Do It The Right Way, With WK!

Here at WK Mechanical we want to make sure that when it comes to your HVAC system, you have no worries or concerns.

Not only is our family ready to help you with any of your issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we want to ensure that your system is cleaned and well maintained so that you have no worries all season long!  

Monthly Feature
Find Out More About What An Automatic Standby Generator Can Do For You!

Give us a call at (845) 447-3347
WK Blogs
October Is Fire Prevention Month

October is Fire Prevention Month so we thought we would offer some fire prevention safety tips that you can do to keep your home and family protected.

Fire Prevention Tips From Your Heating & Cooling Comfort Pros:

  • Smoke & Carbon Monoxide detectors are an important part of home fire safety. in good working order help to keep your family safe from harm. 
We Won’t Stop Until You Are Comfortable

When your HVAC system is not working, you may be spending some time at home that is uncomfortable. We know how hard it is to relax when you are too hot or too cold and so we live to make sure our clients have an HVAC system that is in good working order. One that will keep you cool during the hot summer months and warm during those long, cold winter nights.

When you have an issue with your HVAC system and call for service, a repair or a consultation for a new system, you want to be assured that the contractor you invite into your home will give you the time and attention you deserve. You expect that they will evaluate the problem and create a solution that is effective and won’t kill your budget. Unfortunately there are times when you do not receive the type of service you expect. It could be that the technician is inexperienced, the issue is misdiagnosed, their schedule is rushed and they hurriedly complete the job or they seem to be concerned more focused on the sale rather than the service. Whatever the reason, when you are left with a system that is not running as it should after a visit from an HVAC professional, you are undoubtedly disappointed.
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