August 20, 2020

Dear Friends,

Fifty-six years ago today, on August 20, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed the war on poverty by signing into law the Economic Opportunity Act, thus beginning the amazing journey of community action lifting people out of poverty and helping to change the power structures in communities around the country.

After signing the monumental Economic Opportunity Act, President Johnson is known to have said, "I don't know if any of this is going to work, but, after launching this war on poverty, there isn't anyone in America who can continue to ignore poverty in their communities any longer". This act not only helped to create Community Action Agencies such as Community Teamwork, but it forced America to deal with issues that they had been neglecting for centuries, and helped to bring about equality, opportunity and justice in our communities.

We know there is much more work to do, but today we celebrate the birth of community action with you. We are proud to live out the mission and vision of President Johnson in our programs and in the work we continue to do each and every day at Community Teamwork.

Thank you for sharing this journey with us and for your continued support!

We wish you continued health and peace.
Karen Frederick, CEO
To learn more about the beginnings of community action, please watch David Bradley. CEO of the National Community Action Foundation.

For more information on Community Action Agencies, please click here 

Do you need help keeping warm this winter? Y​our family ​may qualify for payments towards  winter heating bills, discounts on monthly​ utility bills, a no-cost ​home energy ​assessment, free ​appliance replacement, and other energy-​saving improvements for your home, all at no cost to you through our Fuel Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Energy Conservation Programs. ​

A ​Massachusetts family of four earning up to $75,201 may qualify. 

For more information, visit



1             $39,105
2              $51,137
3              $63,169
4              $75,201
5              $87,233
6              $99,265

Contact our office for maximum gross income amount for families with more than 6 members.

CTI Fuel Assistance serves the following cities and towns: Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Billerica, Burlington, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Groton, Lexington, Lowell, Pepperell, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro, Waltham, Watertown, Westford, and Wilmington 

Recently, we mailed out 10,000 applications. Applications for those with heat included in their rent will be mailed out in January. Anyone applying for fuel assistance will be helped on their heating bills for November 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021. You must apply by April 30, 2021.

Call the CTI Fuel Assistance Program at 978-459-6161 today to make an appointment and to learn more.

Fuel assistance applications can also be mailed, emailed (, faxed (978.458.8594) or dropped in a specially marked mailbox outside the Fuel Assistance office at 45 Kirk Street, Lowell MA 01852.

Please check back with us again as we will soon be initiating the ability to complete your application online.
We want your feedback!

If you or a member of your family have received services from Community Teamwork in the past year, please complete the survey and let us know how we’re doing. Please fill out the two-question survey by clicking the links below.

Survey's close on 9/11/2020.

Links: (also available from our home page

If you have any questions, please contact
CTI CEO Karen Frederick, Honoree Mary Renn (alone picture on left and in the middle picture on right)and CTI Board Member Rita Dee O'Brien

Thank you to our Partners who help Community Teamwork fulfill our mission each and every day.

We appreciate your continued generosity.
Richard K. and Nancy L. Donahue Charitable Foundation

George and Carol Duncan
Steve Mallette/New England Medical Insurance Agency
There are ALWAYS Ways to Help
If you find yourself in a position to help, your contribution will aid our efforts on every front as we work together to defeat COVID-19, care for our clients and families in their hour of greatest need, and emerge stronger than ever. 

To make a donation to help Community Teamwork fulfill its mission, please