July 2019
Thank You Friends!!!
You are amazing! Thank you to all of you who responded to our May letter noting our varied needs. We take our responsibility as good stewards of the funds God provides through all of you to run this ministry and help the many families of Kamonkoli very seriously. We work hard to plan well and not overextend the ministry resources and appreciate the boost during a time that is traditionally a little slower in giving. We were truly touched by how many of you reached out to help. We really want all of you to feel a part of the ministry that God is doing and pray that this is a sign that you really do. Not only are we blessed to serve the Kamonkoli community, we are blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you also for all of the faithful prayers for the ministry and the children many of you sponsor and love. 

Many of you have also been a part of this ministry by visiting us in Uganda. You support our hard working staff and join us in ministry to the community. Teams help teach AWANA and Sunday school and visit the homes of our sponsored children to love on and pray with the families they have been supporting. It’s a beautiful experience to watch a sponsor and their sponsored child meet for the first time. We wish that all of you could have this special experience to meet the kids you support, but we know it is not possible for everyone. 

Pastor Mike preaching at a crusade with Pastor Charles interpreting.

A goat is a very practical gift for a Ugandan

Many teams help small groups of kids with their math and reading skills in our Jumpstart class at Genesis and some come alongside our national teachers to encourage them and help improve their skills. We have volunteers in our clinic and craft center as well, and some hold crusades or seminars. Others have the opportunity to help repair or
rebuild a sponsored family’s home.

Home Visitation
Hanging out at the Children's Home

Handing out backpacks with school supplies and hygiene items at Genesis

Digging a foundation for a new home for Sylvia and her 7 children.
Our visitors are also the witnesses of the work God is doing through HUM. They return home and share with those who cannot go. If you would like to minister with us in Uganda be assured that it is as much of a blessing for you as it is for those you serve (except maybe the actual flight).  Please contact Cindy at homeoffice@hineskids.org if you would like to
bring a team from your church, school, business or family. 
We also enjoy interns that minister with us from 3 weeks to 3 months. Some work in the school, while others in our clinic. Some have helped in our sponsorship program and others in our offices. We can use any skill.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your part in making it all happen. Your love and prayers, visits, encouragement and financial gifts. All make a huge difference as we serve the Lord together.

Save the date -- September 21 & 28
and October 6, 2019
I’m getting so excited to see you all in the U.S. this fall and am hoping that you will join me and some of my special Ugandan friends at our 20 Year Anniversary Celebration. God is working through us and you to reach Kamonkoli for Him. See you all soon!
If you’ve missed our special short stories you can view them at our website, www.hineskids.org , by clicking on “ 20 Year Anniversary ” under Events on our homepage. Stay tuned for more meaningful stories throughout the year as we lead up to the Lakewood, CO celebration on September 21 st . Further celebrations are planned in Montrose, CO on September 28 and in Lancaster, PA on October 6. 
See more and sign up to join us on that same 20 Year Anniversary event page. Consider sponsoring a table or the event to help us defray event costs and help all gifts at the event go to ministry needs. Also consider a special anniversary gift even if you are unable to attend one of our celebrations. 
The next generation of leaders!
Thinking Ahead?

Have you considered Hines Ugandan Ministries in your will and estate planning? Please let us know by indicating on the newsletter coupon when you send it in to us. There are several ways to leave a LEGACY through planned giving with your Life Insurance Policy, Retirement Plans, or a Bequest through your will. For more information, contact Barb at 303-885-7230.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa