October 2020
Your monthly news & updates
Stay informed about the latest Ohio DC employer news. Find information on changes at Ohio DC, investment options and resources for your employees.
Q3 2020 Quarterly Newsletter Is Now Available
The latest edition of the Ohio DC Focus newsletter is now available on our website for our participants and employers. Learn more about staying on course for saving for a secure retirement, our expanded eDelivery options and National Retirement Security Month. There is always something new going on in the retirement and savings industries and we work hard to make sure to keep you up to date on what's going on each quarter in the Focus newsletter here.
October is National Retirement Security Month
October 1st marked the beginning of National Retirement Security Month and if you're looking for some ideas or inspiration for how to promote it to you employees, we've got some ideas for you. Check out this link to NAGDCA's website here to learn about some successful National Retirement Security Week campaigns of the past, as well as a link to download this year's logo.
Ohio DC Related Info for Your Employees
Ohio DC can provide monthly information on financial issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month, we would like to provide information that might be helpful to your employees who might have unused sick or vacation time available to invest: Invest Your Unused Sick and Vacation Leave

Download articles on health care in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by contacting us.
Message From the Executive Director
Christina Elliott
Executive Director
Confirm Your Organization's Number of Paychecks
The timing of when your organization distributes paychecks to your staff might cause you to have 27 pay periods this year. Based on IRS guidelines, we need to make sure employees don’t defer too much into their Ohio DC account. If your employees will receive 27 pays this year, Ohio DC staff will be reaching out to you soon, if we identify employees whose annual contributions could exceed the IRS limits.
Ohio DC's mission is to guide your employees to retirement income security. If you'd like to learn more about what we can do to help, visit Ohio457.org or call your local Account Executive or our Service Center at 877.644.6457 to schedule an appointment.