iLGBTS thanks all attendees, speakers, and supporters of our first-ever Older LGBTQ+ Symposium,  Aging Successfully!

The Institute for LGBT Studies would like to thank the over 100 community members who attended our symposium Aging Successfully: Issues and Needs of LGBTQ+ Older Adults Ages 55+! This symposium represented the Institute's first step toward centering the issues of LGBTQ+ older adults in the Tucson communities and beyond. Special thanks go out to our community partners, Southern Arizona Senior Pride and Pima Council on Aging, as well as our event speakers and panelists--without whom this symposium could not be made possible! 

Please stay tuned in the coming weeks for photos and symposium audio/video!
Join Black Student Union for annual  Hear Us, See Us Rally!

Wednesday, Feb. 5th, 2020
11:25 AM - 2:00 PM
MLK Building (AASA) | 1322 E 1st St

This Wednesday, BSU will host annual "Hear Us, See Us" rally to not only celebrate Trayvon Martin's birthday but to also remind ourselves as well as the greater community that his story symbolizes the systematic and racially driven issues that are faced by the Black community every day.

BSU will also have a facilitated debrief during the regular BSU meeting time (6-7p) on the 5th, and will be diving deeper into how stigmas (racial profiling, policing stereotyping, anti-blackness, etc) are used as tools sto discriminate and inflict violence on Black people.
Social Cultural Critical Theory presents: Speaker Series 2020 Brown Bag & Public Presentation

Brown Bag Lunch
Thursday, Feb. 6th, 2020
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Harvill 460 | 1103 E 2nd St

Please join SCCT for a lunchtime discussion featuring three leading Archival Studies scholars: Michelle Caswell, Jennifer O'Neal, and Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez. All attendees are encouraged to bring their own lunch, as well as questions and thoughts for discussion! This event is brought to you by the Social, Cultural, Critical Theory Graduate Minor and its signature SCCT 510 course titled "Politics of the Archive/s" co-designed and co-taught by Professors Anita Huizar-Hernández and Jamie A. Lee. 

image text: social cultural critical theory Speaker Series 2020. 6 Feb 2020. 5-6:30PM Public Presentation. Room S107 in the ENR2 Building. Tracing what's been called 'the archival turn' in a large number of disciplines, Politics of the Archive/s centers both the conceptual 'archive' and the material 'archives' to make sense of the tension that arises within transdisciplinary deployments, translations, and interpretations of what might be considered 'archival.' Speaker panelist and talk titles include: Michelle Caswell, PhD, Associate Profession of Archival Studies, UCLA: Centering Archives on Oppressed People: Feminist Standpoint Epistemology and Archival Values; Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez, MLIS, Assistant University Archivist, UC-Irvine" Centering practitioner experiences in archival scholarship: What does feminist editorship look like?; and Jennifer O'Neal, MLIS, Acting Assistant Professor of Indigenous Race, and Ethnic Studies, University of Oregon: Centering Indigenous Knowledge in the Archival Paradigm.
Check out the Arizona Feminist Philosophy Graduate Conference! 

Sat., Feb. 8th, 2020| 9AM - 6:30PM &
Sun. Feb 9th, 2020 | 9AM - 5:30PM
Maloney Seminar Room,  Social Sciences (Rm 224) |  1145 E South Campus Dr.
Free & open to the public

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Arizona will host a conference for graduate students in feminist philosophy and related areas on  February 8-9, 2020. K eynote speakers include  Prof.  Elizabeth Barnes   (Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia) and Prof.  Connie Rosati  (Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona).
Full conferences details can be found here . If you plan to attend this event, please register  here
Check out Aztlan Artifacts Studio "V-Day, V Is For..." Art Exhibit!

image description: Black and red flyer with red hearts surrounding text. image text reads: Aztlan Artifacts Studio, "V-Day, V is For..." Art Exhibit, An art exhibit about Love, the V, anti-violence, and anti-Valentines Day! Friday, Feb. 7th, 2020, 5-8PM, Special Guest: Author/Poet Lola Rainey. Featured Artists: Zarco Guerrero, Teresa Altamirano, Paco Velez, Erik Humphreys, Vanadee, Paloma Priest, Summer Aguilera, Marisela Montiel, Tanya Tortuga, Gypsy Dreamworks, Eliana Carter, Carlos Valenzuela, Syrena Raqual Arevalo-Trujillo, Arianna Luna, Alaina Pierce, Karla Leon, Justin Pfanstiel, Jewell Medina, Liane Hernandez, Antonio Estrada, Gonzalo Espinoza, David Tineo, Joel Garcia, Miguel Cruz, Alfonzo "Fonz" Chavez, Santana Savalas, Ron Kerstein, Marina Estrella, Summer Sanchez. Live video recording by So/AZ independent Justice Media. 174 E Toole Ave, Tucson, AZ. For more info: contact:
Join Desert Voices for a wine tasting benefit!

image description: Flyer with two wine glasses clinking with wine forming a heart shape above the glasses. Image text reads: "For the Love of Song" Help send LGBTQ+ supportive chorus members to the 2020 GALA Conference! Wine tasting gala scholarship fundraiser, Desert Voices is Tucson's LGBTQ+ Supportive Choarus, and the 2020 GALA Conference in Minneapolis will include hundreds of similar choruses from around the country. You can help Desert Voices Chorus members go to GALA: Join us on Monday, Feb. 10th from 5-8PM for a Wine Tasting Benefit at Arizona Wine Collective, 4280 N. Campbell Ave. $25 for five tastes of superb Arizona wines and hors d'oeuvres, with $10 going to the GALA Fund. Raffle prizes too! Bring your friends and support diversity through music. You may also mail a check to the fund: Desert Voices, PO Box 270, Tucson, AZ 85702, Attn: GALA/SJM-HPL
Register to present your work at Grad Slam 2020!

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2020 @ 11:59pm

Grad Slam is a campus-wide competition for the best 3-minute graduate student presentation of a research or creative project. It is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their communication skills and is an effective way of showcasing to the UA community and the public the innovative research and creative work associated with graduate education at the UA.  All disciplines are encouraged to participate. All talks must be live oral presentations. The grand prize for the winning presenter is $3000!

Learn more information about Grad Slam here
Save the date for our Spring LGBTQ+ Mixer!!

image text: LGBTQ+ Faculty, Staff & Graduate Student Mixer, Hotel Congress: Copper Hall. 311 E Congress St, Friday Feb. 28th, 2020, 5:00-7:00PM. Appetizers provided. Cash bar. Please RSVP at: Contact Sarah Maaske with questions about disability-related acommodations or about the mixer in general at
Check out Graduate Students of Color Collective's Spring 2020 Events!

For more event details, visit GSOCC's Facebook here.
L inksGBTQ+
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