See what's happening at Grace this week
August 6, 2020
This is a quick reminder of what is happening at Grace this week in Worship and in ways to connect and serve in the next seven days.
Grace Happenings
A Note From Pastor Maria Markman
I’m Here!
Isaiah 43: 18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland".
This week was a giant new beginning for me. My younger cousin reminisced about her first day of “the rest of her life,” the day she began her big girl job. It was an exciting prospect for her, a way to use her gifts and talents in the workforce. She and I graduated from college the same year, instead of going to work like she did, I found myself attending Luther Seminary in pursuit of a Masters of Divinity, a degree that would allow me to become who God was calling me to be, a pastor. Instead of buying a house like she did, I stayed in the little apartment we shared in St. Paul and rented her room to another broke college student. Instead of buying a motorcycle like she did (yeah, I know she is super cool), I bought books. Little did I know all these years of study would transform into this new beginning here at Grace!
Monday of this week marked the first day of the rest of my life, returning to Grace as Associate Pastor of Faith Formation. I am excited to say: “I’m here!” I am excited to use all of my God given gifts and talents here at Grace. I am excited to see what new things God is going to do through us here at Grace, in our community and in the world.
On a call with one of my pastor classmates on Monday afternoon, we jokingly thought about our time studying to be pastored and wondered together how we had been prepared to lead, teach, and preach through a pandemic. How do we reach out and serve the community around us when people are trying to limit their interactions? How do we ensure space for guests when we must limit occupancy? How do you encourage faith formation when homes have overwhelmingly become all the places we miss work, restaurants, schools, camps, and churches? This week as a staff we discussed what things are we missing and what things aren’t we missing? These are some of the questions I wonder if you will think about with us. As Isaiah says above, “forget the former things; do not dwell in the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”
In my absence, you all here at Grace have begun to try new things and moving forward we will continue to experiment with ways of being together, forming faith together, and worshipping the God who always makes a way together! Everything is becoming new: worship, fellowship, outreach, women’s ministry, men’s ministry, SALT, children’s ministry, youth ministry, music ministries, volunteer ministry...the list goes on!
I pray together we can hold each other with grace as we experiment and try new things. And know, especially when we are moving indoors, we will be exposing ourselves to more risks. We cannot eliminate the risks of COVID-19, but we will do our best to mitigate the risks.
Through all of the transition and unknown -into this new beginning together- we will continue to do as we are called to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. We will continue to provide online worship now streamed through our YouTube account. Join us at 5:00 pm on Saturday night and at 9:00 am on Sunday morning in the parking lot. And as always the service will be saved if you are unable to join at that time you can worship whenever you are available!
Thank you all for the warm welcome back and welcome to this new beginning as Associate Pastor of Faith Formation!
Thank you!
Pastor Maria Markman
A Note Of Gratitude
Dear Members of Grace,

I want to express my thanks to those who, in one way or another, recognized my 52nd Anniversary of Ordination in early July. Your cards and gifts are appreciated and mean a lot. I am especially grateful for the large gift that came to Grace as support for several of its outreach ministries in celebration of my special day: 

-$250 to Stepping Stones Emergency Housing
-$250 to our partnership with Sand Creek Elementary
-$250 to Grace4Rakai
-$250 to Grace2Haiti

In gratitude for your partnership in ministry,

Delwayne Hahn
Visitation Pastor
B.Y.O.L.C. (Bring your own lawn chair) for
Parking Lot Worship on Saturday at 5 pm or
Sunday at 9 am at Grace Lutheran

This Sunday again, we are inviting you to leave your car for Parking Lot Worship and sit in your own lawn chair (if you want). The first two rows of the parking lot are reserved for people to sit in their lawn chairs while assuring social distancing (6 feet or more apart). 

Young families are invited to sit on the grass and use the sidewalk to keep their kids physically distanced and safe. We have chalk for your kids to use during worship.

In case of rain, we encourage you to stay in your cars.

If you are going to get out of your car for outdoor worship, we ask that you park in the back of the parking lot or in the dental office, so that those who stay in their cars can have a better view of worship. If you need to park closer and still want to get out of your car, please use the parking for people with disabilities, or speak to a parking attendant who will direct you on where to park. 

Following worship there will be a chance to mingle outside with each other. We do ask if you decide to converse with people after worship that you please wear a mask.

Staying in your car:
If you would like to stay in your car, you are invited to do so and tune in on the radio on 91.7. Parking lot attendants will park you behind our lawn chairs to give you the best possible view. 

Future Sundays:
We will be having Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Also each week, we are trying new things and experimenting to improve our worshiping experience. We recognize that there will be things that go well and parts that need to be changed. Thank you for your input and patience.

Outdoor Worship, Saturday August 8th at 5:00 pm:
Join us for outdoor worship starting this Saturday night. We will gather on the lawn in front of the church. Please bring a blanket or a chair to sit on. We will use speakers for you to hear. We will not be broadcasting Saturday Night Worship on the radio.

Please wear masks and abide by social distancing recommendations if you plan to mingle with others.  

Maria Markman's Ordination Service

You're invited to Maria Markman's ordination service into the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Her service will be held August 22, 2020 at 2 PM on Bockman Hall lawn at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul. For map and directions follow this link:

You are invited to wear RED, the color of the celebration. We will be following pandemic safety protocols: worshiping outdoors, wearing masks and social distancing enforced. Join us for this celebration!

Maria Markman will be installed as Associate Pastor at Grace Lutheran on September 27, 2020
Bible Study

Join us for Thursday Morning Zoom Bible Study at 10 am with Pastor Joanna (or the Sunday preacher).
Join us on Thursday mornings at 10 am for a bible study. Bring your bibles, yourselves and your questions. If you don’t have a bible, bring your phone or your computer and we will navigate through bible gateway to help you find the scripture.

The Sunday scriptures that we will be studying over the next couple of weeks:
Aug. 13th: Lamentations 3:1-3,17-32; 5:1-3, 18-22
Aug. 20th: Song of Songs 1:12-2:6, 7:1-13
Aug. 27th: Song of Songs 5:2-9, 8:5-10 

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below.
Sunday, August 16 – 5:30-6:30 PM

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Grace has not been able to open our doors to provide a Family Table Meal for the past several months. But we’re trying something new for August: a drive-up meal to go! A wonderful team of people will be planning, preparing, packaging and delivering these complimentary meals to those who drive up in front of our doors beginning at 5:30 on August 16th. We will be serving until 6:30 or until food runs out, whichever comes first. If you could benefit from a “meal to go,” please come! And if a “meal to go” would help someone you know, please pass the word along! Contact Debbie Jorgens via email ( ) or phone (763-421-6520, ext. 109) with questions.
God’s Work, Our Hands 

There are a lot of uncertainties in life! But one thing we do know: God’s call is always to love and serve our neighbors! With that in mind, Grace will celebrate “God’s Work, Our Hands” on Sunday, September 20th! We anticipate that this event - for kids age 3 to 103, will be primarily outdoors, although we believe we can have limited indoor activities geared to very small groups.

We’re in need of people to do some creative brainstorming and help plan the event - and no prior experience is necessary! If you’re willing to help, please contact Debbie Jorgens via email ( or phone (763-370-9902). 

Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve!
Youth Events This Summer! 

After thought, prayer, and planning over the last couple of weeks we are excited to announce a few events for our young people to participate in this summer! Throughout August, we have events planned for High School Students (completed 9th through 12th grade) and middle school students (completed 5th grade through 8th grade).   

We hope that families that are comfortable gathering in small groups will be able to join us! All events will be held outdoors with various safety precautions listed on our website and on the event registration. If you have any questions, concerns or have any special needs please contact Kristi Larson at Check out what we have planned below! 
Our “Conversations on Race” Continue!

Our “Conversations on Race” will continue on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm during the months of August and September. If you didn’t participate in any of our initial “Conversations on Race” or you missed some of the meetings, please don’t let that stop you from joining us.

For our discussion in August, we will be discussing a podcast by Brene Brown with Austin Channing Brown on August 19th and a movie (TBD) in September. Links to join the zoom meetings can be found on the Grace website or below.

Please contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell with any questions.  
Family Event: Bike Ride at Bunker Hills Regional Park

Mark your calendars for the Grace Lutheran Children’s Ministry Family Bike Ride on August 15, 2020 1:00-3:00 PM at Bunker Hills Regional Park.

There are two entrances to Bunker Hills Regional Park. We will not be at the Bunker Beach entrance, but rather the entrance farther down Bunker Lake Blvd. The entrance we will be at, you do not have to pay to enter. If you are required to pay, you are at the wrong entrance and will not be able to find us!

Your whole family is invited to attend. Come when you can, stay while you can, leave when you must. We will observe proper social distancing protocols.
Our theme is Go! Make Disciples! We will study Matthew 28:19-20, which we will lean into this great commission given by Jesus to his disciples even if "going" looks a little different right now.
This new Summer Evening Bible Camp is for kids ages 5 years old thru 5th grade. This year the camp will be held 2 WAYS - virtually with supplies for crafts and games available for pick up at church. BUT for those kids and families that want to attend LIVE – we have that option now too! Starting Monday evening from 6 pm-8 pm August 10th thru Thursday August 13th, we are planning to meet in the front lawn of church – move into the sanctuary for a brief welcome and introduction to our theme, then enjoy all the camp activities under tents in the front lawn of the church. We will do a bible lesson, make crafts, sing songs, play games, and eat a prepackaged snack. Masks will be required to be worn when we are inside and we will have hand sanitizer and safety measures in place for safe learning. You must register to be able to attend. 
If you would like to volunteer – please call the church office and let us know if you can be there all 4 evenings. You MUST REGISTER your children on GraceLink REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE ATTENDING VIRTUALLY OR LIVE. Please indicate how you will be attending (live or virtual); how many kids you are registering and their ages. We are also keeping siblings together to decrease the risk of possible spreading of germs. Safety is very important to us at Grace, but understand that meeting live does increase risk so that is why we are offering 2 options. We understand this won’t work for everyone but we hope you and your family will consider committing to this free program at Grace. 
If you choose to join our Summer Evening Bible Camp virtually - you will still receive the same components that the families joining live will get. These include: daily worship, camp activities, craft supplies and more. We will have several pre-recorded videos for your day camper, including worships, songfest, arts and crafts, and game ideas to play with their family. Also note, the live camp sessions are “weather permitting” because if it is raining on the evening of camp – you will be able to still do the “virtual” option of our camp at home! That way we will not have to cancel any of our camp activities due to rain!!
We are so excited for you to join us for this fun, new Summer Evening Bible Camp!
Noisy Offerings 

All Noisy Offerings received throughout the month of August will be given to the ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka. While donations of food are appreciated, financial contributions are especially important right now because this allows ACBC to be more strategic in what they purchase. We’ve also learned that ACBC has an outreach program which currently delivers groceries on a monthly basis to approximately 70 low-income people. The cost is roughly $25.00 per person (for food, delivery, and administrative costs). The need is great, as in addition to those who are currently being served by this program, there are another 30 people on a waiting list.

Thank you for continuing to contribute your Noisy Offerings! You are making a tangible difference in the lives of people in need!

Happening now through Friday, August 21st!

Since opening their doors to help the people of south Minneapolis in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has seen a very consistent need for specific items. Among them are diapers,* baby wipes, and bar soap/body wash. Our goal is to collect 50 of each of these items by Friday, August 21. It may seem like a lofty goal, but if anyone can accomplish it, the people of Grace can!

You can drop off your donations at Grace - on the table just inside the doors - and we’ll get them to Holy Trinity. And please donate only the items listed here. Thank you!!

* While diapers of all sizes are appreciated, there’s a particular need for size 6 and pull-up’s.

God of mercy, be with those who are affected by mental illness, and lift their depression and anxiety. Bring restoration to those who struggle in body, mind and spirit. Today we pray especially for Mike Henricks (Tom Weaver’s brother-in-law), Elsie Weisenberger, Max Carlson, Shannan Gautschi, Arden Kirkendall, John Malecha, Jack Zirkle, Carroll Potter, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Christopher Sluis, Kathy Lovik, Judi Wold, and Zachary Elsenpeter. Lord hear our prayer.

God of comfort, we pray for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Today we pray especially for Jim & Maydelle Fennick upon the death of Jim’s sister, Wilda Hogg; Bill, Kate, Joseph & Grace Morphew upon the death of Bill’s Grandfather, Robert Woodward . Surround them with your love and comfort them with the promise of the resurrection.

New Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will begin streaming worship this week through Grace's YouTube account. Worship will be live at 5:00 pm on Saturday night and at 9:00 am on Sunday morning. It will also be saved so if you are not able to join us at that time you can worship later through Grace's YouTube channel.

The staff at Grace Lutheran are providing regular devotions through our website and Facebook page.

If you would like to write a devotion to share with the community at Grace please contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell at  Thank you!
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Registration Now for

To minimize the spread of COVID-19 and out of love and concern for our church family and community, all worship services, program organizations and activities are cancelled until further notice.
Links to Grace Lutheran's YouTube Channel
Virtual Worship will be posted online at:

We hope that you will join us at a time that works best for you.