APLA Health is continually expanding our NOLP food pantry to meet the need. We have created partnerships with Wesley Health Centers and AIDS Walk Los Angeles partner Project Angel Food, and opened a new site on July 10! That’s more people we can now help.

“No one should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, but the line between food security and insecurity is razor thin for some people and accessibility to nutritious food is a primary barrier. Our collaboration with partners like Project Angel Food is a giant step forward in making food and nutrition services more accessible to our clients,” says Tonya Hendricks, Program Manager for Vance North Necessities of Life Program.
Sponsors make the fight possible
Imagine your organization’s name and logo appearing at the bottom of these emails... 1.7 million impressions in LA County and around the world! That makes a huge impact, just like participation as an AIDS Walk LA sponsor makes an enormous difference for people living with HIV or at risk of HIV in LA County.

Of course, our sponsors are much more than a logo on a page — we can’t end the epidemic unless companies use their infrastructure to support our community and invest in the work we do.

If you’d like to Get With the Programs as a sponsor of AIDS Walk Los Angeles, get in touch here.
Answering your donation questions

Wondering how to turn in your offline (cash and check) donations this year? It’s easy! For checks, please mail them in and we will enter them into your AIDS Walk account for you (make sure we know your name)! You no longer need to enter offline donations yourself. To turn in cash, please call (213) 201-9255 to make an appointment, as all staff are working from home and someone will need to meet you.

And if you would like to receive your official 2020 AIDS Walk shirt before our Finish Line in September, make sure you call us today! The deadline to raise $100 to get your shirt before September 13 is this Sunday, August 23rd.

Mailing address
Attn: AIDS Walk Los Angeles
611 S Kingsley Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90005

For more information, visit our FAQ page!
AIDS Walk Los Angeles
213.201.9255 (WALK) ·