November 2021
Each month "NCART News" delivers the latest Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) Medicare and Medicaid updates, advocacy opportunities, and event information all in one place.
Giving Thanks To Our Advocates
We have expressed that it takes the collective action of our whole community to see victories as we actively work to protect access to Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) for people with disabilities. It would be impossible to effectively deliver the CRT access message to policymakers and legislators without dedicated advocacy voices from CRT providers, manufacturers, consumers, clinicians, and others.

We are especially grateful for the way in which this community has come together these last two years to adapt and overcome significant challenges that continue to impact us all. We want to pause to acknowledge your efforts, to express our thanks for each of you, and to share that we look forward to joining with you in advocacy in the future. 
Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems Coverage
Our work continues with the ITEM Coalition to secure Medicare coverage for Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems used with CRT power wheelchairs.

In the most recent contact, CMS has acknowledged receipt of the October Congressional letters and indicated they have been meeting regarding the coverage request. We continue to push for the next step in the process which will be the announcement of a 30-day “public comment period”. This will take place when CMS formally publishes the reopening of the related National Coverage Determination (NCD) for review.

This public comment period will be the opportunity for CRT stakeholders to express their support for needed coverage by submitting comments directly to CMS. We will continue to work with CMS to move this initiative ahead and will provide updates as they become available.
CRT Telehealth Position Paper
The NCART Legislative Committee has published an updated telehealth position paper requesting that Congress “make permanent” the current COVID-19 telehealth flexibilities that have brought important benefits to individuals with disabilities. You can read the position paper here.

The temporary CRT telehealth option must be made permanent so that Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities can continue to have remote access to CRT evaluations, fittings, and training when an in-person visit is not possible due to medical risks, transportation barriers, lack of local qualified clinicians, and other factors.

Congress must take legislative action to make sure that these CRT telehealth services continue to be available after the expiration of the Public Health Emergency (PHE). 

Now is the time to take action to ensure Congress understands the critical need to protect access to CRT and the needed supporting services available through telehealth. Visit to send a message to your Members asking for their support.
Federal Vaccine Mandates and CRT
Earlier this month the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) released new federal COVID-19 vaccination/testing/masking requirements for certain healthcare workers and for companies with 100 or more employees, respectively. Discussions regarding the implications to CRT providers and their staff continue, but a summary of the requirements are below.

CMS- The Agency has issued an "emergency regulation" implementing COVID-19 vaccination and related requirements for healthcare providers/suppliers that participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. There are a variety of entities that are impacted, but DME Suppliers (and CRT Suppliers) are NOT LISTED. The announcement and full details can be found here. This is an interim final rule, so CMS is asking for public comments, however that will not delay the implementation.

OSHA- The Agency has issued an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that “establishes minimum vaccination, vaccination verification, face covering, and testing requirements to address the grave danger of COVID-19 in the workplace”. The regulations apply to companies with 100 or more employees, unless specifically excluded. The announcement reports this will cover two-thirds of the country’s private sector workers. Full information can be found here.

Both CMS and OSHA provide for vaccination exemptions based on recognized medical conditions or religious beliefs, observances, or practices. The OSHA regulations also allow for an alternative “weekly testing” option for unvaccinated employees, but do require unvaccinated employees to wear a face covering in the workplace. Both agencies indicate their regulations preempt any regulations of States and subdivisions of States.

Both of these regulations have been subject to legal actions to prevent implementation. The CMS regulation has been put on temporary hold in 10 states. The OSHA regulation has been put on temporary hold nationally. This is a fluid situation and further federal and state actions could impact both the requirements and the implementation dates.

We will continue to monitor closely. Please let us know of any questions or comments and we will share additional information as we move ahead.
December CRT Industry Webinar
As this year comes to a close NCART, NRRTS, U.S. Rehab, and the Clinician Task Force want to connect one more time before 2022 to bring you the latest information impacting the CRT community. The final 2021 CRT Industry Webinar is being held on December 14 at 4:00 PM ET. These informative presentations continue to be offered at no cost to attendees, so click the button below to get registered today!
Giving Tuesday
This Giving Tuesday, please consider donating funds to NCART to support advocacy that protects access to Complex Rehab Technology for the CRT community.

Your donations go directly to continued efforts in passing legislation, working with state and federal governing bodies, and much more!
United Spinal Air Travel Survey - Nov 30 Deadline
Unfortunately, traveling by air with a disability is a real challenge. There is an opportunity to share information to help improve accessibility.

The United Spinal Association, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and other organizations are conducting a survey to help policy makers truly understand the problems with the current air travel experience for people with disabilities. If you have a disability, please take a few minutes to complete the survey below and share your personal experiences with commercial air travel. The deadline for submissions is today, November 30.

There is an urgent need to improve accessibility on airlines and this survey covers issues such as accessible bathrooms, better-trained airline staff to assist, larger aisles, more communications access, and improved seating accommodations. If you do not have a disability, we encourage you to share this post today so others have an opportunity to anonymously voice their flying experiences. Click the button below to fill out or share the survey. 
State CRT Work in November
NCART continues its work on state-level matters that impact access to CRT. If you are currently dealing with a CRT issue that we can help with, please send us an email using the button below. Here are the highlights from our November work:
  • 2022 CRT State Initiatives - The NCART Payor Relations Committee and Board of Directors are finalizing the 2022 state CRT advocacy priorities.
  • Michigan - NCART and the Michigan Homecare and Hospice Association met with Department leadership to discuss policies impacting access to CRT; follow up meeting is scheduled in January.
  • Ohio - NCART and OAMES met with Department leadership to discuss reimbursement concerns related to CRT ancillary items; a CRT workgroup is collecting additional information and discussions are ongoing.
  • Utah - An NCART workgroup has submitted concerns to Department leadership and a meeting has been requested.
  • Texas - NCART submitted comments regarding updated coverage of Push-Rim Activated Power Assist devices for CRT Manual Wheelchairs.
Start 2022 with NCART Membership
The financial support of dedicated CRT providers and manufacturers is the foundation that enables us to carry out our important advocacy work.

That's why NCART is excited that we have grown our membership roster by nearly 20% this year. Thank you to our new members! We couldn’t be prouder to be working alongside each of our member companies to protect access to CRT and want to continue to expand our advocacy reach.

If your company provides or manufactures CRT and you aren’t an NCART member yet, please consider joining other dedicated advocates to help fight the negative trends in coverage and payment that continue to mount.

Your membership support will enable us to continue to advocate aggressively on behalf of the industry and those it serves as we work to maintain and establish policies needed to ensure people with significant disabilities and chronic medical conditions can access the specialized equipment and services they require and you provide. Learn more by clicking the button below.
Monthly Motivation
Janey and Leslie Give Thanks
Janey and Leslie are both business owners utilizing CRT to maximize their function and live life on their terms. Click the videos below to listen to their Thanksgiving messages and to see how their CRT supports their goals, hobbies, and more.

NCART | | 716-839-9728 |