Tory's Perspective
Hi everyone,

It’s been another busy week, but we were able to break it up a little this week (whew!) which is a well-deserved change of pace for our students.

Last weekend’s festivities were a resounding success, culminating in an (outdoor, socially distanced, mask wearing) social event at the golf club. As I was leaving from the golf club on Sunday night, Will Bertram, student council president, chased me down and asked me if “a few students” could have permission to participate in the Clay Soper Memorial Bike Ride on Monday morning. I told him that I’d already spoken with Gary and some teachers about the idea. The consensus had been that it would be disruptive if only some students participated, but if everyone were to ride, we’d be happy to cancel classes in order to participate. So I set the challenge before Will…. and before I arrived at my house, Will had texted me that he’d sufficiently rallied the students and that 100% of our kids would be participating in the bike ride. 24 miles, (35 degrees), uphill headwind on the way home, a deep range of equipment and preparation for the event, and every one of our kids rode! For some who ride a lot, it wasn’t a huge deal, )and it was a great way to get out of school for the day!) But for a significant percentage of our students, it was the longest bike ride (by an exponential margin) that they’d ever attempted. I was, and am, so proud of our students. Thank you to Will for the extraordinary leadership, for all the kids for their willingness to suspend their disbelief and just start pedaling, and an especial shout-out to Teese, Julie, Gary, and Matt Crowe for riding, too!

On Wednesday, all our 10th and 11th graders took the PSAT. Despite being hardly an intellectual break, it did allow those kids to finish their academic day by noon, which meant they had a little reprieve in their week on Wednesday afternoon. 12th graders were given the morning to workshop their college applications, and 9th graders went on a White Mountains field trip with Keenan and Gary. According to one student “it was the most fun I’ve ever had, and I would do it again right now if I could!” Big thanks to Gary and Keenan for the great entertainment (and some education, too!)

It’s turning dark and cold up here in NH, and the weather is going to be challenging for the next week or so, which, although discouraging and kind of a bummer right now, means that – without a doubt – Winter Is Coming!

Thanks for all your support.
Academic Perspective
What a week! Monday, our student council president, Will Bertram, rallied the troops and solidified the participation of the student body for the Clay Soper Memorial Bike ride. Didn’t matter if they had a mountain bike, road bike, or an old broken bike, they peddled fast and hard on rt. 49 to the Owl’s Nest and back up to round out the 25-mile ride. Though the temperature barely got to 32 at the start of the ride and our fingers and feet quickly lost feeling, we all had a great time for a very important cause! 

On Wednesday, the Juniors and Sophomores sat for the PSAT. The Seniors were productive working on their college essays and college process while the Freshmen went on the road for a field trip through the Whites experiencing the wonder and beauty of the natural area that we live, train, and study in. Keenan brought to life the historical, biological, and geological importance of this area that surrounds us. It was a great day with an awesome group of students and thank you Keenan!

We have been going straight out since August without a break and this week gave everyone an opportunity to re-charge, for a couple of days, as we head into the last two weeks of the trimester.

Final preparations are underway to welcome the Winter Term Students who begin classes on November 2nd, which is the first day of our second trimester. The Winter Term Middle School begins their program a little later on November 23rd. At this point we move to the “Winter Term” schedule for all students allowing us to get on snow as the opportunity becomes reality.

It was a great week, time in the classroom with a little time outside to re-charge and now, on towards winter, awesome!

Student Involvement
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Clay Soper Memorial Race on Monday! An awesome support of community shown by all!
The Freshman class went on a Tour of the Whites this week. Gary Benedix is pictured in front of one of NH oldest covered bridges
The folder above will be updates through out the year with updated photos from events, competing, trips, and more! Check back often to see the latest!
WV Season Passes
If you have not already purchased your season pass please call the Season Pass Office and let them know you are purchasing a pass for a WVA student.

Lisa Keating: lkeating@waterville.com
Phone: (603) 236-8311 x 3146

The WVR only pass is $507 for all students

White Mountain Super Pass option (Waterville, Cannon, Cranmore, & Bretton Woods) - more information can be found here!
** Please Check with your coach to find out if you should buy this**

PO BOX 277 Waterville Valley, NH 03215