Sunday, February 9 | 9:15 AM & 11:45 AM
Join us in Sunday School at 9:15 AM in the Youth Room to prepare sandwiches and lunch bags. Then, head downtown with us following the 10:30 AM service to worship and serve with the homeless.

We are also collecting warm items to carry down with us. This includes socks, gloves, scarves, and hats. A drop off box is located outside the Brides Room.

All youth and their families are invited to attend.

We still have a few spots available for the Spring! Sign up to provide snacks for Sunday night EYC. We need all food delivered by 4:00 PM on the selected Sunday, and we estimate around 20 students each week. You can sign up by clicking HERE .
Youth and parents! Our parish isn't the same without you and our Spiritual Life Inventory won't be complete unless you give your input. If you haven't take our RenewalWorks survey yet, there is still time. Give yourself 30-45 minutes and take the survey  HERE .
Good Shepherd's pancake supper will take place on Tuesday, February 25th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. We need your help to make this event successful! Please consider signing up for the volunteer spots linked below. If you have any questions, please email Lauren .

Do you have a concert, play, game, or recital you would like Lauren to attend? Please email Lauren any upcoming dates of events. Lauren will be attending the following events this week.

Friday, February 7
Elliot Desaloms and Mia Shroyer will be performing in Matilda at 7 PM at Parish.

Sunday, February 9
Michael Finn McKool will be performing in the boys choir at evensong at St. Mark's at 6:30 PM.

Thursday, February 27
Hank Bishop will be performing in the HP Jazz Bank Concert at 7 PM.

February 9 - The Gathering
February 16 - No Youth Group (President's Day Holiday)
February 25 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Want to receive updated text messages about upcoming events and programming? Text @gsecdyouth to 81010
For updates on events and activities follow us on Instagram @gsstudentmin and check out our Facebook page Good Shepherd Student Ministry.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Formation - 9:15 AM
Y2 - Wednesdays at 3:30 PM
Middle School Youth Group - Sundays at 4:30 PM
High School Youth Group - Sundays at 5:30 PM
11122 Midway Road, Dallas, TX 75229
Pastoral Emergency Line: (214) 351-6098