Staying Connected as a Faith Community
Storm Update

We hope that everyone is safe after Tropical Storm Isaias's tremendous impact here is Connecticut. The church currently has no power and no timeline for restoration. The tech team is unable to record this morning's service. The church grounds are being cleaned up this morning by Randy, Ralph and Dave. Thankfully no large trees or limbs hit the church buildings or came down on the church property; just a lot of branches and leaves. We pray for all those who are without power and those who have damage to their properties. Please stay safe as we weather yet another obstacle in 2020.

Restoration Project Complete
As Mary Covello said in her sermon on Sunday, we are blessed here at St. Mary's. Last week Colonial Masonry completed the roof and masonary project and were able to rebuild parapets and redesign a flat roof that will resist water intrusion (as well as power wash the front of the church). We are grateful to the Haugh family (CLICK HERE to read their history in the Happenings) for their large bequest that enabled us to take on this project. The water damage done to the stained glass window frames including the Rose window, door frames, balacony ceiling and plaster walls still need to be addressed and repaired.
Thank you to those who purchased Janet Platz's preserves last Thursday! We sold 2 boxes full of yummy canned goods and raised $200 for the discretionary fund. We still have 4 boxes left over so we are looking at our calendar to set another sale.

St Mary's Day Invitations

Inviations have been mailed out for our St. Mary's Day celebration that will be held on Sunday, Aug. 16th at 4PM on the church lawn. RSVP is mandatory, so please fill out your form and mail or drop it off at the church office if you would like to attend. We will follow ECCT's Covid-19 safety protocols which include protocols like assigned seating that is socially distanced, hand santizing stations, a limited seating capacity, and an evening prayer service (which does not include communion).

Virtual COFFEE HOUR begins at 9:30AM- join with the regular worship Zoom link below. This week's host is Andrea Burr.

Sunday, August 9th at 10AM

CLICK HERE for the bulletin

New Permanent Meeting Code

 Meeting ID: 823 2447 0555
Password: 0000

Join Zoom Meeting:

1 646 876 9923


Compline will be held FIVE nights a week at 7:30 pm, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. This short service from The Book of Common Prayer will be led by parishioners and Revered Ann. Compline is found in the BCP on page 127 or you may access the prayer book online at

To Join Compline Zoom Meeting


By phone call +13126266799

enter  Meeting ID
856 0827 5573  

August 2nd ZOOM Worship
CLICK HERE to veiw last Sunday's worship service with preacher Mary Covello.
Feel free to familiarize yourself with Zoom via these Zoom Video Tutorials.  CLICK HERE to view.
Household Hardships

If you are dealing with finanicial stress due to Covid-19 please reach out to Rev. Ann or utilize these two services.

Rentschler Food Distrbution info can be found above. This picture is an example of some of the food items distributed.

United Way
Emergency funds ($200 per household) are available through the United Way for working households whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID. Eligible households must have a cell phone and email account. To inquire about this assistance, please send an email to Be sure to include your cell phone # and a brief explanation of how your employment income has been impacted by COVID, i.e reduced hours, layoff, job los

CLICK HERE to read a statement from the Episcopal Church House of Bishops: A Word on Protest and Federal Policing
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man is a Youtube series that is hosted by Emmanuel Acho. Click the link to watch the first video and access the others in the series.
Taking Care of Yourself & Others

CLICK HERE to view an article from the Center of Parent and Teen Communication that helps families teach strategies on managing stress.

Primary Day is this Tuesday, August 11th. Polls will be open with new COVID-19 safety protocols. All registered Republicans and Democrats can vote for their presidential preference from 6am-8pm at their regular voting place.

NAMI CT is running support groups for various populations (Families, Peers, Young Adults) CLICK HERE to access the website. 

CLICK HERE to head to the town's website with lots of links to help with social isolation.

Sunday, August 9 (12- 2 p.m.) -- Woodbridge Farmstead celebrates Votes for Women, 495 East Middle Tpke

Connecting with Coffee

Ann's Zoom Coffee Shop on Fridays at 1pm

Join Zoom Meeting
or Dial +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 873 0224 9184
Password: 958202


Coffee On The Curb”

This way of connecting has been fun and you don't even have to tidy the house! Feel free to call Rev Ann at 304-951-7122 or email her at and she will swing by your home and chat outside (at a safe distance).

Virtual Prayers of the People

CLICK HERE  to view the list and to take a moment to lift these names up in your prayers. If you have people you wish to add please contact Rev. Ann.

Prayer for People Critically Ill or Facing Great Uncertainty

God of the present moment,
God who in Jesus stills the storm
and soothes the frantic heart;
bring hope and courage to all
who wait or work in uncertainty.
Bring hope that you will make them the equal
of whatever lies ahead.
Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided,
for your will is health and wholeness;
you are God, and we need you.

- Adapted from New Zealand Prayer Book, p. 765