Want your team to be innovators and problem solvers? Take some inspiration from our clients who are creating interiors that spark engagement. They're bringing color and life to their interiors with custom-designed color wall graphics that reinforce their company culture and increase productivity.

  • The Corporate Leadership Council, for instance, has found that engaged employees perform 20% better than non-engaged employees and are 87% less likely to leave their companies.

  • 84% of workers reported that their work environment did not allow them to be productive.

  • Between 2013 and 2014, according to the Labour Force Survey, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 11.3 million lost working days due to work-related ill health. 

  • A Gallup poll showed that work units in the top quartile in employee engagement outperformed bottom-quartile units by 22% in profitability and 21% in productivity.

What impact could you have on your company’s productivity if there was a way to integrate your company values and mission into the work that happens every day within your physical environment?