October 15, 2020
Treat Folks to Leaf Raking
on Halloween Morning
We’re getting together for some leaf raking Saturday, October 31, from 8:00 to noon. If you have a leaf blower, a rake, and a servant heart, then please join FPC’s Deacons, Boy Scouts, and other volunteers to rake leaves for folks who can use the help. If you need help removing leaves from your yard, please contact the church office at 423-764-7176. For more information, contact Dave Welch at [email protected].
rake and leaves
Cancelled Stamps for Sunday School
We want your cancelled stamps! The stamps you drop into the collection box, now in the church office, support the preparation, publication, and distribution of a Spanish-language Sunday School curriculum through the Alliance Stamp Ministry. More than 50 lesson series provided by this ministry are used by 40 denominations in Latin America, Spain, and the US. As of August, stamps donated by churches had generated a total of $16,000 for this project. That’s less than in previous years, so please continue to bring in your stamps! Remember to leave at least a quarter-inch border around each one. Many thanks! /Peggy Peters
Connect with a Connect Team
We’re developing new resources for church communication, and we ask you to share your time and talents in this vital ministry. Are you interested in helping others in the church stay current and connected? Do you have the skills, gifts, and time to make a quick call once a month to approximately eight members of the church, to see how they are doing and share what’s new at FPC? If so, please let Dave Welch know. Contact him at [email protected] or 423-764-7176.
Home Group Leaders: Check In with Us Tonight
We’re going to have a Zoom meeting tonight, Thursday, October 15, at 7:00 p.m. for all Home Group leaders. It will be an opportunity to check in and check up on how things are going. If you would like to be included, and have not received an email invitation, please contact Dave Welch.
Please Help Us with AV
We need you on our audiovisual team! No experience is necessary. We will train you to control the cameras, modulate the sound, or run the videos and graphics. Just contact the church office to join.
Study the Bible Online
We offer two adult studies on our YouTube channel. The Sunday Bible study, Praying With the Psalms, looks at the Book of Psalms through the lens of prayer. We also post a short study every Wednesday. If you subscribe, you will be notified when new studies become available.
Cheerios for Fairmount School
We are collecting boxes of Multi Grain Cheerios for the students of Fairmount School. Please drop your donations in the little red house in the Fellowship Hallway, or leave them on Dottie Havlik’s porch. You can email Dottie at [email protected] or call her at 423-956-6747.
Highs and Lows
Our new confirmation course kicks off during the Sunday School hour October 18, and we will hear about the sanctuary acoustics situation after the late service. We are eager for everything happening chez FPC this Sunday, and grateful that JB Madison (October 14–17) will have curbed the enthusiasm of our rain-drenched lawn by then. Roger Sikorski (October 21–24) will mow for Dedication Sunday, October 25.
Organist's Footnotes
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637–1707) was a Danish-German organist now considered one of the most important composers of the mid-Baroque in Germany. His organ works represent a central part of the standard organ repertoire and are frequently performed in recitals and church services. He composed in a wide variety of vocal and instrumental idioms, and his style strongly influenced many composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach, his student. At right is the only known portrait of him.

Our prelude, Passacaglia in D minor (BuxWV 161), is generally acknowledged as one of Buxtehude’s most important works, and may have influenced Bach’s Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor (BWV 582). The work is in 3/2 time with a four-bar ostinato pattern. There are four sections exploring a total of three keys. The first section is in D minor (the tonic), the second in F major (the relative major), the third in A minor (the dominant), and the fourth returns to D minor. The sections are connected by short modulatory passages. Each section contains seven variations on the seven-note ostinato. Buxtehude’s lifelong interest in numerology is exhibited in the passacaglia's intricate structure. The numbers 4 and 7 are the foundation of the entire piece. The ostinato pattern is composed of 7 notes in 4 bars, and it appears 28 times (4 × 7 = 28). There are 4 sections, each 28 bars long. The non-thematic bars (three interludes, each 3 bars long, an upbeat bar at the beginning and the last bar for the final chord) add up to 11 (4 + 7 = 11).

Our offertory, “Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort” (BuxWV 185) (“Preserve us, Lord, with your word”), is based on a hymn written by Martin Luther himself in 1541. The text continues, “and control the murderous rage of the Pope and the Turks, who would want to cast down Jesus Christ, your son, from his throne” (!). This exquisitely beautiful chorale prelude belies such sentiments.

Our postlude, Fugue in C major (BuxWV 174), is a delightful little jig that will put a skip in your step as you make your way out the door. Or you can tap your toes as you sit and listen.

You can watch the video of last Sunday’s late service here. /Robert Greene
Gifts to the Church
Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge gifts in memory of:

  • Harriette Massengill: to the Memorial Fund from Agnes Taylor, from Lisa & Michael Palmisano
  • Bob Millard: to the Memorial Fund from Lee & Robin North, from Ernie & Karen Pennington
  • Tony Raccioppo: to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund from an anonymous donor

Pray for One Another
701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |