St John the Evangelist Parish
August 7, 2019
Statement from the Bishops of the Archdiocese of Seattle about recent tragic shootings
Seattle, Wash. - News of the tragic shootings in California, Mississippi, Texas and Ohio has once again struck our nation to its core, as loved ones of all ages are suddenly and senselessly ripped from their families. Many others suffer life-threatening injuries, and still countless more are afraid and anxious. The violence must stop. 
          As disciples of Jesus, we live by the way of peace and reject all forms of violence, hate and racism. This terrible spike in senseless acts of terror brings us to our knees, as we pray for victims and their families, for the perpetrators of these heinous crimes, and for those prone for whatever reason to violent acts. May God bring peace and consolation to them all and teach us to be instruments of healing and reconciliation - not just at the present moment, but every day. 
          We need to find a way to enact common-sense gun regulation and seek more effective means of assisting those with mental illness. May we ourselves, with God's grace, be people who sow and cultivate a culture of peace, goodness and kindness every day - in both word and deed. The road to peace begins with a fervent commitment on the part of each of us to respect all human life and let the Lord's gift of peace reign over us.
O God, who have revealed that peacemakers are called your children, show us now the power of your goodness and healing as we weep for those suddenly and violently taken from us and for those who have been injured in any way. O God, merciful and strong, swiftly banish violence from our nation, wipe away all tears, and help us establish the kind of justice that ensures true and lasting peace, that we may live as your children, as brothers and sisters of one family. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Seeking Donations for the Youth Migrant Project trip
A group of middle schoolers is headed to Sedro-Wooley soon to work with the children of migrant workers and to help at the tri-parish food bank.  We are collecting donations for the workers and for other impoverished families at church on August 10 and 11.  Rice, beans, other nonperishable food, diapers, wipes, children's books, school supplies, small toys, etc.  
They will be sponsoring coffee and donuts on Sunday and  and all proceeds will go to the migrant workers and the tri-parish food bank in Sedro Woolley.   You can also bring donations to the parish office any time during the week of August 12 to 16.  Thank you for whatever you can give!  
St John Nursery Position Open
Congratulations to o ur amazing Nursery leader, Becca, who is moving on to a new full time position this fall. 
We are currently looking for a new Sunday Nursery leader.  This paid position would be every Sunday from 10:15am to 12:15pm taking care of kids ages 8 months to 3 years during the 10:30 Mass.  Must be 18 yrs or older and take the Safe Environment training. 

Contact Kristin Kent: [email protected]
The Saint Francis of Assisi Ministry
will meet next at  7pm on Monday, August 12th . Our group meets monthly to discuss and share our concerns regarding the environment, climate change, and the treatment of animals. All are welcome! More information about the group and where to get a copy of Laudato Si can be found at our website at .
Questions About the Catholic Faith?

Seeking Answers About the Church?
Our Door is Open! 

Here at St John, we meet once a month, on the second Wednesday, with those interested in learning more about Catholicism, about our church, and about our faith. The meetings are casual, with plenty of time for questions and discussion, and are open to all!

The next meeting is Wednesday, August 14th at 7pm.  
We will meet in the Admin Building.
Check out our website for more information about 
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Questions? Contact Julia Rudden:   [email protected]
The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Thursday, August 15th.  Masses at 9am and 7pm
On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of faith: "We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory." The pope proclaimed this dogma only after a broad consultation of bishops, theologians and laity. There were few dissenting voices. What the pope solemnly declared was already a common belief in the Catholic Church.  (from
Ice Cream Social
Summer nights are the perfect time for an Ice Cream Social in the courtyard.  Join us after  the 7pm Mass of the Assumption of Mary on August 15 for fellowship and ice cream with an assortment of toppings!! 
Laudato Si In Action

Not Just an Encyclical for the Environment
Papal encyclicals take their name from the latin encyclius, or circle. Originally, the name came from the fact that an encyclical was a letter that circulated from the Holy Father to bishops, and then to priests, and finally to all members of the Holy See. The term encyclical is used today to refer to a document that clarifies Catholic doctrine.
The Italian title of Laudato Si takes its name from the beginning of the document, "Laudato Si, Mi Signore" or in English, "Praise be to you, my Lord," which in turn comes from Saint Francis of Assisi's beautiful Canticle of the Sun.
Most of you have learned -- from this column or elsewhere -- that Laudato Si is Pope Francis' environmental encyclical, his plea for us to take care of the environment, our "common home." But Laudato Si is also very much a document about taking care of our neighbor, especially the poor and the vulnerable:  Read more...

Click here for all prior Laudato Si in Action columns.

Bill is traveling several weeks in July and August, so Prayer Nuggets will pause for a bit.  Look for them to return in August.  Meanwhile, Happy Summer!
Saint of the Month

Saint Rose of Lima
Feast: August 23 or 30