November 9, 2021
5 Kislev 5781
  • The PTA packaged and delivered over 85 welcome gifts to new Bais Yaakov Families.

  • The PTA provided delicious refreshments at Parent Orientiaions and Back To School Night Meetings for all Divisions.

  • The PTA sponsored
  • Preschool Parshas Noach petting zoo
  • the 1st Grade Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur project
  • the 1st Grade Brachos unit
  • the 2nd Grade Sukkos project
  • the 2nd grade Kever Rochel project
  • the beautiful Sukkos Projects in the Middle School
  • the Lower Middle School dinner on their boat trip
The PTA sincerely appreciates Syril Shiman, Tikvah Pickett, Ayala Gross, Leeba Knof, Nechama Lieder, Basya Polsky, Tova Sauer for packing and delivering welcome packages.

Much gratitude to Yedida Orlofsky, Ayala Gross, Tikvah Pickett, Ashira Sheirmyer, Yehudis Goldenberg, Devorah Grunwald, Chaya Feldman, Baila Langer, Chana Shira Leibowitz, Liz Rothstein, Juliya Sheynman, Chani Herman, Aliza Dancziger, Mashie Abramson, Miri Daniel, Shana Greenfield, Dena Greenfield, Ahuva Greenfield, Nechama Lehrfield, Avigail Lehrfield, Batsheva Lehrfield, Elana Lerner, Basya Polsky, Raizy Zelcer, and Sara Zelcer for setting up refreshments and selling sweatshirts at the Parent Orientations and Back to School Nights in all three divisions.
Show hakaras hatov, appreciation, to our daughters’ moros and teachers for the incredible work they do on behalf of our girls.

If you would like to participate, please respond no later than November 17th, so we have enough time to organize and distribute the gifts during Chanukah. The suggested amounts are $20 for a preschool child, $15 for an elementary school child, and $5 per family for the support staff. The gift will be accompanied by a card that lists those families who participated in the group gift.
This link will also allow you to access the Middle School and High School Chanuka forms.
Your membership enables the PTA to provide exciting extracurricular enhancements for the students in all divisions.
PTA Sweatshirts may be purchased year-round by contacting Mrs. Nechama Gila Weg at 410-559-6497

Thank you to those who generously sponsored the Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan treat

Elementary School
  • Lilui nishmas Rochel Bas Chaya Pesha Esther, great aunt of Suri Hefter.
  • In honor of Baila Schnitzer and her Opa, Rabbi Nissel for all he does to keep Bais Yaakov operating smoothly.
  • In honor of Devorah Chana Zelikovich and the dedicated Bais Yaakov staff.
  • In honor of Temima and Tehilla Khaver's teachers and in honor of Temima's Birthday. Daniel and Avigail Khaver

Lower Middle School
  • Sponsored anonymously in appreciation of the Middle School Administration.
  • In honor of our new principal, Rabbi Frohlich, welcome!

Thank You to those who generously sponsored the Rosh Chodesh Kislev treat

Elementary School
  • Happy birthday to our special Shifra Crane. We are so proud of your beautiful middos and kind heart, and love you very much. -Omi and Opa Mond
  • L'ilui nishmas Sara Bas Asher, grandmother of Aviva Gluck, whose yahrzeit is on 5 Kislev.
  • In honor of Aviva Goldstein's amazing morahs, Mrs. Lauer and Mrs. Herskowitz.
  • Lilui Nishmas Shmuel Eliyahu Ben Aharon Yisrael, and in honor of our daughter Layah Jacobovitch’s wonderful morahs and principals. -Gershon and Ahuva Jacobovitch
  • In honor of Aiden and Yona Jessurun and their teachers: Mrs. Shamoulian, Mrs. Katz, Mrs. Berkowitz, Mrs. Bamberger, and Ms. Shapiro.
  • In honor of our wonderful granddaughter Tehila Hammelburger, and a zechus for a refuah sheleima for Sara bas Frayda Chaya. - Bubby and Grandpa
  • In honor of Nechama and Atara Milch, and the dedicated teachers and staff of Bais Yaakov. -Bubby Esral
  • In honor of Hadassah Schachter. -Saba and Savta

Lower Middle School
  • In honor of Racheli Danziger's birthday on November 20th.
  • In honor of our dear daughter Blumy, on her upcoming bas mitzvah.
  • In memory of Pesha bat Avraham Abba, grandmother of Lyla Powojski.
  • In honor of Batya Lavi's upcoming Bat Mitzvah. Mazal Tov! We are so excited to share the simcha together. -The Lavi Family
  • In honor of Chaya Lieder's bas mitzvah.
  • In honor of our granddaughter Michal Mirkin. - Bubby and Zaidy
  • In honor of our daughter Michal Mirkin, for doing a wonderful job in school so far this year. We are very proud of you.
  • In honor of Miri Sheynman's bas mitzvah. - Chani, Simi, and Moshe
To sponsor, please contact Nechama Tendler at 845-521-2428 or (please include the student's grade(s) in your email).
Layah Greenfield, Malki Lehrfield, Tamar Zelcer
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