Antonian College Preparatory High School

Dear Parents of the Antonian Class of 2021,
Although May 2021 seems far off, we begin collecting information related to graduation now! In order to maintain social distancing and minimize the transfer of physical paperwork, we have created the following Google form to be filled out.

Each year, Antonian places an order for the gown packets that are provided to students for graduation. The packet includes a cap with tassel and a gown. The gown is a rental item, and is therefore returned immediately following the graduation ceremony. The student keeps the cap and tassel. To place this order, Antonian needs to obtain the height and weight of each student.

In order to ensure that the student's diploma is printed correctly, we ask parents to please type their child's name exactly as they wish it to appear on the diploma including any spacing and punctuation (accents, tildes, hyphens, etc.). Traditionally, the entire name-first, middle, and last-is printed on the diploma. In some limited cases, the document can serve as a legal identifying document, so no nicknames are to be used. 

Please help us by completing these requests.