendly fun including tree planting demonstrations, free saplings to take home, and Los Rios food truck.
"Last of the Red Hot Lovers"
When: Jan. 30 - Feb. 23; 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays
Where: School Street Playhouse
What: The School Street Playhouse presents the classic Broadway comedy by Neil Simon.
Youth Council Meeting - Feb. 4 at 5 p.m.
City Council Work Session - Feb. 4 at 6 p.m. (Gallery B, Second Floor)
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Feb. 18 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - Feb. 18 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.