August HMIS Update
August 5, 2019

The next week will mark the end of two months in our new HMIS implementation - with new data collection forms, new trainings, and some changes in visibility to the system. Please let us know how it is going and especially if you have feedback for how to make training videos and guides better. For most users, HMIS is not the main part of your position, but it is essential to showing your good work. We want to make it as easy as possible!
August meeting cancelled
HMIS User Meeting
This month's HMIS Users Meeting is cancelled.

We will continue to have our monthly meeting for NC BoS CoC HMIS Users on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 1-2:30 pm. Go to our calendar of events to make sure you have the right dates marked in the future!

If you have any questions, please as always, ask!
Updated Project Start: ES Forms
Our bad! The Project Start Assessment paper forms (also known as Intake) had a typo in them. No data already entered in HMIS needs to be changed, just remember to print directly from our website when you need new forms.

At the top of the Homeless History questions on page 3, Prior Living Situation had an issue with the Staying with Family and Staying with Friends options. This has now been fixed! Whether a client stayed with friends or family the night before for days, months, or years, the updated form gives you a clear response option. To see the change in details, click here.

Tricks, Tips, and Troubleshooting - Time Flies!
Are you recording updates to clients for Income and Non-Cash Benefits at least once a year? Did you know that is required by HUD for all HMIS agencies?

Every client that is enrolled in your HMIS project for a year or more must have an Interim Annual Assessment recorded.
If you have any questions or feel like your agency needs a little more support, please reach out to the HelpDesk!
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